
unusual facts about Sensory

Alitta succinea

It has an identifiable head with four eyes, two sensory feelers or palps, and many tentacles.

Analog ear

See "Speech Processing with A Cochlear-Neural Analog, John L. Stewart, 1967, Technical Documentary Report No. AMRL-TR-1966-229. An article published in the journal Behavioral Science studied constraints to sensory discrimination imposed by two kinds of neural noise. Considerable information on speech patterns and recognition is reported by a number of different authors in the "Handbook of Experimental Psychology" referred to above.


In seeking to inspire reflection and insight through motion and sensory experiences, Assocreation works primarily with interactive installations and public happenings.

Autonomous sensory meridian response

Coverage of this conference, as reported in Slate magazine, mentioned musician and journalist Rhodri Marsden introducing ASMR (alternatively called Auto-Sensory Meridian Response) as a type of nonsexual role-playing video on YouTube.

Bell's law

Bell's Law or Bell-Magendie Law, a law demonstrated by Charles Bell, a Scottish surgeon, describing and distinguishing two types of roots of the spinal nerves, the motor and the sensory.


The BioWeb is the connotation for a network of web-enabled biological devices (e.g. trees, plants, and flowers) which extends an internet of things to the Internet of Living Things of natural sensory devices.

Body schema

A combination of sensory information, primarily tactile and visual, contributes to the representation of the limbs in space.

Bug Powder Dust

Burroughs' most famous work, Naked Lunch, made famous his cut-up style of composition, which, alongside the subject matter of his novels, sought to question reality, mimic the brutality of sensory overload in modern life, and reproduce the confusion of inner-logic smashed by drugs.

Cavernous sinus

Cavernous sinus syndrome may result from mass effect of these tumors and cause ophthalmoplegia (from compression of the oculomotor nerve, trochlear nerve, and abducens nerve), ophthalmic sensory loss (from compression of the ophthalmic nerve), and maxillary sensory loss (from compression of the maxillary nerve).

Cingulate cortex

Brodmann (1909), a student of Cécile Vogt-Mugnier and Oskar Vogt, who worked on cercopithecus (and not much in human Bailey and von Bonin), elaborated a system of numeration that had unfortunately no typological logics (1, 2 and 3 are sensory, 4 is motor, 5 is parietal, 6 is premotor and 7 is again parietal!).

Claudio Naranjo

In the years that lead up to his becoming a key figure at Esalen, Naranjo also received additional training and supervision from Jim Simkin in Los Angeles and attended sensory awareness workshops with Charlotte Selver.

Cupiennius salei

The male's pheromone sensory cells are located in tip pore sensilla and respond to touching with either female silk or the synthetic compound of the pheromone.

Cyborg Foundation

In 2011, after Harbisson's visit to Quito, vice-president of Ecuador Lenin Moreno announced that his government would collaborate with the Cyborg Foundation to create sensory extensions and electronic eyes.

Elsa Gindler

This became one of the bases of body psychotherapy since many of the most influential body psychotherapists studied with her or "Sensory Awareness" with Charlotte Selver at the Esalen Institute around 1962.

Epidemiology of representations

This is sensory specific (i.e. visual-, acoustic-, tactile-, and olfactory perception etc.) and task or reasoning specific (i.e. formulation of intuitive theories).


Though their antennules retain their sensory function, the main second antennae of the adult females are adapted to clinging to the gill filaments of host fishes.

Essex Cares

These include the new Reablement Service which provides intensive support for people either leaving hospital or in need of assistance in their home environment, the specialist Sensory services team focus on visual and deaf and hard hearing needs for the people of Essex as well as aids, adaptations, personal alarms and telecare delivered and installed in people’s homes.

Extraocular muscles

The extraocular muscles are the six muscles that control movement of the eye (there are four in bovines) and one muscle that controls eyelid elevation (levator palpebrae).

Gordon Shattock

He studied veterinary science at the Royal Veterinary College in London and worked in that profession in his native city for more than three decades before he was forced to retire due to the sensory injuries he had sustained in Brighton.

Gua-Le-Ni; or, The Horrendous Parade

According to Hume, the idea of a Pegasus does not fall under the category of simple ideas, which is to say ideas that can be simply derived by having sensory ‘impressions’ of the objects the idea corresponds to.

Honest Ed's

One of the fight sequences in the third volume of Bryan Lee O'Malley's Scott Pilgrim comic book series takes place at Honest Ed's, with the characters suffering sensory overload due to the incredible amounts of merchandise.

