
unusual facts about Plants and Animals

Plants and Animals

The song was featured on season three episode 13 of the TV show Chuck.

Mile End, Montreal

Mile End since the 1980s has been known for its culture as an artistic neighbourhood, home to artists, musicians, writers, and filmmakers such as Arcade Fire, Adam Gollner, Bran Van 3000, Grimes, Sean Michaels and Plants and Animals, etc.

Sunparlour Players

Extensive touring has taken place since the release of Wave North, including gigs with Mumford & Sons, Blue Rodeo and Plants and Animals, as well as their own headlining schedule of shows in barns, backyards, theatres, and clubs.

see also

Adolphe Delessert

During the course of five years that began on 24 April 1834, he collected several new species of plants and animals including the Wynaad Laughingthrush which he collected on the slopes of the Nilgiris and was named by Thomas C. Jerdon as Garrulax delesserti in his honour.

Arizona Mountains forests

Pollution and reduction of rivers are threatening specific plants and animals including Fremont cottonwood (Populus fremontii) and Goodding's willow (Salix gooddingii), the threatened Gila trout (Oncorhynchus gilae), the endangered Southwestern Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus).

Batesian mimicry

Wickler, W. (1968) Mimicry in Plants and Animals (Translated from the German) McGraw-Hill, New York.

Bodmin manumissions

Some 961 Cornish words are recorded, ranging from celestial bodies, through church and craft occupations, to plants and animals.

Charles McKay

McKay collected a number of plants and animals for Baird, including a pair of a new species of bird which were named McKay's Bunting in his honour.

David Johns

During these years, she taught him how to respect and care for the land, plants and animals who enable the Navajo to live, and told him many of the stories that explain how the Navajo came to be and where his parents clans originated.

Figure Eight Island

In 2001 and 2002, the homeowners' association commissioned a survey of endangered plants and animals on the island, some of the animals of special interest were piping plovers, sea turtles, sea beach amaranth, and marine mammals.

Frans Lanting

A 2005 exhibit in the Field Museum of Natural History entitled Jungles focused on the plants and animals of the rainforest.

Giovanni Battista de Toni

As a naturalist/historian, he published a work on Leonardo da Vinci, titled Le piante e gli animali in Leonardo da Vinci (The plants and animals in (the works of) Leonardo da Vinci).

Greater Blue Mountains Area

This is the story of the evolution of Australia's unique eucalypt vegetation and its associated communities, plants and animals.

J. T. Gulick

In 1853, after reading Charles Darwin's Voyage of the Beagle and Hugh Miller's The Footprints of the Creator, Gulick presented his paper, "The Distribution of Plants and Animals", to the Punahou School Debating Society.

Kangaroo industry

To this end the University of New South Wales has implemented a major new project aimed at encouraging the development of farm enterprises based on using native plants and animals and specifically kangaroos.

Kurdish calendar

In the early Neolithic (sometimes called the Mesolithic) period, evidence of significant shifts in tool making, settlement patterns, and subsistence living including nascent domestication of both plants and animals, which comes from such important Kurdish sites as Asiab (Asíyaw), Guran, Ganj-e Dareh (Genjí Dara), and Ali Khosh (Elí xosh).

Lovejoy's islands

A good example of a natural Lovejoy island is the Sky Islands of Arizona and Sonora, high elevation oases of northern plants and animals above the deserts.

Margaret McJannett

- Endangered plants and animals in the ACT, Ian Fraser and Margaret McJannett, Conservation Council of the South-East Region and Canberra, Canberra, 1996.

Mount Worth State Park

The wet, mountain rainforest of Mountain Ash (with at least one specimen 90 metres tall, 7 metres wide and approaching 300 years old), Blackwood and Mountain Grey Gum supports a wide variety of plants and animals, such as the tree ferns, wombat, possum, platypus, Crimson Rosella, lyrebird and many others.

Oatley Bay

It also has the largest number of plants and animals in the Municipality of Kogarah protected in its reserves/parks, which include: Poulton Park, Redin Place Reserve, Oatley Point Reserve, Oatley Pleasure Grounds and Moore Reserve.


Its describer, Joseph Leidy, erroneously thought that Palaeosyops consumed both plants and animals after examining the fang-like canines.

Pow Burn

Plants and animals been sighted at the Pow include sea otters, red admiral, rare dragonflys and songbirds such as thrush and nightingale.

Prehistoric technology

Domestication of plants and animals with early stages in the Old World (Afro-Eurasia) Mesolithic and New World (American continent) Archaic periods led to significant changes and reliance on agriculture in the Old World Neolithic and New World Formative stage.

Proto-Algonquian language

The initial theory, first put forth by Frank T. Siebert, Jr. in 1967 based on examining of the ranges of numerous species of plants and animals for which reliable Algonquian cognates existed, holds that Proto-Algonquian was spoken between Georgian Bay and Lake Ontario, in Ontario, Canada, and at least as far south as Niagara Falls.

Spruce Woods Provincial Park

The sandhills are home to many unique plants and animals; including some cacti and hognose snakes.

Sten Bergman

The book also includes his observations of interesting plants and animals, including the tree kangaroos, forest turkeys, flame-coloured lianas, Bauhinia and flying beetles.

Thomas E. Levy

Levy is a field archaeologist with interests in the role of technology, especially early mining and metallurgy, on social evolution from the beginnings of sedentism and the domestication of plants and animals in the Pre-Pottery Neolithic period (7500 BCE) to the rise of the first historic Levantine state-level societies in the Iron Age (1200 – 500 BCE).

Trosley Country Park

After the park was formed, these grasslands were cleared of scrub to allow the rare chalk land plants and animals to re-establish including the Musk Orchid, and Chalkhill Blue butterfly.

U.S. Route 48

There are over 50 species of plants and animals that are protected under the Endangered Species Act and more than 150 native trout streams, thousands of acres of wetlands and high mountain bogs, areas of karst terrain, abandoned coal mines and numerous recreational facilities within the Corridor H study area.

Wandle Meadow Nature Park

Wetland plants and animals include small sweet-grass, eared willow and broad-bodied chaser dragonflies.

Willem Piso

According to reports in the book, besides studying tropical diseases and indigenous therapies (including the use of Ipecacuanha-root and leaves of the Jaborandi), Piso collected plants and animals in Brazil.