In 2009, Food Network Canada aired The 100 Mile Challenge, a television series co-created by MacKinnon and Smith and based on the book.
Their dinner of Dolly Varden trout, wild mushrooms, dandelion leaves, apples, sour cherries, and rose hips, along with potatoes and garlic from the garden, so impressed the couple that once back home, in their Kitsilano apartment in Vancouver, they pursued the idea of eating only local food.
Billboard Hot 100 | ''Billboard'' Hot 100 | 100 metres | Milwaukee Mile | Mile End | Canada's Top 100 Employers | A History of the World in 100 Objects | The WB 100+ Station Group | diet | The Green Mile | Royal Mile | Diet | 1 vs. 100 | 100 | Three Mile Island accident | 100 Huntley Street | Pennsylvania Route 100 | nautical mile | mile run | Golden Mile | Fokker 100 | 100 Bullets | Triple J Hottest 100 | The Green Mile (film) | New Zealand's Top 100 History Makers | Miracle Mile | Mile High | mile | Magnificent Mile | Diet Pepsi |
Michael H. Hart ranked Umar no.52 in his popular list The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History.