::"After a long and general acquaintance with the western part of this state, I am convinced that a railroad from LeRoy to Rochester, along the valley of Allen's Creek (Oatka) and the Genesee River, would be a public benefit, were it to serve no other purpose than to facilitate the forwarding of materials for the building of other railroads in the western district.
was the contractor for building the bridge over Oatka Creek at Mumford.
On December 3, 1835, an agreement was signed in which a number of people agreed to pay Powell Carpenter, Philip Garbutt, John McNaughton, and E. H. S. Mumford for the purpose of getting surveys and estimates for the route of a railroad along Oatka Creek from Scottsville to Mumford.
The inexhaustible quarries of building stone of the first quality on the banks of Allen's Creek and adjacent region, the abundant supplies of gravel for horse paths, of water lime, of bog lime, plaster of paris, oak, pine, and cedar are found in various parts of Caledonia, LeRoy and Wheatland would then be easily conveyed to other sections of the State where other railroads were being built.
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad | Pennsylvania Railroad | Union Pacific Railroad | Underground Railroad | New York Central Railroad | Alaska Railroad | Erie Railroad | Central Pacific Railroad | Illinois Central Railroad | First Transcontinental Railroad | Lehigh Valley Railroad | Lehigh and Susquehanna Railroad | Grand Funk Railroad | Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad | Wabash Railroad | Railroad switch | Missouri Pacific Railroad | Leroy Anderson | Boston and Albany Railroad | New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad | Metro-North Railroad | Grand Rapids and Indiana Railroad | Atlantic Coast Line Railroad | Albany and Susquehanna Railroad | Oregon Pacific Railroad | Great Railroad Strike of 1877 | Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad | Central Railroad of New Jersey | Boston and Lowell Railroad | West Shore Railroad |