
unusual facts about Social reality

Social reality

Many examples from politics and theology, e.g. the claim that the Roman Emperor was in fact a "god", demonstrate that this principle was known by effective propagandists from early times, and continues to be applied to this day, e.g. the propaganda model of Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman, which supports the 'big lie' thesis with more specifics.

see also


Identity studies by Descartes (I think therefore I am), followed by Freud (id, ego and super ego), Erikson (ego as an identity within a social reality), Goffman (dramaturgical theory), and Foucault (the materiality of technologies of the self) were essential theoretical precursors upon which the discipline of Technoself Studies was built.

The Twilight of Atheism

Julian Baggini considers that "A book like Alister McGrath’s The Twilight of Atheism no longer looks perversely contrarian, but a fair reflection of social reality".