
unusual facts about Shaping

Token economy

Shaping implies clients aren’t expected to do everything perfectly at once; behavior can be acquired in steps.


A thorough historical and philosophical study of Ahimsa was instrumental in the shaping of Albert Schweitzer's principle of "reverence for life".

Boston Micromachines Corporation

The technology is applied in Beam Shaping, Astronomy, Vision Science, retinal imaging, general Microscopyand supports national defense; any application in need of wavefront manipulation.

Carol Tyler

Tyler's short slice-of-life stories and her distinctive artwork brought her critical attention as one of a growing number of female artists shaping the direction of underground/alternative comics in North America in the 1980s; she appeared in the influential feminist anthologies Wimmen's Comix and Twisted Sisters.

Chicago Club

G. William Domhoff, professor of sociology at the University of California, ran a network analysis study on the membership of think tanks, policy-planning groups, social clubs, trade associations, and opinion-shaping groups across the country for a research project he was doing on San Francisco's Bohemian Club.

Chris Cantell

In 2000, Chris Cantell launches with partner Frédéric Artru a series of technology and investment ventures aimed at shaping the new telecommunications industry, in great crisis at the time.

Cold warrior

A cold warrior was a person involved in the shaping and executing of American and Soviet policy during the Cold War.

Colombia–Venezuela relations

The border dispute long predates the foundations of the modern nations, and goes back to the difficulties experienced in shaping a boundary between the colonies of Santa Marta (now Santa Marta, Colombia) and New Andalusia (now part of Venezuela).

David Kopf

He visited India and East Pakistan (currently Bangladesh) for two years in 1971–72 to study first hand the Brahmo Samaj and published a book, The Brahmo Samaj and the Shaping of the Modern Indian Mind in 1979 by Princeton University Press.

Denys Bray

He had a large share in shaping the treaty with Afghanistan negotiated at Kabul by Sir Henry Dobbs in 1921 (which amended the Treaty of Rawalpindi, agreed originally in August 1919, and reaffirmed Britain's recognition of Afghanistan's complete independence, and restored to the Afghans the privilege of importing munitions through India).

Developmental psychopathology

Dante Cicchetti is acknowledged to have played a pivotal role in defining and shaping the field of developmental psychopathology.


Supported Unicode features include BIDI, line breaking, surrogates, UVS, language-guided script itemization, number substitution, and glyph shaping.

E. S. Gosney

:You will be interested to know that your work has played a powerful part in shaping the opinions of the group of intellectuals who are behind Hitler in this epoch-making program.

Ecstasy of Order: The Tetris Masters

It recounts the development and rise of Tetris as one of the most-played video games of all-time, the role it has played in shaping the lives of the gamers it chronicles, the mystery surrounding the whereabouts of former Nintendo World Champion Thor Aackerlund, and the conception & execution of the first ever Classic Tetris World Championship by gaming enthusiast Robin Mihara.

Fontbonne University

Through the late-1960s student protest movement left Fontbonne mostly untouched, in October 1970 black female students seized the Fontbonne library to demand more African American students and teachers, and a role in shaping courses and cultural programming.

Frank Swettenham

Swettenham was a British colonial official in British Malaya, who was famous as highly influential in shaping British policy and the structure of British administration in the Malay Peninsula.

Fred Judd

By the start of 1963 Fred had designed and built his own prototype synthesizer – a simple voltage controlled, keyboard-operated unit for generating, shaping and switching electronic sounds – a small but significant development in the history of the synthesizer, as it predates the Synket, Moog and Buchla instruments.

Frédéric Artru

In 2000, Frédéric Artru launches with partner Chris Cantell a series of technology and investment ventures aimed at shaping the new telecommunications industry, in great crisis at the time.

Frode Saugestad

In 2009, Saugestad published "Individuation and the Shaping of Personal Identity: A Comparative Study of the Modern Novel" which dealt with the process of individuation and the shaping of identity in the modern novel, analyzing the Norwegian literature through the work of Knut Hamsun, the Irish through the work of James Joyce, the Egyptian through the work of Naguib Mahfouz and the Sudanese through the work of Tayeb Salih.

Global Footsteps

In July 2007, Global Footsteps organised its latest International Youth Conference Footstep 11: Shaping & Sharing The Future at Moneague College in Saint Ann, Jamaica.

History of the Halifax Regional Municipality

He was instrumental in shaping that port's military defences for protecting the important Royal Navy base, as well as influencing the city's and colony's socio-political and economic institutions.

History of the Malay language

Apart from being the main tools to spread knowledge and information, newspapers and journals like Al-Imam (1906), Panji Poestaka (1912), Lembaga Melayu (1914), Warta Malaya (1931), Poedjangga Baroe (1933) and Utusan Melayu (1939) became the main thrust in championing and shaping the fight for nationalism.

