
2 unusual facts about The Classics


Weekend personalities include Jen Austin on mid-day plus programs such as "Flashback" with Bill St. James (based out Chicago, Illinois) on Saturdays and Sunday night shows "House of Blues" and "The Classics".

The Classics

The follow-up, "Angel Angela", also narrowly missed the national charts, and the 1961 single "Life Is But a Dream" hit the lower regions of the Black Singles chart when Mercury Records picked it up for national distribution, but it wasn't until they released the single "Blue Moon" with Herb Lance on lead vocals that they charted a hit.

Michael C. Reed

Originally best known for his collaboration with Barry Simon on an extensive series of widely adopted graduate texts, Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics (four volumes) published from 1972 to 1978, Reed has since worked predominantly in applications of analysis to biology.

Stefan Jaracz Theatre

In 1971 Żukowski was succeeded by Jan Maciejowski (1971–78), whose main interest was in reflecting upon contemporary reality as well as understanding the classics in terms of existentialism.

see also

Alain-René Lesage

Shortly afterwards he found a valuable patron and adviser in the Abbé de Lyonne, who bestowed on him an annuity of 600 livres, and recommended him to exchange the classics for Spanish literature, of which he was himself a student and collector.

Alexander Petrie

A portrait of Petrie by Rosa Hope was hung in the council chamber of the university on the Pietermaritzburg campus, it was later removed, as Petrie had not been a Chancellor of the University, and it now hangs in the lecture theatre nearest the Classics department on the Pietermaritzburg campus.

Beatrice Straight

Most of her theatre work was in the classics, including Twelfth Night (1941), Macbeth, and The Crucible (1953), for which she won the Tony Award for Best Featured Actress in a Play.

Bernard de Marigny

"Though said to be poorly educated in the classics, he christened the main thoroughfare to his house Elysian Fields after Virgil's "Deathless Residence of the Spirits of the Blessed.

Bob Wilkins

The programming on Creature Features featured science fiction and horror film; everything from the classics, such as Bride of Frankenstein to turgid turkeys like The Vulture.

Carolingian Schools

While still a young monk at Fulda, Rhabanus, learning of the fame of Alcuin, begged to be sent to Tours, where he listened a year to the aged teacher and imbibed some of his zeal for the study of the classics and the cultivation of the sciences.

Charles Hawes

Born in Clifton Springs, New York, he was raised in Bangor, Maine, and graduated from Bowdoin College in 1911 where he was "editor of The Quill and a devoted student of the classics".

Ciné Fx

The programming comprises science fiction films from the 1950s to today, covering every sub-genre, including programming the classics, Forbidden Planet, the films of Roger Corman, the studio Troma and films such as 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Constant Fouard

He studied the classics at Bois-Guillaume, philosophy at Issy (1855-1857), and made his theological studies at Saint-Sulpice, Paris (1857-61).

E. Choidog

He is perhaps best known for his overture Friendship composed in 1962 for USSR Radio and TV symphony orchestra, conducted by Yevgeny Akulov, and his The Tale of Lady Choijid or The Choijid Tara, a Mongolian ballet based upon the Buddhist story of the young girl Choijid which is now considered one of the classics and staples of state opera theatre in Mongolia.

Early life of Jan Smuts

His surviving notebooks from this period reveal the range and breadth of his studies: Latin, Greek, German, the Classics, Optical Physics, Inorganic Chemistry and Metallurgy, Organic Chemistry and Agriculture, and Geology - to name but a few.

Eaton Hodgkinson

She sent her son to Witton Grammar School in Northwich where he studied the classics with the intention that he would fulfill the family's ambition that he prepares for a career in the Church of England.

George Grieve

Vatel, who had examined some of his manuscripts in the National Archives, Paris, testifies to his thorough mastery of French, and his pamphlet, the copy of which in the French National Library contains autograph corrections, bespeaks a familiarity with the classics.

Giacomo Margotti

He was a native of San Remo, where his father was president of the Chamber of Commerce, and there he studied the classics and philosophy, after which he entered the seminary of Ventimiglia; in 1845, he obtained the doctorate at the University of Genoa and was received into the Royal Academy of Superga, where he remained until 1849.

Giovanni di Paolo Rucellai

Giovanni di Paolo Rucellai was well-acquainted with the classics and he kept a Zibaldone into which he copied his translations of passages from Greek and Latin authors such as Aristotle, Boethius and Seneca the Younger.

Henry Cosgrove

He furthered his education at St. Mary's Seminary in Perry County, Missouri for the classics, and the seminary at Carondelet in Missouri for theology.

Johann Gottlieb Fichte

Fichte was placed in the family of Pastor Krebel at Niederau near Meissen and there received thorough grounding in the classics.

José Núñez de Cáceres

he Know to all the classics fabu-lists (Aesop, Phaedrus, Jean de La Fontaine, Samaniego and Tomás de Iriarte and, consciously he influenced, especially in the use of character animals : eagle, bee, Donkey, Stork, Rabbit, Lamb, Owl, Wolf, Mule, Palomo, Raposa.

Joseph Dahmus

Dr. Dahmus graduated from the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, Ohio, received his Master's Degree in the Classics from St. Louis University in St. Louis, Missouri, and earned his PhD in Medieval History from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.


From the late 1970s through the 1980s, the station enjoyed large audience appeal on the strength of playing the "classics" (e.g. Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin) as well as championing newer hard rock bands such as Night Ranger, Krokus, Ronnie James Dio, Ozzy Osbourne, and Def Leppard.

