
unusual facts about Plant-based diet

Matthew Kenney

Matthew Kenney is an American Celebrity Chef, Author, Speaker, Educator and Entrepreneur specializing in plant-based food.

1969 Curaçao uprising

Then, large commercial buildings including a Coca-Cola bottling plant and a Texas Instruments factory were attacked and marchers entered the buildings to halt production.

A. magna

Alberta magna, the Natal flame bush, a plant species endemic to South Africa

Abbeyshrule Aerodrome

The Abbeyshrule assembly plant produces the popular Czech kit planes from Urban Air, called Samba and Lambada.

Alejandro de Humboldt National Park

16 of Cuba's 28 endemic plant species are protected in the park including such fauna as Dracaena cubensis and Podocarpus ekman.


(Note: This concerns the geographical region known as Apacheria. For the plant species Apacheria chiricahuensis, click here.)

C. superbus

Calochortus superbus, the superb mariposa lily, a flowering plant species


The species name valisineria comes from the plant Vallisneria americana, whose winter buds and rhizomes are the Canvasback's preferred food during the nonbreeding period.

Ceanothus roderickii

This endangered plant was first collected in 1956 near Shingle Springs.

Chandrapur Super Thermal Power Station

In the summer of 2010 due to less water in Erai, the plant also got water from Chargaon Dam.

City Solar

City Solar has produced over a dozen power stations including the world's largest photovoltaic power plant located in Beneixama, Spain.

David de Gorter

Later, Linnaeus named the plant genus Gorteria after David de Gorter and his father, the physician Johannes de Gorter.

Deloro, Ontario

In 1915 the company changed its name to Deloro Smelting and Refining Company Limited after Dr. Haynes developed the first commercially produced stellite in the world, which was manufactured at the Deloro plant.

E. J. H. Corner

Among the many plant species named in his honour are Anisophyllea corneri, Calamus corneri, Bulbophyllum corneri, and Platyscapa corneri.

E. palustris

Eleocharis palustris, the common spike-rush, creeping spike-rush or marsh spike-rush, a plant species growing in wetlands throughout the Boreal Kingdom

Economy of Hamilton, Ontario

Bunge is an oilseed processing plant and Canada’s largest canola processor.

EMC Winton-engined switchers

EMC did not have a manufacturing plant ready to build the unit, so it was assembled by Bethlehem Steel of Wilmington, Delaware.

Ford C3 transmission

The Bordeaux Automatic Transmission Plant, in Blanquefort, France (in the Bordeaux metropolitan area) produces automatic transmissions for a variety of rear-wheel drive vehicles.

G. californica

Gutierrezia californica, the San Joaquin snakeweed and California matchweed, a flowering plant species native to California and Baja California

G. macrophyllum

Geum macrophyllum, the largeleaf avens, a flowering plant found In Northern America

G. nana

Grindelia nana, the Idaho gumplant or Idaho gumweed, a flowering plant species

Geranium caespitosum

The Keres use roots crushed into a paste to treat sores, and the whole plant as turkey food.


Do not confuse with Grenadilla (Dalbergia melanoxylon), another plant known by its dark wood, like the ebony wood.

International Grape Genome Program

In the course of their research, the Cooperative Research Centre for Viticulture (CRCV), based at the CSIRO Plant Industry Horticulture Unit in Adelaide, Australia (one of the IGGP collaborating centres) discovered that white grapes only exist today as a result of a rare genetic mutation which took place thousands of years ago.

James L. Reveal

Reveal is a professor emeritus at the University of Maryland, adjunct professor at Cornell University's Department of Plant Biology and honorary curator at the New York Botanical Garden.

Kraft Foods Banbury

In Spring 2010, a truckload of Kenco Coffee was stolen by a driver who conned his way into the plant.

Mars Hill Church

The church recently announced its plans to plant additional churches (likely in 2014) in Tacoma and Phoenix.

Methyl salicylate

The compound methyl salicylate was first isolated (from the plant Gaultheria procumbens) in 1843 by the French chemist Auguste André Thomas Cahours (1813-1891), who identified it as an ester of salicylic acid and methanol.


In contrast, the power plant construction has brought an economic and demographic boom to the nearby town of Levice in the 1980s.

Monardella australis

Monardella australis is a species of flowering plant in the mint family known by the common name southern monardella.

