In a review for the Jewish Book Council, professor emeritus of history Jack Fischel described the book as "riveting narrative, which reads like a novel rather than a work of scholarship (conversations are recorded without footnoting sources)".
Pope John Paul II | Pope Benedict XVI | Pope | Pope Paul VI | Alexander Pope | Pope Pius IX | Pope Pius XII | Pope Francis | Pope Leo XIII | Pope Pius XI | Pope John XXIII | Pope Innocent IV | Pope Pius VII | Pope Pius X | Pope John Paul I | Pope Alexander III | Pope Clement VII | Pope Urban VIII | Pope Clement V | Pope Pius VI | Pope Julius II | Pope Gregory VII | Pope Clement VIII | pope | Pope Sixtus V | Pope Alexander VI | Pope Benedict XIV | Pope Benedict XV | Pope Innocent XI | Pope Sixtus IV |
The Pope is explicitly criticised, and the antics of Harrison's former bandmate John Lennon are also criticised.
The 120 responses she received from people around the world (including Yoko Ono, Avi Mograbi, the Dalai Lama and the Pope) were shown at an exhibition at Ha'Kibbutz Israeli Art Gallery.
The 7" single features a monologue about Max Headroom being scared and unable to sleep (hence "Paranoimia", a portmanteau of "paranoia" and "insomnia"). The 12" has a completely different vocal with Headroom as a master of ceremonies, talking about the music and introducing the band (which he claims comprises Peter O'Toole, Martina Navratilova, Cher and the Pope).
He was subsequently featured in Time Out, Gay Times and Artrocker magazine, which in September 2010 featured his open letter to The Pope protesting against Benedict XVI's visit to the UK.
He sided with the Emperor in the investiture dispute, which led to a confrontation with his younger brother Ottokar II, who sided with the Pope and replaced him in 1082.
But first, through the Prior of Zion, he threatened the Pope that if he did not check Ferdinand and Manuel I of Portugal in their depredations on the Indian Seas, he would destroy all Christian holy places, and treat Christians as they were treating the followers of Islam.
He was arrested on October 8, 1997 by the Chinese government, along with Su Zhi-Ming, since professing loyalty to the pope in Rome over loyalty to the Chinese state is forbidden in China.
Tradition has it that the site was haunted by Nero's ghost or demons in the form of black crows; therefore the pope chopped down the walnut tree sheltering the crows and built a chapel in its place.
Contemporary John Bargrave would later recall that at the funeral of Cardinal Panciroli (at the Quirinal Palace), others told him that it had been the Pope's plan all along for Astalli to take responsibility for a number of failures and scandals and then be removed shortly before the Pope's death to ensure his estate was inherited by his original Cardinal-Nephew, Camillo Pamphili.
He briefly sheltered the young Emperor Frederick II at the Rocca and acted as the vicar of the Kingdom of Sicily, but in 1198 he was ordered to render Spoleto to the Pope and during his absence, Assisi rebelled and declared a commune.
In the 16th century the act of credenza was the tasting of food and drinks by a servant for a lord or other important person (such as the pope or a cardinal) in order to test for poison.
The Roman Catholic Church in Azerbaijan is part of the worldwide Roman Catholic Church, under the spiritual leadership of the Pope and curia in Rome.
This is done with Izzard adopting a very Italian accent (and miming riding on a Vespa) to signify the Pope talking to Henry VIII ("who is Sean Connery for this film") and explaining that he can't marry as many wives as he wants to.
The Spanish state based its right over the land and persons of the Indies on the Papal charge to evangelize the indigenous population.
When the contents of Article 44 were put to Pope Pius XI by Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli (later Pope Pius XII), the pope stated in diplomatic language: "We do not approve, nor do we not disapprove – we will remain silent".
As well as the Fingerporians, the strip has included characters such as the Pope, The Phantom, Spider-Man, Adolf Hitler, Kimi Räikkönen and Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim.
Father Frédéric-Vincent Lebbe (雷鳴遠) (1877-1940) was a Roman Catholic missionary to China whose advocacy led the pope to appoint the first native Chinese bishops.
In the course of the monastery’s being raised to Imperial Abbey, answerable only to the Pope, and no longer within the grasp of the bishoprics of Mainz and Worms, the Emperor donated to the monastery the domain of Heppenheim in 773, which comprised the greater part of today’s Bergstraße district and great parts of the Odenwaldkreis.
The building of the Gnomon inside the Church of Saint-Sulpice occurred at a time when Rome was relaxing its stance against the theories of Galileo Galilei, as his works were being printed in Rome with the agreement of the Holy See, and in 1757 the Pope removed the works of Galileo from the Index Librorum Prohibitorum.
Lockyer writes that Charles V, the Holy Roman Emperor and champion of the pope, requested passages from his favorite psalm, Ps.
While the Maltese Islands were under the dominion of the Knights of Malta, from the 15th century through to the late 18th century, the Grand Master had the status of a prince of the Catholic Church, and enjoyed a special relationship with the Pope, which occasionally led to a considerable amount of friction with the local Bishops.
In conversation with several people, the Pope had indicated that a rethink of the encyclical Humanae Vitae was needed, allowing the use of the contraceptive pill among the faithful.
In 1672 an accusation was brought by Henry Mildmay (1619–1692), before the council against him and Francis, his younger bother, of being papists, and receiving payment from the pope to promote his interests.
