
unusual facts about Punishment


In Callimachus' "Hymn to Apollo" (48) Apollo tends Admetus' herds by the Amphryssos during his punishment for killing the Cyclopes.

Argonaut Mine

It was determined that the mine had violated safety regulations, but the owners escaped punishment, as the United States Bureau of Mines had little enforcement power.

Atwater v. Lago Vista

Atwater and her husband, Michael Haas, an emergency room physician at a local hospital, filed suit under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 with Charles Lincoln being the lawyer who launched the case, alleging that the city violated her Fourth Amendment right to be free from unreasonable seizures by arresting her for a crime whose only punishment was a fine.

Banglar Nayok

And her adolescent 'Rokeya' (Shabana) promises with him these killers take most punishment venture.

Billy Graziadei

In December 2005, Graziadei and Evan Seinfeld performed Biohazard's "Punishment" with Dino Cazares of Fear Factory, Andreas Kisser of Sepultura, Adam Duce of Machine Head and Joey Jordison of Slipknot.

Billy Ward and his Dominoes

Article 15 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice gives a unit commander authority to mete a certain amount of punishment to troops under his or her command without going through a court-martial, which includes fines (partial forfeiture of pay).


The village belonged to several families (Borkowski, Tarło, Lubomirski, Sanguszko, Potocki), and in 1826 it was owned by Adam Jerzy Czartoryski, whose properties were confiscated by the Russians as a punishment for November Uprising.

Brad Bellick

Due to his belief that punishment is the primary purpose of prison and not rehabilitation, he and Warden Henry Pope (played by Stacy Keach) do not always agree on several issues.

Captain's daughter

The Cat o' nine tails, a multi-tailed instrument of corporal punishment; compare gunner's daughter

Charroux Abbey

Excommunication was established as the punishment for attacking or robbing a church, for robbing peasants or the poor of farm animals, and for robbing, striking or seizing a priest or clergyman who was not bearing arms.

Collaboration horizontale

In Hiroshima mon amour, the (unnamed) female protagonist is revealed to have been shaven as punishment for collaboration horizontale.

Criminal punishment in Edo-period Japan

For crimes requiring moderate punishment, convicts could be sent to work at labor camps such as the one on Ishikawa-jima in Edo Bay.

Dimitris Liantinis

Although individual myths, like that of Sisyphus who was condemned to eternal punishment in the realms of Hades, did exist, they were largely exceptions to the rule and never developed into a proper system of beliefs about life after death.

Edwin Ray Guthrie

Guthrie also had theories as to how punishment worked that were at odds with the likes of Thorndike and other learning theorists of his own time.

Eloy de la Iglesia

El diputado (Confessions of a Congressman) (1979), follows the story of a politician who is blackmailed due to his secret homosexuality and El sacerdote (The Priest ), also released in 1979, deals with a conservative catholic priest whose sexual obsessions leads him to self-punishment.

Gaspar Méndez de Haro, 7th Marquis of Carpio

As a punishment, he was sent to Portugal to fight the insurgents, where he was made prisoner after the defeat at Montes Claros.

God's utility function

Dawkins first recounts a famous religious dilemma experienced by Charles Darwin, "I cannot persuade myself that a beneficent and omnipotent God would have designedly created the Ichneumonidae with the express intention of their feeding within the living bodies of Caterpillars." We ask why a caterpillar should suffer such cruel punishment.

Governmental theory of atonement

The satisfaction view argues that Christ made satisfaction to the Father for the sins of humanity by His sacrifice on the Cross, penal substitution theory argues that Jesus received the full and actual punishment due to men and women, while the Christus Victor view emphasises the liberation of humanity from the bondage of sin, death, and the Devil.

Harlem 1

Jester I Unit, a punishment facility in Texas and originally named Harlem 1 Unit

Heze school

Shenhui and others were recalled to help with rebuilding the capitol, and Shenhui successfully raised money for the government, which in turn reversed the exile punishment and allowed Shenhui to setup a monastery at Luoyang.

Hiwi al-Balkhi

He also protests against God's dealings with the houses of Baasha and Jehu, who are supposed to have provoked punishment from Heaven, the latter for his shedding the blood of Jezreel (Hos. i. 4) and the former for his having exterminated the house of Jeroboam (I Ki. xvi. 7), whilst according to other prophecies they were in so doing only fulfilling a commandment of God (I Ki. xvi. 14, and 2 Ki. x. 30).

International Association of Genocide Scholars

Charny, Helen Fein (who also served as its first president), Robert Melson, and Roger Smith, meets to consider comparative research, important new work, case studies, the links between genocide and other human rights violations, and prevention and punishment of genocide.

Itmam al-hujjah

According to Ghamidi, another verse reiterates and also deals with the punishment of Jews and Christians, who as monotheists are not threatened with death but merely subjugated to the status of dhimmis:.

Jamie Raeburn

Jamie Raeburn is reputed to have been a baker in Glasgow before being sentenced for petty theft, although he was allegedly innocent, and then sent out to the colonies as punishment.

Joseph Childs

Hazzard, Margaret, Punishment Short of Death: a history of the penal settlement at Norfolk Island, Melbourne, Hyland, 1984.

Karakuwa, Miyagi

During the Meiji Restoration, it was taken from the Date clan as punishment for their involvement and given to the Takasaki Clan to administer, becoming part of Motoyoshi District in 1868, then becoming part of several short-lived prefectures before finally becoming part of Miyagi Prefecture on April 18, 1876.

