
unusual facts about Probe

2003 ricin letters

The focus of the probe by the FBI, U.S. Postal Inspection Service (USPIS) and the Department of Transportation's Office of Inspector General fell instantly upon the individual calling him/herself Fallen Angel in the two letters.

Alfred E. Steele

Steele was arrested by the FBI on September 6, 2007 in a Federal corruption probe that also included the arrests of Assemblyman and Orange mayor Mims Hackett and Passaic Mayor Samuel Rivera.

Andromeda Galaxy

Discovered through a data collected by the ESA's XMM-Newton probe, and subsequently observed by NASA's Swift and Chandra, the Very Large Array, and the Very Long Baseline Array, the microquasar was the first observed within the Andromeda Galaxy and the first outside of the Milky Way Galaxy.

Anthony W. England

England helped develop and use radars to probe the Moon on Apollo 17 and glaciers in Washington and Alaska.

Atom Araullo

During his childhood years, Atom was part of Probe Productions's 5 and Up.

Beyond Einstein program

The science of the Dark Energy Probe was folded into the WFIRST mission upon recommendation by a National Research Council committee in 2010.

Chang'e 1

The probe was remotely controlled from stations at Qingdao and Kashgar, as the first use of the Chinese Deep Space Network.

The ESA Maspalomas Tracking Station was also used to transmit signals to and from the probe.

Cheche Lazaro

Lazaro soon left her position in ABS-CBN in 1988 to create her own production company, Probe Productions, with the help of fellow journalists, Luchi Cruz-Valdez and Maria Ressa.

Cooperstown cocktail

The drugs and the enzymes they probe are as follows - caffeine (probes CYP1A2, N-acetyltransferase 2, xanthine oxidase), midazolam (probes CYP3A), omeprazole (probes CYP2C19) and dextromethorphan (probes CYP2D6).


Jack White has been known to use a Copperphone connected to a Zvex Tremolo Probe while onstage with The Raconteurs.

Core rope memory

Core rope memory is a form of read-only memory (ROM) for computers, first used in the 1960s by early NASA Mars probes and then in the Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) designed and programmed by the MIT Instrumentation Lab and built by Raytheon.

Cornell NanoScale Science and Technology Facility

It also contains characterization equipment including scanning electron microscopes, ellipsometers and probe stations for electrical measurement.

Danny Dunn, Invisible Boy

Prof. Bullfinch is able to use this altered material to create ISIT (the Invisibility Simulator with Intromittent Transmission), a dragonfly-like probe which could be piloted with a Telepresence helmet and gauntlet gloves.

David Spergel

shared the 2010 Shaw Prize in astronomy with Charles L. Bennett and Lyman A. Page,Jr. for their work on WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe).

Dessie O'Hare

However, investigations have not been ruled out by the Historical Enquiries Team, which has been assigned to probe all unsolved killings during the Troubles.

Eugene F. Lally

Lally published initial papers with spacecraft designs to explore the Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, comets, asteroids, solar system escape probe, earth satellites including Direct TV.

Frank McDonald

Frank B. McDonald (1925–2012), astrophysicist and creator of the Voyager probe


Desiccation, in which electrical energy kills tissue near the probe tip by heating it past the temperature at which cells can survive.

Jack O'Brian

The House probe, led by Congressional investigator Richard N. Goodwin, resulted in the dramatic admission by the man who had defeated Herb Stempel on Twenty-One, Charles Van Doren, that the program was fixed.

Jeffrey Collier

After two Daytona poles, a NASCAR Dash Series record and a World record, the Ford Probe driven by Collier was retired from competition.

John Wisniewski

In his role as Chairman of the Assembly Transportation Committee, Assemblyman Wisniewski led a fact finding probe into the state's E-ZPass system.

Karl Rove in the George W. Bush administration

On July 30, 2008, a U.S. Congressional panel voted 20-14 to hold Rove in Contempt of Congress for defying a subpoena to testify in its probe into suspected political interference at the Justice Department.

Langmuir probe

A Langmuir probe is a device named after Nobel Prize winning physicist Irving Langmuir, used to determine the electron temperature, electron density, and electric potential of a plasma.

Low-energy transfer

Edward Belbruno and James Miller of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory had heard of the failure, and helped to salvage the mission by developing a ballistic capture trajectory that would enable the main Hiten probe to itself enter lunar orbit.