IOI Group

IOI is a co-founder of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) and has played an active role in shaping the scheme.

Jay Winter

Jay Winter was co-producer, co-writer and chief historian for the PBS series "The Great War and the Shaping of the 20th Century," which won an Emmy Award, a Peabody Award and a Producers Guild of America Award for best television documentary in 1997.

Jenn Sterger

The nationally televised weekly show highlighted the best teams in NCAA men's basketball and how the season was shaping up prior to the tournament.

Johan Anders Jägerhorn

After two years’ imprisonment (1799–1801) in the Tower of London, he returned to Finland and was instrumental in shaping the constitution of newly autonomous Finland.

John Hagel III

John Hagel III, Marc Singer, Net Worth: Shaping Markets When Customers Make the Rules, Harvard Business Review Press 1999.

Jonas Clarke

Jonas Clarke (December 25, 1730 – November 15, 1805), sometimes written Jonas Clark, was an American clergyman and political leader who had a role in the American Revolution and in shaping the United States Constitution.

Louis Loucheur

Stephen Carls, Louis Loucheur and the Shaping of Modern France 1916-1931, Louisiana State University Press (1993-06).

Miles Regis

Also shaping Miles's creativity was producer and musician Pelham Goddard who accompanied Miles on several of his early performances as well as his uncle, Jamaican writer and playwright Trevor Rhone whose film The Harder They Come and subsequent artistic ventures undoubtedly was a huge influence, as he witnessed the success of the author on the world stage.


Additionally the oil museums in Kern County, California and the libraries and museums in the area around Silver City, New Mexico, and especially the period photography, played a large part in shaping his screenplay and the film.

Peter Lunenfeld

Included in the series is Utopian Entrepreneur (2001) by Brenda Laurel, designed by Denise Gonzales Crisp; Writing Machines (2002) by N. Katherine Hayles, designed by Anne Burdick; Rhythm Science (2004) by Paul D. Miller aka DJ Spooky that Subliminal Kid, designed by COMA; and, Shaping Things (2005) by Bruce Sterling, designed by Lorraine Wild.

Plasmonic lens

Its intended uses are focusing, imaging, light beam shaping, subwavelength optics, subwavelength light wave guiding, novel optical and magneto-optic data storage, light generation, microscopy, biophotonics, biological molecule sensors, and solar cells, as well as other applications.

Portrait of Juan Martínez Montañés

The trip was to make a clay bust of Philip IV of Spain as the modello for the Florentine sculptor Pietro Tacca's bronze equestrian statue of Philip (the statue now on plaza de Oriente in Madrid), which is what he is shown doing in the portrait, shaping the clay with a stick (though the bust itself is only in outline, since the painting is unfinished).

Randolph Bourne

His ideas have been influential in the shaping of postmodern ideas of cosmopolitanism and multiculturalism, and recent intellectuals such as David Hollinger have written extensively on Bourne's ideology.

Salih Hulusi Pasha

In terms of effective shaping of policies by the remaining Ottoman state structure, his office (as well as his predecessor Ali Rıza Pasha's) are usually considered as mere intervals between the two offices of Damat Ferid Pasha, the signatory of the Treaty of Sèvres.

The Great Devonian Controversy

Rudwick, Martin J. S. The Great Devonian Controversy: The Shaping of Scientific Knowledge among Gentlemanly Specialists.

The Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Last Things

The painting plays a pivotal role in shaping the development of Wyatt Gwyon in William Gaddis' novel The Recognitions.

The Shaping of Middle-earth

The Shaping of Middle-earth is the fourth volume of Christopher Tolkien's 12-volume series The History of Middle-earth in which he analyses the unpublished manuscripts of his father J. R. R. Tolkien.

Thomas Glavinic

With Kathrin Röggla and Daniel Kehlmann, he is among other young Austrian authors being perceived as significantly shaping the literary discussion in Austria.


To neglect the action of the atmosphere, in shaping a trajectory, would have been considered a futile hypothesis by practical minded investigators, all through the Middle Ages in Europe.

Tzohar organization

Tzohar organization was founded by a group of rabbis from religious Zionism group, in order to be partners in shaping the Jewish character of Israel, from the dialogue and the search for common identity elements.


Eating utensil, a tool for shaping and carrying food to the mouth

William Lyne

In his early political life he was a great advocate of irrigation, and in federal politics he had much to do with the shaping of the policy of protection eventually adopted by the Commonwealth.

William S. Gray

In Susan E. Israel and E. Jennifer Monaghan (Eds.), Shaping the reading field: The impact of early reading pioneers, scientific research, and progressive ideas. Newark, DE: International Reading Association.

Year of the Bible

The law recited that the Bible "has made a unique contribution in shaping the United States as a distinctive and blessed nation and people" and that, quoting President Jackson, the Bible is "the rock on which our Republic rests".

see also