
12 unusual facts about Tarragona


Batea, Tarragona, a municipality in the comarca of Terra Alta, Catalonia, Spain

Clara is the Price

With a budget of 9 million pesetas, the film was shot in studios in Barcelona and exteriors in Cadaques, Ampuriabrava (Girona) and Delta del Ebro (Tarragona).


Conesa, Tarragona, municipality in Cuenca de Barberá, Tarragona, Spain

Deroceras tarracense

This species is endemic to Spain, where it occurs abundantly in the Sierra del Montsant, in the province of Tarragona.

Ecclesiastical history of Braga

At the beginning of the eighteenth century a contest was waged over the birthplace of Orosius, some claiming him for Braga and others for Tarragona.


Falset, Tarragona, the principal village of the comarca of the Priorat in Catalonia

Ignacio Francisco de Glimes de Brabante

He came earlier to Spain as a Colonel of a Walloon Regiment financed by Imperial Spain, to fight in the Spanish War of Succession in 1703, the siege of Gibraltar (1704–1707), participating also in the siege of Tortosa, Tarragona, in 1711, where he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant General.

Isabella of Aragon, Queen of Germany

Her father planned her betrothal to Oshin of Armenia in exchange for religious relics of St Thecla, located at Sis in Armenia, which he was anxious to acquire for the cathedral of Tarragona.

Joseph Bernelle

He landed his troops on 17 August 1835 at Tarragona, where had command of 123 officers and 4,000 men.

María Luisa Anido

She was born 26 January 1907 in Morón, in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina; she died 4 June 1996 in Tarragona, Spain, and was buried there.

Pope Pius XI and Spain

Magaz had been ambassador to the Holy See in the late 1920s and had sought to enrol the assistance of Pius XI in the suppression of catalanismo and bizcaitarrismo (Catalan and Basque nationalism)—and the removal of Cardinal Vidal y Barraquer from the Primatial Archiepiscopal seat of Tarragona.

Sant Josep de sa Talaia

In 1726 the inhabitants of the area then named es Vedrans and Benimussa asked the archbishop of Tarragona, Manuel de Samaniego y Jaca, who was visiting the island, to approved the building of a new church.


One is preserved (241-2238F) in Móra la Nova (Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain) for the APPFI enthusiast association, with the intention to restore it to running order.


Albiol, a municipality in Baix Camp comarca, Tarragona Province, Spain


Alforja, town in the Province of Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain.

Andrés Nin

Born in El Vendrell, Tarragona, to a poor family (his father was a shoemaker and his mother was a peasant), Nin moved to Barcelona shortly before World War I; he taught briefly in a secular anarchist school, but soon became a journalist and activist.

Arnau de Palomar

The lordship of Riudoms was granted to Arnau de Palomar 24 January 1150 by the lord of the City and Land of Tarragona, Robert Bordet (known as Robert d'Aguiló).

Autovía T-11

Autovía T-11 is a 17,3 km long primary highway in Catalonia connecting Reus (and its airport) and Tarragona.


Francisco Vidal y Barraquer (1868–1943), Spanish Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church who served as Archbishop of Tarragona from 1919


Its prefecture was in Lleida and its subprefectures were Tortosa, Cervera and Tarragona and its only prefect was Alban de Villeneuve-Bargemont, who had previously been auditor to the Council of State and sub prefect of Zierickzée (a subprefecture of the department of Bouches-de-l'Escaut).


The calçot from Valls (Tarragona, Catalonia) is a registered EU Protected Geographical Indication.


It was in the 12th century that the foundations were laid for the establishment of a stable population centre here at the southern gateway to the Camp de Tarragona, well connected to El Camino Real (the Royal Road) that linked Tortosa and Tarragona.

Camp de Tarragona

As of October 2008, whereas the final boundaries of the new vegueries have yet to be formally approved, they are expected to incorporate largely historical boundaries: Àmbit metropolità de Barcelona, Alt Pirineu i Aran, Camp de Tarragona, Comarques Centrals, Comarques Gironines, Ponent or Lleida, Terres de l'Ebre.


Capçanes is situated about 7 km (4.4 mls) south of Falset, 40 km (25 mls) west of Tarragona, and about 160 km (100 mls) south-west of Barcelona.


The only 6 teams that have built complex gamma extra castells are from Valls, Vilafranca del Penedès, Terrassa, Mataró and Tarragona.


During the Independence War, General Louis-Gabriel Suchet had managed from Constantí the siege of Tarragona in 1811.

Enrique Agudo

Enrique Agudo Camacho (born January 1, 1967 in Tarragona) is a Class 10 table tennis athlete from Spain.

Gregorio Lavilla

Gregorio Lavilla (born September 29, 1974 in Vandellòs i l'Hospitalet de l'Infant, Tarragona, Spain) is a professional motorcycle road racer.

Homo antecessor

Archaeologist Eudald Carbonell i Roura of the Universidad Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona, Spain and palaeoanthropologist Juan Luis Arsuaga Ferreras of the Complutense University of Madrid discovered Homo antecessor remains at the Gran Dolina site in the Sierra de Atapuerca, east of Burgos.

Iván Cervantes

Iván Cervantes Montero (Born 2 May 1982) is a Spanish motorcycle enduro racer from Cambrils (Tarragona).

José Sentis

José Sentis (* 11 June 1888 in Tarragona (Spain); † 20 March 1983 in Ivry (France)) was a Spanish pianist and composer.

Mirabelle plum

It is also naturalized in the Ebro Valley in parts of Zaragoza, Teruel, Lleida and Tarragona, and can be found near rivers, irrigation canals and road ditches.

Parliament of Catalonia

The Commonwealth of Catalonia (1914–25) was an assembly of the provincial delegations of Barcelona, Girona, Lleida and Tarragona, abolished by Primo de Rivera.


The place of his birth is uncertain, but it may have been Caesaraugusta (Saragossa), Tarraco (Tarragona), or Calagurris (Calahorra).

Rock Ignition

Rock Ignition has shared the stage with bands like Uriah Heep, Jon Oliva's Pain, Axxis, Mike Tramp, Circle II Circle, Vanden Plas, At Vance, Elvenking, Kamelot, Sons of Seasons, headlined the AguiRock Festival 2008 in Tarragona (Spain) and opened the IV German Metal Meeting in Kerkrade (Netherlands).

Spanish Reformed Episcopal Church

As of 2001, the IERE had one diocese and 22 licensed priests (one woman) serving 20 parishes, in Salamanca, Valencia, Valladolid, Seville, Oviedo, Tarragona, Murcia, Alicante, and Madrid.


A milestone, found in Tarragona's Plaça de Braus, mentions the highway between 12 and 6 BC, leading Barcino to the north-east and Dertosa, Saguntum and (Valentia) to the south.

Tarragona International Dixieland Festival

On several occasions, Tarragona has worked with the Jazz Festival of Terrassa, in Catalonia, and since 2006 it has been working with the Dixieland Festival of Cantanhede in Portugal and with the Catalan Trapezi Circus Fair from Reus.

Tarragona Tower

The Tarragona Tower (also known as the Tarragona Arch) is a structure composed of a tower and arch built of coquina stone in Daytona Beach, Florida, United States.


On the left is the tombstone consecration of the church, made in 1586 by the archbishop of Tarragona Joan Terès i Borrull, son of the town.