To young Gilbert Sheldon, who first at Oxford denied that the Pope was Antichrist, he replied with a joke; and his quarrel with Peter Heylyn, whom in 1627 he denounced as a 'Bellarminian,' for maintaining the supremacy of the church in matters of faith, was amicably settled in 1633 by the mediation of William Laud.
(John Meyendorff, professor of the Academy of St. Vladimir now in Scarsdale, New York (associated with Columbia University) - and every bit as much a critic of the "Catholic novelties" and the Pope's anti-Christianity.
Their four children had been given the surname "Beaufort" and with the approval of King Richard and the Pope were legitimated as adults by their parents' marriage in 1396.
He accompanied the pope on his expeditions against the House of Bentivoglio in Bologna and the Baglioni family of Perugia.
Even the pope, Pope Leo IX, who had at first praised the work, was persuaded that it was exaggerated.
The pope, Gregory II, ordered the people to resist and the Byzantine duke of Naples, Exhiliratus, was killed by a mob while trying to carry out the imperial command to destroy all the icons.
Twice appointed by the pope to the International Theological Commission, he was a consultant at the Second Vatican Council for the liturgy, the Congregation of Sacred Rites and Secretariat for Christian Unity.
Don Marcello Massarenti (Budrio, 1817 — 1905), a Vatican official who helped Pope Pius IX escape from Rome at the time of the Roman republican uprising of 1849, rose to become Almoner of the Pope.
Sent as an ambassador to Pope Pius VII, he organised the Pope's trip to France for Napoleon's coronation as emperor.
In 744, a donation of Gisulf II of Benevento created the Terra Sancti Benedicti, the secular lands of the abbacy, which were subject to the abbot and nobody else save the Pope.
Pepin in turn sent Abbot Droctegang of Jumièges to confer with the pope, and a little later dispatched Duke Autchar and Bishop Chrodengang of Metz to conduct the pope to the Frankish realm.
The Permanent Observer of Holy See to the United Nations in Geneva is the representative of the Pope and the Catholic Church to the European office of the United Nations — in Geneva, Switzerland.
Ever a faithful ally of the pope, in 1117, he retook Rome for him, but was subsequently holed up in his tower by Ptolemy I of Tusculum.
At this period a book published by Santarelli, an Italian Jesuit, who attributed to the pope the power of deposing kings who were guilty of certain crimes, and under such circumstances of absolving their subjects from their allegiance, was the object of severe attacks from the many enemies of the Society of Jesus in France.
On 1 March 2003, Laghi, as special papal envoy to the United States, met with President George W. Bush and conveyed the Pope's request that the United States reconsider the decision to go to war against Iraq.
Thus, all decisions must come from the pope, who appointed and qualified, including the Grand Chancellor and Provost of the institution.
In the case of a certain Hugh whom the chapter of Chartres had elected bishop, he withheld his approbation because the bishop-elect did not possess sufficient knowledge, quum pateretur in litteratura defectum, as the Pope stated in a letter dated 8 January 1219.
The Pope's venality and nepotism made him very unpopular with the citizens of Rome, but to his credit, he was a patron and protector of the reforming monks of Cluny.
An article by Agostino Paravicini Bagliani on L'Osservatore Romano of 31 August 2013 states that the earliest document that speaks explicitly of the Pope wearing white is the Ordo XIII, a book of ceremonies compiled in about 1274 under Pope Gregory X.
The ceremony to choose the pope from the three consensus candidates was held at Cairo's St. Mark's Cathedral at about noon and featured a marked police presence.
Adler has involved himself in various causes, including helping to promote the "Turn Friday Night Into Family Night" initiative of charismatic rabbi Shmuley Boteach, reportedly discussing the initiative with Pope Benedict in May 2010 during the Pope's weekly audience in St Peter's Square.
Additionally, the pope created three new sees, namely Novo Mesto, Celje and Murska Sobota.
On December 25, 1992, aged 53, he was appointed the archbishop of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Tiranë-Durrës and ordained on April 25, 1993 by Pope John Paul II and Cardinals Camillo Ruini and Jozef Tomko, along with three other bishops (Zef Simoni, Frano Illia and Robert Ashta) during the Pope's pastoral visit to Albania.
In the end, Henry IV journeyed to Canossa in northern Italy in 1077 to do penance and to receive absolution from the pope.
He seems to have been still living at Marseilles when Gennadius wrote under the papacy of Gelasius (492-496).
Among these are 'Truth brought to Light, or Murder will out;' 'Justice in Masquerade, or Scroggs upon Scroggs;' another beginning ' Since Justice Scroggs Pepys and Dean did bail;' 'The Pope's Advice and Benediction to his Judge and Jury in Eutopia;' 'The Wolf Justice ' (against Scroggs); 'A Caution,' and 'A Satyr' against James, Duke of York, the Duchess of Portsmouth, and William Scroggs, whom he hated for acquitting George Wakeman.
The Maronite Church found itself caught between the two (allegedly embracing Monothelitism), but claims to have always remained faithful to the Catholic Church and in communion with the bishop of Rome, the Pope.
On July 1, 1536, he was designated by King of Poland, Sigismund I, who considered him a very valuable diplomat, as Bishop of Culm, which was later confirmed by the Pope.
The pope appointed a panel of five bishops to decide the case—which really concerned the abbey's rights in Les Ponts-de-Cé—and in 1149 the bishopric was ordered to pay restitution to Basset of 1,000 marks.
King Childebert was urged by the pope to assist Virgilius in exterminating simony from the Churches of Gaul and Germania.