
unusual facts about Snow Crash


Sennacherib is briefly mentioned in the science-fiction novel Children of Dune by Frank Herbert, and in Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash.

Achieving Our Country

Rorty singles out Snow Crash and Leslie Marmon Silko's Almanac of the Dead as modern works that serve as exemplars of the second of two predominant narratives, a rejection of national pride with "tones either of self-mockery or of self-disgust" (the other narrative is a "simple-minded militaristic chauvinism").


Smartwheels are a fictional type of wheel featured in Neal Stephenson's science-fiction novels Snow Crash and The Diamond Age.

Vagina dentata

Snow Crash, the 1992 novel by Neal Stephenson, in which the character Y.T. uses an anti-rape device worn internally called a dentata.

Virtual globe

The use of virtual globe software was widely popularized by (and may have been first described in) Neal Stephenson's famous science fiction novel Snow Crash.

see also