Mallikarjun Bande

Opposition party led by Jagadish Shettar demanded for Central Bureau of Investigation probe into this matter.Victim's wife along with huge section of public staged protests for CBI probe,however Government of Karnataka ordered for Criminal Investigation Department Karnataka to conduct a detailed probe and report the same to government.

Mims Hackett

Hackett was arrested by the FBI on September 6, 2007 in a Federal corruption probe that also included the arrests of Assemblymen Alfred E. Steele and Passaic Mayor Samuel Rivera.

National Action Network

Recently, many donors to the National Action Network have been subpoenaed as part of the probe, including Anheuser-Busch.

November 2008 in science

The Phoenix Mars mission ends as the probe stops communicating with Earth.

Opus the Penguin

A misdirected Mars probe happened to give him the means to return to Bloom County, where he set about looking for his old friends.


PENTTBOM is the codename for the Federal Bureau of Investigation's probe into the September 11 attacks of 2001, the largest criminal inquiry in United States history.

Personal software process

The PSP uses the PROxy-Based Estimation (PROBE) method to improve a developer’s estimating skills for more accurate project planning.

Politics of Hamilton, Ontario

John Munro, a Trudeau-era Liberal cabinet minister and husband of Lily Munro, was the subject of political innuendo and criminal allegations dismissed after an Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) probe.

Probe 16

The M-505 Adams Brothers Probe 16 was a car, designed by former Marcos cars designers Dennis and Peter Adams, (Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire England) in 1969 as 'an investigation into extremes of styling'.

Salvatore DiMasi

According to the Boston Globe "DiMasi and three of his close friends and associates are the subjects of the Ethics Commission probe and other investigations relating to large payments the associates received from Cognos ULC..." an IBM owned company based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, with a United States headquarters in Burlington, Massachusetts.

Sariska Tiger Reserve

Soon the Rajasthan Forest Department and the Project Tiger Directorate declared an "emergency tiger census" in Sariska and the Central Bureau of Investigation, India's premier intelligence agency, conducted a probe.

Sean Slemon

In 2005, he filled the internal space of the Premises Gallery at the Civic Theatre in Braamfontein with two-and-a-half tons of carpet layers, a work called "Uplift:The Mountain Premises." "By entirely occupying a space with an artwork, an act that must have caused a certain degree of inaccessibility and inconvenience, Slemon sought to probe the manner in which we attempt to control the personal and public spaces that we occupy." -Jackie McInnes, SA Art Times, Issue 8, August 2006

Sekesai Makwavarara

During her tenure of service for the Mabvuku city council she served under deputy mayor Elias Mudzuri until she was appointed as acting mayor following the forced deposition of Mudzuri by the national government.After the MDC party launched a probe which identified her as being corrupt she rejoined the ZANU-PF.

SS7 probe

The probe passively monitors the E1/T1 or SDH/SONET bearers, and extracts the signalling information for onward presentation to a network application.

Streptococcus mitis

It has been widely reported that this organism survived for over two years on the Surveyor 3 probe on the moon; but some NASA scientists suggest this may be a result of contamination during or after return of Surveyor parts to Earth, as the person assembling the camera may have sneezed.

Supremacy: Your Will Be Done

Supremacy: Your Will Be Done, released as Overlord in the US, is a strategy video game designed by David Perry & Nick Bruty and produced by Probe Software.

The Ambassadors of Death

With the United Nations Intelligence Taskforce providing security, the British space programme under Professor Ralph Cornish oversees the launch of the Recovery Seven probe.

The Computer Museum, Boston

Possibly the first-ever digital image was acquired from Jet Propulsion Labs, consisting of hand-assembled colored strips of line-printer output from the Mariner 4 Mars probe (1965).

Vladimir Kotelnikov

In 1961, he oversaw one of the first efforts to probe the planet Venus with radar.

Whitman Knapp

The probe was sparked by revelations from two police officers, Patrolman Frank Serpico, and Sergeant David Durk.

William Lorenz

Lorenz is credited, along with William Bleckwenn, with developing the technique of sodium amytal-mediated disinhibition ("narcosynthesis" or "narcoanalysis"), which allowed psychiatrists to probe the minds of psychotic patients for diagnostic information.

see also