
unusual facts about Sidi M'Bark

Sidi M'Bark

Sidi M'Bark is a small town and rural commune in Tiznit Province of the Souss-Massa-Drâa region of Morocco.

Acacia maidenii

Fitzgerald and Siournis reported in the Australian Journal of Chemistry (1965, volume 18, pp. 433–4) that a sample of the bark contained 0.36% of the hallucinogen DMT as well as 0.24% of N-methyltryptamine.

Acer pensylvanicum

Other species in the section, such as Acer capillipes, Acer davidii, and Acer rufinerve, all native to eastern Asia, share similar leaf shape and similar vertically striped bark.

Anacardic acids

The totarol in the bark of Podocarpus trees is synergistic with anacardic acid in its bactericidal effects.

Andrew Delmar Hopkins

He became a specialist in the bark beetle family Scolytidae, especially the genus Dendroctonus, species of which are the most destructive insects in coniferous forests of North America.

Angostura trifoliata

Its bark is commonly misconstrued as being used in Angostura brand bitters which is named after the town in Venezuela.


Young aspen bark is an important seasonal forage for the European hare and other animals in early spring.

Bark! The Musical

The LA world premiere cast include Joe Souza as Rachmaninoff, Katherine Von Till as Chanel, Ginny McMath as Boo, Robert Clink as Chester, Joshua Finkel as Ben, and Laurie Johnson as Molly.

Betta raja

When maintaining the aquariums for these species, instead of using substrate, breeders go for driftwood roots or branches, bark of Beech or oak and position them in a way that offers some kind of shades to the fish.

Birch bark manuscript

On July 26, 1951, during excavations in Novgorod, a Soviet expedition led by Artemiy Artsikhovsky found the first Russian birch bark writing in a layer dated to c.

Broken Bay

Ray Parkin in his book H. M. Bark Endeavour claims that the modern 'Broken Bay' was passed unremarked at night, and that Cook was in fact referring to the area around Narrabeen Lagoon.

Buddhist mummies

The mummies of monks (Sokushinbutsu) in Japan practised nyūjō (入定), which caused their own death by adhering to a wood eating diet made up of salt, nuts, seeds, roots, pine bark, and urushi tea.

Clan na Gael

John Devoy devoted all his time to this project and oversaw the purchase of the bark Catalpa and the outfitting of this ship as a whaler.


Conolidine was first isolated in 2004 from the bark of the Tabernaemontana divaricata (Crepe jasmine) shrub which is used in traditional Chinese medicine.

Desmanthus illinoensis

Root bark of D. illinoensis has been found to contain N,N-DMT, NMT, N-hydroxy-N-methyltryptamine, 2-hydroxy-N-methyltryptamine, and gramine (toxic).

Dynamite Düx

Bean also appeared in Sega AM2's Sega Saturn fighting game Fighters Megamix as a bonus unlockable character (along with Bark The Polarbear.) He is unlocked by completing the fourth arcade mode 'Muscle' and fought against in the final arcade mode 'Bonus'.

Epipompilus insularis

insularis females hunt, usually in sunshine for retreat-making spiders in the concealed places where female spiders retreat to, such as rolled dead leaves; hollow plant stems; flax bushes; dead rolled fronds of tree-ferns; the abandoned cocoons of the bag-moth Liothula omnivora; deserted galleries of wood-boring beetles; and even the empty hatched galls of the moth Morova subfasciata in Muehlenbeckia australis and beneath loose bark on tree trunks.

Eucalyptus cinerea

Eucalyptus cinerea, commonly known as the Argyle apple or silver dollar tree, is a small to medium sized tree with rough bark, persistent on the trunk and larger branches, thick, fibrous, longitudinally furrowed, reddish-brown to grey-brown.

Eurasian Treecreeper

It nests in tree crevices or behind bark flakes, and favours introduced Giant Sequoia as nest sites where they are available.

Frank Conroy

His book Dogs Bark, But the Caravan Rolls On: Observations Then and Now includes articles that describe jamming with Charles Mingus and with Charlie Watts and Bill Wyman.

Fruit tree propagation

Bind with raffia or polythene tape or wind around with a 5mm wide strip of elastic band (this is particularly successful because it keeps pressure on the cambium layers to be joined and eventually falls away without cutting into the bark as the tree grows) and seal with grafting wax.

Gray snub-nosed monkey

It feeds on a variety of young leaves, leaf and flower buds, bark, fruits, certain petioles (e.g. Fagus longipetiolata), seeds (e.g. Prunus spp. and Sorbus spp.), and insect larvae.

Hazel dormouse

Honeysuckle bark is their primary nesting material, and flowers and fruit are used for food.