Ludovic Debeurme

After studying fine art at the Sorbonne, he was first published in the anthology Comix 2000, followed by the acclaimed graphic novels Céfalus (2002) and Mes ailes d’homme (2003), the autobiographical story collection Ludologie (2003), and youth-oriented illustrated editions of the classics Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (2001), The Chancellor (2004), and Gargantua (2004).

Maciej Zembaty

Despite being considered one of the classics of Polish black humour, he is perhaps best known as a translator and populariser of songs and poems by Leonard Cohen.

Michael R. Matz

As a trainer, he has scored two wins in the Classics, the 2012 Belmont Stakes (Union Rags) and the 2006 Kentucky Derby (Barbaro).

Mutsuo Takahashi

Other close friends Takahashi made about this time include Tatsuhiko Shibusawa who translated the Marquis de Sade into Japanese, the surreal poet Chimako Tada who shared Takahashi's interest in classical Greece, the poet Shigeo Washisu who was also interested in the classics and the existential ramifications of homoeroticism.

Old Tote Theatre Company

Many distinguished and much-loved actors, such as Ruth Cracknell, Ron Haddrick, Neil Fitzpatrick, Jacki Weaver, John Bell, Dinah Shearing, Helmut Bakaitis, Robyn Nevin, Elizabeth Alexander, Reg Livermore, Dennis Olsen, Gary Files and Jennifer Hagan, appeared in more than 90 productions of the classics and contemporary plays from the international repertoire.

Paul Peter Ewald

Ewald received his early education in the classics at the Gymnasium in Berlin and Potsdam, where he learned to speak Greek, French, and English, in addition to his native language of German.

Phillip Darrell Duppa

He attended Cambridge University and learned the classics and five languages before moving to Prescott, Arizona in 1863, probably related to prospecting in the region at the time.

Rachel Carter

She has also just been named the program director for "The Classics Live," a touring troupe that brings classic works of drama (e.g. Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare, a dramatic adaptation of Beowulf, and Antigone) before a variety of audiences.

Reebok Classics

British rapper Mike Skinner aka The Streets is a spokesperson for the Classics line, as he favours white Reebok Workout Plus trainers.

Restoration comedy

The classics, Wycherley's The Country Wife and The Plain-Dealer, Etherege's The Man of Mode, and Congreve's Love For Love and The Way of the World have competition not only from Vanbrugh's The Relapse and The Provoked Wife, but from such dark unfunny comedies as Thomas Southerne's The Wives Excuse.

Richard Carlson

He appeared in a number of horror and science fiction films, including three 3-D films: The Maze (1953) and the classics It Came from Outer Space (1953) with Barbara Rush, Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954) with Julia Adams, and The Magnetic Monster.

Romulus, New York

The town is named after the mythical founder of Rome, Romulus, a name assigned by a clerk with an interest in the classics.

Simon Goldhill

Simon Goldhill is the Principal Investigator for a new project on The Bible and Antiquity in 19th-Century Culture which is funded by the European Research Council and based at CRASSH (The Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities) in collaboration with the Classics Faculty at the University of Cambridge.

St. Clement's School

Activities and clubs offered by the school include the Philosophy Club, Duke of Edinburgh's Award, Ontario Model Parliament and the Classics Club (which brings students to the Ontario Student Classics Conference at Brock University every year).

The Greatest Songs of the Sixties

The classics performed in this album includes Frankie Valli's "Can't Take My Eyes Off You", Elvis Presley's #1 hit "Can't Help Falling in Love", Beatles' "And I Love Her" and Frank Sinatra's "Strangers in the Night" (the latter first appeared on Manilow's Sinatra-tribute album Manilow Sings Sinatra in 1998).

The Private Afternoons of Pamela Mann

The Private Afternoons of Pamela Mann is a 1974 pornographic film starring Barbara Bourbon and directed by Radley Metzger (under his nom de porn "Henry Paris") that is considered one of the classics of the Golden Age of Porn.

The War Report

The album features the classics "L.A. L.A."; "T.O.N.Y."; "Neva Die Alone"; "Driver's Seat"; "Illegal Life"; "Capone Bone"; "Bloody Money"; "Closer"; "Iraq (See The World)"; and Noreaga's dedication to Capone, "Live on, Live Long." Tragedy Khadafi was in many ways the mastermind behind the project and was at the time considered an unofficial third member.

Thomas Jefferson Education

Level I is an introduction to the Five Pillars and the Classics/Mentors model of education includes attending a seminar, submitting a form to a facilitator, and reading and discussing the following books: The Chosen, Jane Eyre, The Lonesome Gods, Little Britches, Laddie, The Merchant of Venice, and A Thomas Jefferson Education.

Trial of Socrates

Primary sources for accounts of the trial are given by two of Socrates' friends, Plato and Xenophon; well known later interpretations include those of the journalist I. F. Stone and the classics scholar Robin Waterfield.

University of Nebraska Press

The press is publisher of the scholarly editions of the works of Willa Cather, including the classics My Antonia and O Pioneers!.

Villa Elisa, Paraguay

Even though he was a self-taught person, he was very interested in Literature since a very young age, having read some of the classics of the occidental narrative, such as the Spanish great writers, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra and Pedro Antonio de Alarcón and the French Alejandro Dumas.


The station playlist included R&B, soul and funk, playing what would become the classics of their genre and launching careers of national artists like Lou Rawls and "Philadelphia Sound" acts such as The O'Jays, The Stylistics, Patti LaBelle and the Blue Bells, and Teddy Pendergrass.


By 1965, WSBF had changed format to include "The Frank Howard Show," "Pigskin Preview" show featuring old standards, and a "Concert Hall" show featuring the classics.