
6 unusual facts about Snow Petrel

Cape Petrel

There appears to be a subgroup within the family consisting of the giant petrels, the members of Fulmarus, the Antarctic Petrel, and the Snow Petrel.

Helm Point

It consists of brown granodiorite and supports a relatively luxuriant vegetation of lichens and mosses, along with nests of Snow Petrels and Wilson's Petrels.

McLaughlin Cliffs

The steep cliffs provide nesting sites for a colony of Snow Petrels (Pagodroma nivea).


Snow Petrel (Pagodroma nivea), a bird that breeds on the Antarctic Peninsula and various Antarctic islands

Pagodroma Gorge

Named by ANCA after the Snow Petrels (Pagodroma nivea) which nest in the weathered sandstone walls of the gorge.

Yukidori Valley

Birds nesting at the site include several thousand Snow Petrels as well as a few South Polar Skuas.

see also