Irshad Ashraf

The BBC film network quotes Irshad as saying "My first film happened when I moved to Tokyo for a couple of years in 1997 to teach English. The insidious traingrind of Ridley Scott's grey drizzled dystopia encroached deep inside my head, nag nag nagging away. I realised the power of dreams and, using a friend's camcorder and VCR for editing, made a film about the sensory avalanche that is Tokyo."

Jurij Moskvitin

Our inner world of dreams and visions comes before the outer one of sensory stimuli (Closed-eye hallucination).

Just-noticeable difference

Stanley Smith Stevens argued that it would hold only for what he called prothetic sensory continua, where change of input takes the form of increase in intensity or something obviously analogous; it would not hold for metathetic continua, where change of input produces a qualitative rather than a quantitative change of the percept.


Kajetany is home to the Institute of Sensory Organs, which designs, conducts and implements the research and scientific works in the scope of prophylaxis, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation related to sensory organ diseases.

Kinetic Awareness

Summers studied Sensory Awareness by Charlotte Selver and Physical Reeducation with Carola Speads, both former students of Gindler.

Leeds Society for Deaf and Blind People

These include a Sign Language Interpreting Service, equipment provision, social workers for profoundly deaf people, services for deafblind people, training courses and qualifications including a Taster Course, Levels 1–3 in British Sign Language, and Sensory Awareness.

Leo Goldberger

He remained there for another year of graduate work in the department of Donald O. Hebb and thus became part of the emergent research field of sensory deprivation.

Memory-prediction framework

It is proposed that the motor areas of the cortex consist of a behavioural hierarchy similar to the sensory hierarchy, with the lowest levels consisting of explicit motor commands to musculature and the highest levels corresponding to abstract prescriptions (e.g. 'resize the browser').

Mind's eye

Furthermore, the pineal gland is a hypothetical candidate for producing a mind's eye; Rick Strassman and others have postulated that during near death experiences (NDE's) and dreaming, the gland might secrete a hallucinogenic chemical 'N,N-Dimethyltryptamine' (DMT) to produce internal visuals when external sensory data is occluded.


Simstim, a technology in William Gibson's Sprawl trilogy of science fiction novels, whereby a person's brain and nervous system is stimulated to simulate the full sensory experience of another person.


Ruete, Listing, Donders, Helmholtz, von Graefe, Volkmann and many others have provided the broad outline of an answer to the question how the eye rotates during eye movements.

Orr Eravuu

The film talks seemingly outside normal sensory channels, termed as Paranormal - something believed to have no accordance with scientific laws.


The prostomium generally has one or two pairs of eyes, a dorsal pair of antennae, a ventral pair of sensory palps and a pair of organs on the neck.


Tacit knowledge (especially sensory-motor capabilities) may be acquired by neural learning.


Sensory saltation (psychology), a perceptual illusion evoked by a rapid sequence of sensory stimuli.

Sensory processing disorder

The difficulties of designing double-blind research studies of sensory integration dysfunction have been addressed by Temple Grandin and others.

Sensory processing disorders were first described in-depth by occupational therapist Anna Jean Ayres (1920–1989).

Sensory substitution

The frequency and the inter-aural disparity are determined by the center of gravity of the co-ordinates of the receptive field's pixels in the image (see "There is something out there: distal attribution in sensory substitution, twenty years later"; Auvray M., Hanneton S., Lenay C., O'Regan K. Journal of Integrative Neuroscience 4 (2005) 505-21).

Sexual fetishism

For example, in 2002 Vilayanur S. Ramachandran stated that the region processing sensory input from the feet lies immediately next to the region processing sexual stimulation.

Simon Binks

An injury in a 1995 car crash at a North Sydney Council roadworks left Binks slightly brain-damaged with some sensory loss and restriction of finer movements of his right hand, which had prevented him from regaining the high level of skill he had previously shown.


The Stars My Destination - science fiction novel by Alfred Bester features a futuristic version of the Skoptsy sect, in which members have all sensory nerves severed.

Steve Mann

Sensory Singularity, together with Marvin Minsky and Ray Kurzweil, Mann proposed the theory of the "Sensularity" Sensory Singularity.

Thanassis Stephopoulos

The resulting sensory perception in this first period of his work is the series of Nature morte, which were exposed for the first time in France at the Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, in Salon d'Automne at Grand Palais, at Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen and elsewhere.

Triceps reflex

An absence of reflex can be an indicator of several medical conditions: Myopathy, neuropathy, spondylosis, sensory nerve disease, neuritis, potential lower motor neuron lesion, or poliomyelitis.

see also