HMS Royal Scotsman

In May 1943 she took part in landings on the Italian island of Pantelleria ("Operation Corkscrew"), then on 10 July landed troops on the beach codenamed "Bark South" during the Allied invasion of Sicily.

Indian tobacco

Kinnikinnick, a smoking product made of mixture of leaves and bark


The key components of ISCOMs are the Quillaja saponins, which are derived from the bark of the Chilean soap-bark tree Quillaja saponaria Molina.


The key components of ISCOMs are the Quillaja saponins, which are derived from the bark of the Chilean soap-bark tree Quillaia saporinaria Molina.

Japanese corvette Amagi

Amagi was designed as a wooden-hulled three-masted bark-rigged sloop with a coal-fired triple expansion reciprocating steam engine driving a single screw.

Johan Ludvig Runeberg

Every time, he mixes double the amount of bark into his bark bread to stave off starvation and works ever harder to dry off marsh into dryer land that would not be as exposed to the night frost.

Juniperus deppeana

The bark is usually very distinctive, unlike other junipers, hard, dark gray-brown, cracked into small square plates superficially resembling Alligator skin; it is however sometimes like other junipers, with stringy vertical fissuring.


Coprosma lucida, sometimes called Shining Karamu, and distinguished by its pale bark

Maned rat

The rat is known to deliberately smear these hairs with poison from the bark of the Acokanthera schimperi, on which it chews, thus creating a defense mechanism that can sicken or even kill predators which attempt to bite it.


As a non-narcotic constituent, it also occurs to a significant amount in the bark of Uncaria tomentosa (Cat’s Claw) along with a number of isomeric alkaloids.

Mount Drygalski

The feature appears to have been roughly charted on an 1882 sketch map compiled by Ensign Washington Irving Chambers aboard the USS Marion during the rescue of the shipwrecked crew of the American sealing bark Trinity.

Opogona purpuriella

The larvae are scavengers and have been reared from dead sugarcane, dead bark of Artocarpus and other decaying vegetable matter, Plumeria, Reynoldsia and Sicana odorifera.

Passiflora lindeniana

The Kew trees are growing in "slightly acidic, open, peat free, multipurpose substrate compost with added Perlite and fine bark" according to Vanderplank.

Salix alba

The active extract of the bark, called salicin, after the Latin name Salix, was isolated to its crystalline form in 1828 by Henri Leroux, a French pharmacist, and Raffaele Piria, an Italian chemist, who then succeeded in separating out the acid in its pure state.

Sān miào wán

33% huáng bǎi ( or "yellow fir"), also known as Cortex Phellodendri, the bark of Phellodendron chinense Schneid.

San Remo, Victoria

Around 1840 a deepwater port was established at Griffiths Point in order to provide exports of wattle bark, farm produce and cattle, and then later coal starting in the 1870s.

Scolytus multistriatus

In Europe, while S. multistriatus acts as vector of the Dutch elm disease, caused by the Ascomycota Ophiostoma ulmi, it is much less effective than the large elm bark beetle, S. scolytus.

Senegalia caffra

In common with other Acacias and Senegalias, the bark and leaves are rich in tannins, while parts of the tree are used by the Bantu in traditional herbal medicine for curing a large range of complaints.

Sidi M'Hamed Chelh

Sidi M'Hamed Chelh is a small town and rural commune in Sidi Kacem Province of the Gharb-Chrarda-Béni Hssen region of Morocco.

Swami Keshwanand

By one account: "There was no vegetation left on the ground. There was no drop of water. All the animals died for want of fodder. People survived on grasses and the bark of "Khejri" trees. Even that also became scarce. There was nothing like governance. The ruling Samants were least bothered for the poor people....".

Taheebo Extract

The bark of Tabebuia, a genus of tree native to Central and South America

Tapa cloth

Masi could mean the (bark of the) dye-fig (Ficus tinctoria), endemic to Oceania, and probably the one originally used to make tapa.

Taxodium distichum

Insects such as the cypress flea beetle and the bald cypress leafroller (Archips goyerana) (closely related to the fruit tree leafroller) can seriously damage trees by destroying leaves, cones or the bark.

Ulmus 'Nana'

The low height of the tree should ensure that it avoids colonization by the Scolytus bark beetles and thus remain free of Dutch elm disease.

Vateria indica oil

The bark is used in the Gur industry and in internal medicine as a treatment for malarial fever.

Willow flute

Modern willow flutes are typically made of plastic (PVC tubing is often used), but the original willow flutes were made from sections of bark cut from green willow branches.

Zanthoxylum americanum

In 2012, a Pennsylvania distillery introduced a bitters called Bartram's Bitters that uses prickly ash bark as one of several botanical ingredients.

see also