
unusual facts about Self-neglect


Neglect of hygiene is considered as part of the Global Assessment of Functioning, where it indicates the lowest level of individual functioning.

Alfred Balk

Among other prominent articles, for The Reader’s Digest he reported on nursing-home neglect, threats to public parkland, Great Lakes water problems, boating-boom safety hazards, and Thomas Edison remembered by a son; for The Reporter, the social significance of Ebony magazine founder John Johnson’s success; and for The New York Times Magazine, the “Dust Bowl” revisited.

Ali Aden Lord

He pleaded his case that if Britain did not give the NFD the right to self-determination before it handed over political power to Kenya, “the frontier could expect neglect, bad administration and disregard for their rights at best and at worst oppression”.

Ann Pamela Cunningham

Ann Pamela Cunningham (August 15, 1816 Rosemont Plantation, South Carolina - May 1, 1875) is credited with saving George Washington's beloved home Mount Vernon from ruin and neglect.

Baba Samit

The tomb of Baba Samit near Sabirabad, Azerbaijan is still revered by population, however as a result of Soviet-era neglect, both research of Sufi tariqats and knowledge of their traditions are weak to non-existent.

Bosoms and Neglect

Bosoms and Neglect, directed by Mel Shapiro, scenery by John Wulp, costumes by Willa Kim opened at the Longacre Theatre on May 3, 1979, where it ran for 4 performances.

Brenda Love

She has been a member of the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists, Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, the International Society for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, Student Affiliate of the American Psychological Association, the Mystery Writers of America, and the California Writers Club.

Brooklands Trust Members

After many years of industrial neglect, the site now being owned by Vickers (later British Aircraft Corporation and British Aerospace), the Brooklands Society formed in 1967 with the intention to preserve as much of the remaining track and buildings as possible.

Children of Mini-Japan

The film focuses on the plight of young poverty-stricken children working in Sivakasi in the late 1980s, and the Government's neglect of them.

Chronomètre of Loulié

:Second, those who are very familiar with the airs of Monsieur de Lully and other airs of this sort, neglect or even look down upon other types of music.

Cindy Cunningham

However, he begins to neglect her as he continues to spend excessive time with Barney Harper-McBride (Tom Scurr) and Rob Edwards (David Atkins).

Community mental health service

The World Health Organization states that community mental health services are more accessible and effective, lessen social exclusion, and are likely to have less possibilities for the neglect and violations of human rights that were often encountered in mental hospitals.

Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Measure 1963

The charges against him related to neglect of his duties, and included leaving church services early, refusing to baptise a baby, preventing one of his parishioners from entering the church to object to the marriage of his son when the banns were published, and disallowing another parishioner from receiving Holy Communion without just cause.


In Cornell University professor James Garbarino's 1999 book Lost Boys: Why Our Sons Turn Violent and How We Can Save Them, he argues that "neglect, shame, spiritual emptiness, alienation, anger and access to guns are a few of the elements common to violent boys".

Epidemiology of binge drinking

Anastasia M. Shkilnyk who conducted an observational study of the Asubpeeschoseewagong First Nation of Northwestern Ontario in the late 1970s when they were demoralized by Ontario Minamata disease has observed that heavy Native American drinkers may not be physiologically dependent on alcohol, but abuse it by engaging in binge drinking, a practice associated with child neglect, violence, and impoverishment.

Giglio Gregorio Giraldi

The rest of his life was one long struggle with ill-health, poverty and neglect; and he is alluded to with sorrowful regret by Montaigne in one of his Essais (i.34), as having, like Sebastian Castalio, ended his days in utter destitution.


The main piazza features shops, a cinema, and other public buildings in a simplified Italian Moderne style still distinctively of the period despite later changes and, frequently, neglect.

Gumbo Millennium

The band tackles the Exxon Valdez scandal and environmental neglect on the soulful "Valdez 27 Million?" and explores jazz improvisation with "Dude U Knew."

Hemispatial neglect

Although hemispatial neglect has been identified following left hemisphere damage (resulting in the neglect of the right side of space), it is most common after damage to the right hemisphere.

A patient looking at a mirror image of a map of the World may neglect to see the Western Hemisphere despite their inverted placement onto the right side of the map.

In a recent study, researchers asked patients with left neglect to project their midline with a neon bulb and found that they tended to point it straight ahead but position it rightward of their true midline.

Hermitage Theatre

As the interior has never been overhauled, the original stage machinery remains in situ, but the elaborate sets, an acclaimed work of the Italian artist Pietro Gonzaga (1751-1831), were lost during the years of Soviet neglect.

HMCS Canada

After four years of neglect she was sold to an American company and then re-sold to Florida real estate entrepreneur Barron Gift Collier, Sr..

James Clayborne, Jr.

He went on to serve as an assistant state’s attorney in St. Clair County as well as a child support prosecutor, a supervisor in the St. Clair County Juvenile Abuse and Neglect Division, a supervisor in Felony Probation Revocations and a felony prosecutor.

Jews' Gate Cemetery

The area is a favoured mating and nesting ground of the Barbary Partridge; after their nesting season, the cemetery is cleared and the impression of neglect is removed.

