
unusual facts about Prefect

The Forest House

However, before her calling, she hears the voice of her heart, and during the magic night of Beltaine, conceives a son with Roman officer Gaius Macellius, son of the high-ranking Camp Prefect at nearby Deva.

Agostino Ciasca

In 1891 he was created Titular Archbishop of Larissa with the appointment to the office of prefect of the Vatican Archives; in the same year he was sent by the Holy See to preside over the Ruthenian synod at Lemberg.

Alessandro Barnabò

As Prefect, Barnabò was responsible for arranging a meeting between Pope Pius IX and Isaac Hecker.


After the Batavi regiments were withdrawn from Britain to Italy in 66, Civilis and his brother (also a prefect) were arrested by the governor of Germania Inferior on a fabricated accusation of sedition.


Its prefecture was in Lleida and its subprefectures were Tortosa, Cervera and Tarragona and its only prefect was Alban de Villeneuve-Bargemont, who had previously been auditor to the Council of State and sub prefect of Zierickzée (a subprefecture of the department of Bouches-de-l'Escaut).

Cabra, Spain

Apollo also possessed a temple dedicated to him as well as an important aqueduct of 5 miles, constructed for Marco Cornelio Novano Bebio Balbo, flamen provincial and Prefect romano of the college of the engineers of Igabrum.


Marcus Aurelius Cleander (fl. 2nd century), Roman freedman from Phrygia, favourite and praetorian prefect of Emperor Commodus


The department hit the head-lines at the end of the twentieth century with the assassination at Ajaccio of the prefect Claude Érignac on 6 February 1998.

Dignitatis Humanae Institute

To mark the close of the conference was the annual dinner, with the guest of honour Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke, prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, who delivered the keynote address.

Domenico Jacobini

He was also named prefect of studies of the Pontifical Roman Athenaeum "S. Apollinare" two days later, on November 18.

Dugu Sun

Zhu agreed, and initially a large number of them were demoted and exiled—in Dugu's case, to be the prefect of Di Prefecture (棣州, in modern Binzhou, Shandong), and then to be the census officer of Qiong Prefecture (瓊州, in modern Ding'an, Hainan).

Giovanni Matteo Konings

In 1926 he was appointed Prefect of the then Mission "Sui Iuris" of Bulawayo.

Hiram Bingham III

On his way home via Peru, a local prefect convinced him to visit the pre-Columbian city of Choquequirao.

James M. Jasper

Graduating in 1975 from Saint James School, where he was elected Senior Prefect, Jasper attended Harvard College.

Joseph Francis Thrupp

He was educated at Winchester College under George Moberly from 1840 to 1845, becoming head prefect, and at Trinity College, Cambridge.

Juan N. Méndez

In 1858 he was made treasurer of the State of Puebla and prefect of the Department of Zacatlán.

Kowit Wattana

Kowit Wattana's father was a teacher and prefect of the Phak Hai District.

Laurence Sheil

Prompted by these events, a group of Catholic laymen wrote to Cardinal Alessandro Barnabò, Prefect of the Congregation of the Propagation of the Faith in Rome.

Leopoldo Fernández

A member of Social and Democratic Power (PODEMOS) Fernández was Prefect (Governor) of the northern Bolivian department of Pando from 2006 to 2008.

Luis Concha Córdoba

He was named a monastery chaplain, the prefect of studies and a professor at the seminary of Bogotá, and a professor of religion at Gimnasio Moderno and again at Our Lady of the Rosary University in 1921.

Magnus Felix Ennodius

He was one of four fifth to sixth-century Gallo-Roman aristocrats whose letters survive in quantity: the others are Sidonius Apollinaris, prefect of Rome in 468 and bishop of Clermont (died 485), Ruricius bishop of Limoges (died 507) and Alcimus Ecdicius Avitus, bishop of Vienne (died 518).

Margaret Hasluck

Attended by the prefect of the Elbasan District, Shefqet Deliallisi, the Mayor of Elbasan Qazim Sejdini and Her Excellency Fiona McIlwham, British Ambassador to Albania among many guests, the ceremony was also attended by several members of Margaret's Hardie Family.

Mian Muhammad Aslam

Earlier to law degree he also did his masters in English from Islamia College Civil Lines, while studying in college he was chief prefect and was made chairman of the advisory council of the college.

Miroslav Bulešić

He was declared beatified on 28 September 2013 in Istra, Croatia, by Cardinal Angelo Amato SDB, prefect of Congregation for the causes of the Saints.

Osborne Ladies' College

Junior girls of the school were known as "Middies" from the term Midshipman, with prefects being addressed as Lieutenants, and the head girl being addressed as Lieutenant Commander.

