
3 unusual facts about The Passage

The Passage

The concert hall became renowned as a setting for literary readings attended by the likes of Dostoevsky, Turgenev, and Taras Shevchenko.

To draw even more consumers to the store, the Soleille, one of the largest cinemas in the Russian capital, was opened in the complex in 1908.

Jensen Group (real estate investment and development company based in Saint-Petersburg, Russia) acquired Nevsky Passage from VTB Bank in September 2011.

Banning, California

In the novel The Passage by Justin Cronin, the city is mentioned as being near the First Colony which is home to the protagonist, Peter.

Burlington Arcade

The Burlington Arcade was the successful prototype for larger glazed shopping arcades, beginning with the Saint-Hubert Gallery in Brussels and The Passage in St Petersburg, the first of Europe's grand arcades, to the Galleria Umberto I in Naples or the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II in Milan.

Sarai Givaty

Upon her arrival, she quickly landed the lead role in a film called The Passage starring opposite Stephen Dorff.

see also

8: The Mormon Proposition

It states that LDS Church leader Thomas S. Monson asked to ensure the passage of the controversial California Proposition 8.

Alexander Hamilton Coffroth

During his term in the Thirty-eighth Congress, he supported the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment, along with some other Democrats, such as Archibald McAllister.

American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012

The passage of the bill came after days of negotiations between Senate leaders and the Obama administration, with the final agreement being attributed to talks between Vice President Joe Biden and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Anderson Memorial Bridge

The bridge stands next to the Weld Boathouse and was designed with "a high enough arch to admit the passage of all sorts of pleasure craft." It may be noted that both the bridge and the boathouse (built in 1906) were funded by heirs to the fortune of 19th century magnate William Fletcher Weld.

Andrée de Jongh

De Jongh herself was betrayed and captured at a farmhouse in Urrugne, in the French Basque country, in January 1943 - the last stop on the escape line before the passage over the Pyrenees - during her 33rd journey to Spain.

Battle of Cedynia

The Polish duke, with a part of his forces (likely to have been most of the horsemen), headed for the river in order to defend the passage while leaving the rest of army under command of his brother Czcibor, in the hills not far from Cedynia.

Carroll D. Wright

From 1872 to 1873 he served in the Massachusetts Senate, where he secured the passage of a bill to provide for the establishment of trains for workers to Boston from the suburban districts.

Castlerigg stone circle

In the passage quoted below, Sears also quotes an earlier description of the circle by Ann Radcliffe (Mrs. Radcliffe).


Further steps of independence were taken with the passage of the Statute of Westminster 1931 and the Australia Act 1986.

Conyers Clifford

On coming to the Curlew Mountains, the baggage and ammunition were halted under the protection of the horse, while the infantry attempted the passage.

David Scott Cowper

On 6 September 2009, he was docked in Cambridge Bay, halfway through the Northwest Passage, and on 24 September he sailed into Dutch Harbor in the Aleutians, after completing the passage single-handed for the third time.

Donation Land Claim Act

The passage of the law was largely due to the efforts of Samuel R. Thurston, the Oregon territorial delegate to Congress.

Federal Employers Liability Act

In discussing the need for legislation to address the railroad worker's exposure to harm, U.S. Representative Henry D. Flood, a strong advocate for the passage of the FELA, referred to alarming statistics about the injuries and deaths associated with work on the railroad.

Fiat justitia ruat caelum

The falling sky clause occurs in the passage of Terence, suggesting that it was a common saying in his time, "Quid si redeo ad illos qui aiunt, ‘Quid si nunc cœlum ruat?’" — "What if I have recourse to those who say, ‘What now if the sky were to fall?’".

Florida Central Voter File

This led to the passage of the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965, banning discriminatory practices that kept African-Americans off the voter rolls.

Frank H. Netter M.D. School of Medicine at Quinnipiac University

Quinnipiac Medical School is one of about a dozen new medical schools established in anticipation of increased demand for medical professionals following the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the aging of the baby boomer generation.

Frankie Trull

Trull played an instrumental role in coordinating Congressional consensus for the passage of the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA), signed into law by President George W. Bush in 2006, to provide greater protection for researchers from animal rights extremists.

Giovanni Ambrogio Figino

The organ shutters for the Cathedral of Milan were painted after 1590 by Ambrogio, Camillo Procaccini, and Giuseppe Meda, depicting the Passage of the Red Sea and the Ascencion of Christ.

Guy M. Brandborg

Although disputes over forestry practices continue, this event sparked major changes to U.S. forestry policies in the 1970s and influenced the passage of the National Forest Management Act of 1976.

Hatch Act of 1939

Widespread allegations that local Democratic Party politicians used employees of the Works Progress Administration (WPA) during the congressional elections of 1938 provided the immediate impetus for the passage of the Hatch Act.


At first mocked and scorned even there, with the passage of time he came to be revered as a saint and his advice was sought by the great: he was acquainted with the Empress Kunigunde, Bishop Meinwerk of Paderborn and Aribo, Archbishop of Mainz.

Heraclea Minoa

Again, in 256 BC, it was at Heraclea that the Carthaginian fleet of 350 ships was posted for the purpose of preventing the passage of the Roman fleet to Africa, and where it sustained a great defeat from the Roman consuls Regulus and Manlius.