John Gay

Pope had urged him to undertake this task in order to ridicule the Arcadian pastorals of Ambrose Philips, who had been praised by a short-lived contemporary publication The Guardian, to the neglect of Pope's claims as the first pastoral writer of the age and the true English Theocritus.

Kashinath Trimbak Telang

While devoted to the sacred classics of the Hindus, Telang did not neglect his own vernacular, Marathi literature being enriched by his translation of Lessing's Nathan the Wise, and an essay on Social Compromise.

Keeping Families Together

PR Newswire reported that before the Keeping Families Together pilot program, there were 101 cases of abuse or neglect, compared to 13 cases after involvement in the pilot program.

Leo Igwe

In June 2009, as Director of the Center For Inquiry–Nigeria, Igwe was interviewed on the BBC World Service about the Center's efforts to raise awareness about violence and neglect resulting from witchcraft belief, both in the name of its practice and resulting from fear of magic.

Luganda Society

The Luganda Society was established in 1950 through the efforts of Michael B. Nsimbi, known as “The Father of Ganda literature.” Observing the detrimental effects of colonialism on Uganda society and culture, and the neglect and loss of local customs, language and culture, Nsimbi joined with other likeminded nationals to form the society, with the key goals of preserving, popularising and promoting the use of Luganda to both Baganda and non-Baganda.

New Malaysian Essays

Saharil Hasrin Sanin's Teroris Bahasa (in Malay) about the evolution and political neglect of language.

No-kill shelter

In 2009, the Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada provincial government and the town of Stephenville began negotiations to close their no-kill animal shelter, claiming that upwards of 100 dogs and cats with diseases or behavioral problems were suffering severe neglect.

Oklahoma Senate

Impeachment charges may only be brought against the governor, other statewide elected state officials and justices of the Oklahoma Supreme Court for willful neglect of duty, corruption in office, habitual drunkenness, incompetency, or any offense involving moral turpitude committed while in office.

Parada Kingdom

King Sagara had divested the Paradas and other members of the Panca-ganah of their noble Kshatriyahood and demoted them to the barbaric caste of Mlechchas, due to their non-observance of sacred Brahmanical codes and neglect of the priestly class.

Parental Rights Amendment to the United States Constitution

Tom Head of About.com argues that the proposal contains "numerous 'poison pills' that would prevent it from being supported by mainstream civil libertarians," saying that its language is overbroad and would enable abuse and neglect by parents.

Parenting styles

In 1998, independent scholar Judith Rich Harris published The Nurture Assumption, in which she argued that scientific evidence, especially behavioral genetics, showed that all different forms of parenting do not have significant effects on children's development, short of cases of severe abuse or neglect.

Peter Hollingworth

Hollingworth stepped down from his positions as the Brisbane Lions' No 1 ticket holder, patron of Barnardos, Kids First Foundation and the National Association for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect.

Poor Things

The introduction also hosts a critique of Glasgow City Council's treatment of its culture and heritage in the neglect of the local history museum, and a brief mention of Glasgow's time as the European Capital of Culture in 1990, which would be the subject of a more sustained satire in his novel Something Leather.

Roger de Rabutin, Comte de Bussy

In 1641 he was sent to the Bastille by Richelieu for some months as a punishment for neglect of his duties in his pursuit of gallantry.

Rural ghetto

The term rural ghetto was coined by Osha Gray Davidson in the book Broken Heartland: The Rise of America's Rural Ghetto and is used to describe the influx of poverty and neglect in the small towns of Midwestern and Southeastern United States that occurs.

Russell Savage

Savage based his campaign on the neglect of rural Victoria by incumbent Premier Jeff Kennett's government, in particular its closure of the Vinelander rail service between Melbourne and Mildura.

Sharon Keller

Texas State Representative Lon Burnam filed a resolution in the Texas Legislature on February 16, 2009, calling for the impeachment of Keller for “neglect of duty” in regard to her actions involving Michael Richard's appeal.

State Records Authority of New South Wales

At the request of the acting Premier and the Attorney General, The Trustees of the Public Library prepared a report on the present and future dangers of the neglect of State records, which included recommendations on the establishment of an Archives Department in the Public Library Building.


In 1739 however, following the Battle of Karnal, the province was ceded to Nadir Shah of Persia, after which Thatta fell into neglect as the Indus river started to silt up.

The Queen's Palaces

Civil war in England led to the neglect of the house until Charles II of England was restored and he updated the palace into a building never seen before in Scotland with French designs favoured at the time.

Timeline of Shakespeare criticism

Allan Bloom, 1964: "Shakespeare devotes great care to establishing the political setting in almost all his plays, and his greatest heroes are rulers who exercise capacities which can only be exercised within civil society. To neglect this is simply to be blinded by the brilliance of one's own prejudices. As soon as one sees this, one cannot help asking what Shakespeare thought about a good regime and a good ruler." on his Shakespeare's Politics (with Harry V. Jaffa).


To neglect the action of the atmosphere, in shaping a trajectory, would have been considered a futile hypothesis by practical minded investigators, all through the Middle Ages in Europe.

Villa del Balbianello

By the early twentieth century the buildings had fallen into a state of neglect when an American businessman, Butler Ames, purchased and renovated the villa and its garden.

see also