N. alba

Nepenthes alba, a tropical pitcher plant species endemic to Peninsular Malaysia


The main employer in the town is the CIMRG plant which manufactures components for Renault cars and employs some 800 people.

North Western Refrigerator Line

Between 1924 and 1940 the company acquired more than 3,000 used wood refrigerator cars originally built by the American Car and Foundry Company, and leased the former Ringling Brothers Circus railroad car plant in Baraboo, Wisconsin to serve as a car shop.

Offshore Power Systems

When President Jimmy Carter placed a moratorium on nuclear power plant construction, OPS began laying off employees.

Olympic Dam, South Australia

Among the project's new infrastructure requirements were: a desalination plant at Point Lowly (Port Bonython), a rail link to Pimba, a worker accommodation village between Olympic Dam and Andamooka and a barge landing facility near Port Augusta.

Oshawa Truck Assembly

At the time of the announcement, the Oshawa Truck plant was manufacturing the 2008 Silverado, Sierra, Sierra Denali Edition, and Sierra Texas Edition.

P. microphyllus

Philadelphus microphyllus, the littleleaf mock-orange, a plant species native to northern Mexico and the southwestern quadrant of the United States as far north as Wyoming

Paul Christoph Hennings

Borne in Heide, he was attracted early to plant sciences early and as a young man attracted the attention of director Ernst Ferdinand Nolte while a volunteer at the Botanischer Garten der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel.

Physaria globosa

Physaria globosa (syn. Lesquerella globosa), is a species of flowering plant in the mustard family commonly known as globe bladderpod, Short's bladderpod, and Lesquereux's mustard.

Pig Business

Controversy also surrounds the half-owned Smithfield Foods pig sheds near the village of La Gloria, Mexico, where as many as 1,800 villagers living near the plant had already complained of respiratory problems and 400 had been treated before the 2009 swine flu outbreak.


Engineering, Construction and Procurement (EPC) company Clough Curtain Joint Venture (CCJV) was awarded the contract for liquefaction plant and upstream infrastructure work in June 2009 and September 2010 respectively.

Prosperous Bay Plain

In rocky areas the more dominant plant is the introduced Hottentot fig (Carpobrotus edulis).


Small nucleolar RNA R43, a plant non-coding RNA molecule which functions in the modification of other small nuclear RNAs

Škoda 1202

The Škoda 1202 was a family car produced as a station wagon, light panel van and pick-up (Utility) by Czechoslovakian automaker AZNP at their subsidiary plant in Vrchlabí.

SNCF Class Y 9000

Socofer will refurbish 22 full locomotives at its Tours plant, and will deliver 178 kits to SNCF's Sotteville-Quatre-Mares workshops.

Stachytarpheta mutabilis

The butterflies Ornithoptera priamus poseidon and Papilio ulysses have been observed foraging on the plant, as has the bee Amegilla sapiens.

Theretra silhetensis

Larvae have been recorded feeding on Colocasia antiquorum and Ludwigia species in southern China, Colocasia esculenta in Japan, Ludwigia repens and Boerhavia species in India and numerous other hostplants from elsewhere, including Arum, Caladium, Pistia, Kochia, Ipomoea, Boerhavia, Ludwigia, Rosa and Trapa species.


Operations started on the plant in Hamm-Uentrop, Germany in 1983, and it was shut down September 1, 1989.

Tulsi chaura

Tulasī or Holy Basil is an aromatic plant in the family Lamiaceae which is native throughout the Old World tropics and widespread as a cultivated plant and an escaped weed.

Workshop for All Beings

The organization conducted projects on preservation of the Wapienica Valley in Bielsko-Biała, they protested against building a coke plant just by the Polish border in Stonava in the Czech Republic, against building of a nuclear power plant in Żarnowiec as well as against deforestation of Bielsko-Biała.

Zanthoxylum psammophilum

The type specimen for the plant was collected in the ecotone between the lowland Eastern Guinean forests (tropical rainforest) and the inland Guinean forest-savanna mosaic in the Lagunes region.

see also

Caldwell Esselstyn

After undergoing cardiac surgery in 2010, former American president Bill Clinton adopted the plant-based diet recommended by Dean Ornish, T. Colin Campbell, and Esselstyn.

T. Colin Campbell

In 2010 after cardiac surgery, former U.S. president Bill Clinton mostly adopted the plant-based diet recommended by Campbell, Caldwell Esselstyn and Dean Ornish.