Kotomitsuki Keiji

On September 13, Kotomitsuki filed an injunction with the Tokyo District Court seeking his re-instatement to sumo, arguing that he had not been given a full explanation for his dismissal and that he was made an unfair example by the Sumo Association in comparison with the lighter punishment given to all the other wrestlers who admitted gambling (a one-tournament suspension).

Mena High School

Feeling the punishment was excessive, the students took legal action, and the case was eventually heard by the Supreme Court of the United States, which ruled that school boards have a responsibility to assure that the constitutional rights of students are upheld.

Michael Stinziano

Stinziano has introduced a Caylee's Law proposal in Ohio, which would carry a felony punishment if a child death was not reported to law enforcement within an hour, or in the case of a missing child, within 24 hours.

Mormonism and violence

LDS Church leaders taught the concept of blood atonement well into the 20th century within the context of government-sanctioned capital punishment, and it was responsible for laws in the state of Utah allowing for execution by firing squad (Salt Lake Tribune, 11/5/94, p. D1).

Nabarun Bhattacharya

Anubis, the ancient Egyptian deity guarding the gate between life and death, also comes to facilitate in a mass, almost biblical exodus of the dogs from the city of sin, that is, Kolkata, which is about to experience a massive earthquake as a part of the cosmic punishment.

Pancuronium bromide

In September 2007, the US Supreme Court agreed to hear their first case of whether or not the use of lethal injection does in fact violate the US Constitution's Eighth Amendment's ban on cruel and unusual punishment.

Prisoner of the Judoon

The Judoon seek out and arrest Androvax; Captain Tybo commandeers a London Metropolitan Police vehicle and aggressively enforces English car stereo volume limits (threatening a human violator with deadly force); and he and his colleagues summarily sentence Clyde and Rani to restriction to Earth as punishment for their interference.

Prizrenska Bistrica

A famous legend tells that the river changed its course in order to flow over the tomb of the Sinan Pasha, as punishment by God because he used the marble from the Saint Archangels Monastery in order to build his mosque in Prizren.

Protection of Diplomats Convention

B. Green, "Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes Against Diplomatic Agents and Other Internationally Protected Persons: An Analysis", Virginia Journal of International Law, vol.

Rise of nationalism in Europe

The Polish attempts to win independence from Russia had previously proved to be unsuccessful, with Poland being the only country in Europe whose autonomy was gradually limited rather than expanded throughout the 19th century, as a punishment for the failed uprisings; in 1831 Poland lost its status as a formally independent state and was merged into Russia as a real union country and in 1867 she became nothing more than just another Russian province.

Robin Lovitt

It would have been the 1000th execution in the United States since the Supreme Court ruled in Gregg v. Georgia that new capital punishment laws were constitutionally permissible in 1976.

Roger de Rabutin, Comte de Bussy

In 1641 he was sent to the Bastille by Richelieu for some months as a punishment for neglect of his duties in his pursuit of gallantry.


On 13 February 2008, then-mayor Gérard Lalanne issued a municipal order forbidding death within the commune's jurisdiction, threatening severe punishment for offenders.

Sebastián de Belalcázar

According to various sources, he may have left for the New World with Christopher Columbus as early as 1498, but Juan de Castellanos wrote that he killed a mule in 1507, and fled to Spain for the West Indies due to fear of punishment, and as a chance to escape the poverty in which he lived.

Seo Hui

According to the story, after Xiao captured Pongsan county in 993 and forced Goryeo's forces to retreat behind the Taedong River, he wrote to demand Goryeo's surrender: "Our great country is about to unify land on all four directions" and to justify the expedition by charging: "your country does not take care of the people's needs, we solemnly execute heaven's punishment on its behalf".

The Adulterous Woman

The title of the story is taken from John 8:3-11 - The Adulterous Woman, in which a mob brings an adulteress before Jesus for judgment, the usual punishment for adultery being death by stoning.

The House of Clocks

Allmovie called the film "a credible addition to the director's oeuvre – sometimes reminiscent of Dolls or Pete Walker's creepy punishment gothics (Frightmare, House of Whipcord, etc.) – and fans should give it a look".

Thomas Clyde Bowling Jr.

In 2004 Bowling sued the Kentucky State Department of Corrections along with fellow inmate Ralph Baze on the grounds that execution by lethal injection constitutes cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution.

Tjerita Si Tjonat

He contrasts this with a discussion written by Tirto Adhi Soerjo regarding the cultural roles in the Indies, in which individuals had to wear clothing in accordance to their ethnic identity, for which failure to abide meant punishment at the hands of police.

Toi Derricotte

During her years at Detroit's Girls Catholic Central High School, Derricotte recounts a religious education that she felt was steeped in images of death and punishment, a Catholicism that, according to the poet, morbidly paraded "the crucifixion, saints, martyrs in the Old Testament and the prayers of the Mass."

Transitional Bulgarian dialects

They also cross the border to include the dialects or subdialects of the Bulgarian minority in the Western Outlands (the regions of Tsaribrod and Bosilegrad), Bulgarian territories transferred to Serbia by the Treaty of Neuilly as punishment for Bulgarian participation in World War I on the side of the Central Powers.

When She Woke

When She Woke is a reimagining of Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter, set in a future dystopian and theocratic America where rather than imprisonment and rehabilitation, punishment for a crime consists of being "chromed" - having the skin color genetically altered based on the crime they committed - and released into the general population.

Yitzchak Ginsburgh

During the trial of seven of his students for the murder of an Arab girl during a violent settler rampage through the Palestinian West Bank village of Kifl Haris, Ginsburg said that in religious law, given the inequality between Arab and Jewish blood, Arabs who kill Jews warrant punishment, but Jews who kill Arabs should be let off.

see also