
unusual facts about Taxon

Alexander Wetmore

Several taxa of birds have been named in his honor, including the Cretaceous genus Alexornis and the tanagers Wetmorethraupis sterrhopteron and Buthraupis wetmorei.

Alphonse Milne-Edwards

Milne-Edwards also described at least one plant taxon; a species of gutta-percha collected from the island of Grande Comore, Comoros by ornithologist Léon Humblot, which Milne-Edwards named Isonandra gutta.


In the modern clade Anurognathidae, Anurognathus is the sister taxon of the clade Asiaticognathidae, which contains the species Batrachognathus, Dendrorhynchoides and Jeholopterus.

Arboretum de Chèvreloup

Tree species best represented in the arboretum are Chamaecyparis (120 taxa), Prunus (115 taxa), Picea (100 taxa), Quercus (85 taxa), Abies (60 taxa), Sorbus (55 taxa), Crataegus (50 taxa), Fraxinus (45 taxa), Tilia (45 taxa), Viburnum (40 taxa), Cedrus (20 taxa), and Cupressocyparis (20 taxa).


Merogony, gamogony and sporogony are thought to occur in all species in this taxon.


Barcella and the closely related Elaeis genus form a taxon within Cocoeae represented by their large pistilate flowers sunken in the rachillae, as well as endocarp pores.

Botanischer Erlebnisgarten Altenburg

Today the garden contains about 3,000 plants, including about 150 taxa of Erica, a further 150 taxa of roses, an alpine garden, summer flowers, and greenhouse (150 m²).


Another possible brachiosaurid is the unnamed taxon informally named Angloposeidon from the Wessex Formation of England.

Celtis reticulata

Celtis reticulata was one of the species analyzed in a pollen core samplng study in northern Arizona, in which the early to late Holocene flora association was reconstructed; this study in the Waterman Mountains-(Pima County-S.East AZ) demonstrated that C. reticulata was found to be present after the Wisconsinan glaciation, but is not a current taxon of this former Pinyon-juniper woodland area which is now in central and northern Arizona.


The taxon name was created in the 2001 edition of Volume 1 of Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology and is the Latin plural of the name Chloroflexus, the name of the type genus of the phylum, a common practice.


Polish locations known to have produced specimens of the taxon include chalk-pits and quarries in Nasiłów, Lubycza Królewska and Mielnik.

Colias staudingeri

Colias staudingeri leechi Grum-Grshimailo, 1893 (Ladakh) uncertain taxon

Cyathea humilis

Large and Braggins (2004) note that the holotype of C. humilis is "almost certainly a juvenile of Cyathea stuhlmannii", a taxon also described by Hieronymus.

Disphragis anatole

The species name is derived from Greek anatole (meaning sunrise or east) and refers to the eastern distribution of this taxon, which contrasts with its western sister species Disphragis tricolor.

Dwarf sperm whale

Most taxonomists regard the family Kogiidae as belonging to the superfamily Physeteroidea, though some consider this taxon to be a subfamily (Kogiinae) of the family Physeteridae.


This specimen and all others referred to the taxon were collected from "bed 93" at the Langenberg quarry, Oker near Goslar, Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen).


Extant taxon, a taxon which is not extinct, such as an extant species

Frieder Gröger

Pilzkundliche Arbeitsgemeinschaft in Westfalen 1968.
(the concerning taxon: Lactarius deterrimus)

Giardino Botanico Alpino di Pietra Corva

It is now managed directly by the province, and currently contains a small museum plus about 1300 taxa, including Fritillaria tenella (the garden's symbol), Primula rosea, and Sarracenia purpurea.

Hilbrand Boschma

He is taxon author of (among other invertebrate organisms) different species of Fire coral.

Hoan Kiem turtle

The Hoàn Kiếm turtle (Rafetus leloii) is a controversial taxon of turtle from Southeast Asia, with one known living specimen in Hoàn Kiếm Lake in Hanoi, Vietnam.

Josiah Lincoln Lowe

Several fungal taxa have been named in his honor, including the species Leptoporus lowei Pilát, Lindtneria lowei M. J. Larsen, Ploioderma lowei Czabator, and Polyporus lowei Burdsall & Lombard, and the genera Loweporus J. E. Wright, Loweomyces (Kotl. & Pouzar) Jülich.


Several teeth referable to Lusitanisuchus were also found from Porto Dinheiro, Lourinhã in strata deposited during the Berriasian stage of the Early Cretaceous, extending the temporal range of this taxon by about 15 Ma.