History of Cagliari

The passage of the De Bello Gildonico of Claudian who describes it in the fourth century AD, says that Cagliari was founded by the powerful Tyre, a city of the Lebanon, which in early centuries of the first millennium BC experienced the most prosperous period as a commercial power between East and West Mediterranean, and that also founded the city of Carthage.

History of Jhelum

Modern research has fixed the site of the conflict between Alexander and Porus as within Jhelum district, though the exact spot at which the Macedonian king effected the passage of the Jhelum (or Hydespes) has been hotly disputed.

Hubertus Czernin

The articles led to the passage of Austria's Art Restitution Law, which allowed the family of Maria Altmann, the niece of Ferdinand Bloch-Bauer, to pursue claims successfully to the Klimt paintings that had been looted from her uncle during World War II (see Republic of Austria v. Altmann).

Jeffrey Harbeson

The Russian actions were described as a reaction to the passage by the US Congress of the Magnitsky Act.


However, the passage over the ridge of hills which shuts in on the south of the great Jezreel Valley was blocked by the Judean army led by Josiah, who may have considered that the Assyrians and Egyptians were weakened by the death of the pharaoh Psamtik I only a year earlier (610 BC), who had been appointed and confirmed by Assyrian kings Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal.

Kevin Galvin

Galvin participated in the national health care reform debate that culminated in the passage and signing of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in March 2010.

Leroy D. Thoman

The next year, after the passage of the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act, President Chester A. Arthur nominated Thoman to be one of three members of the United States Civil Service Commission.


It is regarded as the passage of the Aeneid most imitative of the Annales of Ennius.

Mission Bridge

Before the Mission Bridge was completed, the only link between the City of Abbotsford and the City of Mission was the Canadian Pacific Railway Mission Railway Bridge which had wooden planks laid on the ties between the rails, and outside the rails, to allow the passage of automobile traffic.

Nurse practitioner

It is further anticipated that the need for NPs will increase because of the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA).

Office of the Accountant of Court

However, following the passage of the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000 by the Scottish Parliament, these cases were transferred to the new Office of the Public Guardian, although the handling of pre-existing cases was only assigned to the new body on 1 April, 2006.

Passage East

The football club associated with the Passage area is Gaultier.

Pierre Jay

In 1908, as Massachusetts banking commissioner, he, along with Bostonian business man and philanthropist Edward Filene, helped organize public hearings on creating credit union legislation in Massachusetts, leading to the passage of the Massachusetts Credit Union Act in 1909.

Rufus P. Spalding

Following the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska act in 1854, anti-slavery politicians from various parties met in the Town Street Methodist Episcopal Church in Columbus, Ohio to form what became the Fusion Party.

Shire of Cooloola

With the passage of the Local Authorities Act 1902, Widgee Division became the Shire of Widgee on 31 March 1903, and on 21 November 1940 moved into new premises formerly occupied by the Bank of New South Wales at 242 Mary Street, Gympie.

Shire of Widgee

With the passage of the Local Authorities Act 1902, Widgee Division became the Shire of Widgee on 31 March 1903, and on 21 November 1940 moved into new premises formerly occupied by the Bank of New South Wales at 242 Mary Street, Gympie.

Sidney Runyan Thomas

Thomas's nomination had been briefly held up by then U.S. Sen. Conrad Burns of Montana, who wanted the nominations of Thomas and A. Wallace Tashima delayed until the passage of a bill to split the Ninth Circuit into two.

Slieve Donard

According to the Annals of the Four Masters, he died in Anno Mundi 2533 (2533 years after "the creation of the world") and was buried in the passage tomb.

Standing Rules of the United States Senate

The longest filibuster speech in the history of the Senate was delivered by Strom Thurmond, who spoke for over twenty-four hours in an unsuccessful attempt to block the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1957.

Susan Paynter

Two years before the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on Roe v. Wade she wrote two multipart series on the campaign for the passage of abortion reform in Washington state.

The Unquiet Earth

The VISTA program grew into prominence with the passage of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 signed by President Lyndon Johnson.

Titchfield Haven National Nature Reserve

However silting started to restrict the passage of ships, and in order to maintain Titchfield's status as a port, the Earl of Southampton proposed that a canal should be constructed.

U. S. Grant Sharp, Jr.

During his tenure, due to the Tonkin Gulf Incident, the U.S. increased its presence in Vietnam after the passage of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.

United States Public Health Service

The origins of the Public Health Service can be traced to the passage, by the 5th Congress of the United States, of "An Act for the Relief of Sick and Disabled Seamen" in 1798.

USA/USSR Joint Statement on Uniform Acceptance of Rules of International Law Governing Innocent Passage

The Joint Statement by the USA and the USSR (the superpowers of the time) was made to counteract state activity to restrict the passage of ships carrying potentially hazardous materials through states' territorial sea, culminating mainly from the Basel Convention 1989.


This type of behavior with trademarks led the United States government to the passage of the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act.

Whitsunday Islands

The term is a mis-nomer, based as it is on Captain Cook’s naming of what is now known as the Whitsunday Passage (in Cook’s Journal, Whitsunday’s Passage) in the belief that the passage was discovered on Whitsunday, The Sunday of the feast of Whitsun or Pentecost in the Christian liturgical year, observed 7 weeks after Easter.