Ostrogothic Papacy

While Simplicius still lived, the praetorian prefect, Caecina Decius Maximus Basilius, called together the Roman Senate, Roman clergy, and the leading local bishops in the Imperial Mausoleum.


Like him, he was a subordinate official of the urban prefect, also known as the Eparch of Constantinople; in Philotheos's Klētorologion of 899, he is indeed shown as being of relatively lowly rank.


Tigidius Perennis (died 185), a prefect of the Roman imperial bodyguard, known as the Praetorian Guard, during the reigns of the emperors Marcus Aurelius and Commodus

Peter Barsymes

In 543, he succeeded Theodotus as praetorian prefect of the East, a post he held until 546.

Plan Progress for Bolivia – National Convergence

In the 2009 election, its presidential candidate was Manfred Reyes Villa, former head of the New Republican Force, and former prefect of Cochabamba Department and former mayor of Cochabamba.

Politics of Croatia

The county prefects, city and municipal mayors are elected to four-year terms by a majority of votes cast within applicable local government units.

Poul Christian Stemann

Between 1798 and 1827, he was amtman (prefect) of Sorø and showed himself a very industrious, masterful and active local official who attracted the attention of King Frederick VI.

Prefecture Apostolic of Upper Kassai

The residence of the prefect Apostolic was the mission of St. Joseph de Luluabourg, situated a few miles to the south of the station of the Belgian colony of Luluabourg (now Kananga), in the district of Lualaba-Kassai, the chief town of which was Lusambo, residence of the district commissioner.


Caelius Aconius Probianus (fl. 461–471), a praetorian prefect and consul

Raffaello Maffei

He was nuncio to France and, later, prefect of the building of St. Peter's (1507), regent of the penitentiaries, and Bishop, first, of Aquino (1516) and then of Cavaillon, he died on 23 June 1537.

Roman Catholic Diocese of Niigata

Our Lady of Akita was formally approved in 1988 when Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (later Pope Benedict XVI) as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, gave definitive judgement on the Akita events and messages as reliable and worthy of belief.

Roman Catholic Territorial Prelature of Mission de France

18 January 1954: cardinal Pizzardo, prefect of the Congrégation des Séminaires, notified the Lille diocese that the Mission de France seminary was to be closed and replaced by an "institute for missionary training" which would prepare priests to be sent to dechristianised regions.

Satyrus of Milan

Appointed prefect to one of the Roman provinces, he resigned his post when Ambrose became Archbishop of Milan in order to assume administration of the secular affairs of the archdiocese.

Sebastián Ágreda

Indeed, he became an elder statesman of sorts, serving as ambassador abroad and member of the Cabinet under José Ballivián, and Prefect of La Paz and Chuquisaca in his latter years (chiefly in the administrations of Jorge Córdova and José María Achá).

Sergio Pagano

Sergio Pagano B (born 6 November 1948 in Genoa) is a Roman Catholic bishop and the Prefect of the Vatican Secret Archives.

Social Democrat Movement

The launch was hosted by Savina Cuéllar, the former prefect of Chuquisaca Department, who is currently under house arrest facing charges for the May 24, 2008 violence in Sucre.

The Iron Hand of Mars

Out of leads, Falco finally tries to make enquiries with the camp prefect of the 14th Legion, but accidentally lets it slip that he was part of the infamous 2nd Augusta.

Wang Dingliu

When the Liangshan outlaws attack Dongping Prefecture, they send Wang Dingliu and Yu Baosi as envoys to announce their attack to the prefect.

Yu Baosi

When the outlaws attack Dongping Prefecture, they send Yu Baosi and Wang Dingliu as envoys to announce the attack to the prefect.

Yuan Zhen

Meanwhile, sometime thereafter, Yuan was made the military advisor to the prefect of Tong Prefecture (通州, in modern Nantong, Jiangsu), while Bai was made the military governor of Jiang Prefecture (江州, in modern Nanchang, Jiangxi).

Yvan Colonna

On the 6th of February 1998 at 9:05 pm, the prefect of Corsica, Claude Érignac, was assassinated as he exited a theatre onto rue Colonna-d'Ornano in Ajaccio.

Zanobi Acciaioli

He learned Greek and Hebrew towards the latter part of his life, and was appointed in 1518 prefect of the Vatican Library.

Zhong Kuangshi

Meanwhile, Zhong Chuan's adoptive son Zhong Yangui (鍾延規), who served as the prefect of Jiang Prefecture (江州, in modern Jiujiang, Jiangxi), was angry that he could not succeed Zhong Chuan, and therefore send emissaries to submit to Yang Wo the military governor of Huainan Circuit.

Zhu Qinming

Emperor Ruizong demoted Zhu to be the prefect of Rao Prefecture (饒州, roughly modern Shangrao, Jiangxi).

see also