The first ever monograph of a plant taxon was Robert Morison's 1672 Plantarum Umbelliferarum Distributio Nova, a treatment of the Apiaceae.

Nepenthes aristolochioides

In 2001, Charles Clarke performed a cladistic analysis of the Nepenthes species of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia using 70 morphological characteristics of each taxon.

New Nepenthes

The book includes accounts of the discovery of all newly described species, as well as new populations of N. attenboroughii, N. holdenii, N. philippinensis and related taxa, N. pitopangii (previously known from a single plant), and an undiagnosed Nepenthes taxon from the Cardamom Mountains of Cambodia.


The type description noted the taxon's similarity to the Monogolian ankylosaurids Saichania chulsanensis and Tarchia gigantea, and suggested that these three taxa form a clade within the subfamily Ankylosaurinae.

Patera clarki

The subspecies nantahala is a federally listed threatened taxon endemic to Swain County, North Carolina.

Platysma muscle

:Platysma is also a plant taxon synonym with Podochilus, an orchid genus.


It was renamed Ponerosteus exogyrarum (species name amended) by George Olshevsky in 2000; however, the taxon is considered a nomen dubium by most, as the type material is extremely poor, being apparently an internal cast of a tibia from an animal that may or may not be a dinosaur.

Preble's meadow jumping mouse

It is listed as Threatened under the United States Endangered Species Act; there is a major debate about whether it is a valid taxon.


There are some other, undescribed, presbyornithid or possible presbyornithid remains, such as the partial right scapula BMNH PAL 4989, which was considered part of Headonornis hantoniensis, but cannot be positively refererred to a known taxon, or the Early Cretaceous remains from the Mongolian Barun Goyot Formation at Uday Sayr


The taxon Protoceratopsidae was introduced by Walter W. Granger and William King Gregory in May 1923 as a monotypic family for Protoceratops andrewsi.

Provisional name

Undescribed taxon, a biological taxon that is recognized as distinct but has not received a formal name


:For the obsolete snake taxon, see Pythonidae.

San Cristóbal Vermilion Flycatcher

The taxon was discovered during Charles Darwin's Galapagos voyage in 1835 and described as full species Pyrocephalus dubius by John Gould in 1839.


This taxon originally was named Cabralia lavinai by Sérgio Dias-da-Silva, Claudia Marsicano and Cesar Leandro Schultz in 2006 but this name was preoccupied by the Brazilian butterfly Cabralia (Moore, 1882).


Recent DNA studies indicate that the Sarcolaenaceae are a sibling taxon to the family Dipterocarpaceae of Africa, South America, India, Southeast Asia and Malesia.

Sarraceniaceae of South America

Additionally, an undescribed variant of H. pulchella from Amurí Tepui that lacks long retentive hairs is listed as H. pulchella 'Incompletely diagnosed taxon from Amurí Tepui'.

Sicilian green toad

demonstrated that this Sicilian taxon has a distinct mitochondrial haplotype differing in this respect from all other circum-Mediterranean green toad species.

Sidalcea oregana

One variety of this plant, the Wenatchee Mountains checkermallow (Sidalcea oregana var. calva), is a rare taxon endemic to the Wenatchee Mountains of Washington.

Signor–Lipps effect

The Signor–Lipps effect is a paleontological principle proposed by Philip W. Signor and Jere H. Lipps which states that, since the fossil record of organisms is never complete, neither the first nor the last organism in a given taxon will be recorded as a fossil.


Nuclear DNA sequence analysis has indicated that it is a sister taxon to Rhagomys.

Triumfetta clementii

The taxon was first formally described by Czech botanist Karel Domin in 1930 in Bibliotheca Botanica, based on a collection by Emile Clement between the Ashburton and De Grey Rivers.

Vachellia farnesiana

The taxon name farnesiana is specially named after Odoardo Farnese (1573–1626) of the notable Italian Farnese family which, after 1550, under the patronage of cardinal Alessandro Farnese, maintained some of the first private European botanical gardens in Rome, in the 16th and 17th centuries.

Vladimir Pešić

Vladimir Pešić is a scientist from Montenegro, a biologist who is an expert on Hydrachnidiae, the water mites, and a co-author taxon authority for a new species of freshwater snail Valvata montenegrina Glöer & Pešić, 2008 (Valvatidae, Gastropoda).


In his 1990 review, Ralph Molnar noted that the type cannot be distinguished from tail vertebrae from ornithomimids or allosaurids, and considered it to be an indeterminate theropod and a nomen dubium or (more likely) an invalid taxon.

see also