
unusual facts about The Regime

Tha Realest discography

"Payback" The Regime (C-Bo, Tha Realest, The Jacka, Yukmouth & Gonzoe) (All Out War Volume 2) (2005)

see also

1977 Uganda National League

In 1979 the ban was lifted in after the regime of Idi Amin had ended.

4th of August Regime

The regime promoted the perceived Spartan ideals of self-discipline, militarism and collective sacrifice, while Byzantium provided an emphasis on a centralized state and devotion to the monarchy and Greek Orthodox Church.

Abed Hamed Mowhoush

Abed Hamed Mowhoush (Arabic "عبد حامد موحوش") was a major general / air vice-marshal believed to be in command of the Iraqi Air Force or Iraqi air defence during the regime of Saddam Hussein immediately prior to the 2003 Invasion of Iraq, until his surrender to United States forces on 10 November 2003.

Abu Basir al-Tartusi

Abu Basir was strongly supportive of opposition to the Syrian regime, during the Syrian civil war he established a Facebook page called al-Mu’arada al-islamiya lil-nizam al-souri (Islamic Opposition to the Regime in Syria) and in May 2012 he appeared in an online video clip alongside armed rebels, implying he was taking part in fighting inside Syria.

Agustí Montal Galobart

After the Spanish Civil War and during the early years of the Dictatorship by Francisco Franco, between 1939 and 1953, the president was appointed by the authorities of the regime.

Alaeddin Boroujerdi

He is a supporter of the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei and has accused Esfandiar Rahim Mashai, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s chief of staff, of leading a 'deviant current' against the regime.

Albania–United States relations

Even while the United States, which had closed its mission to Albania in 1946, was being vilified by communist propaganda during the regime of Enver Hoxha, ordinary Albanians remembered that U.S. President Woodrow Wilson had interceded on behalf of Albanian independence from 1919 to 1920, strongly arguing against a proposed partition of Albania by the Paris Peace Conference and subsequently enabling Albania to achieve statehood and international recognition by the League of Nations.

Anatole de Monzie

Friend of Otto Abetz, Darquier de Pellepoix and Fernand de Brinon, he was nonetheless an object of hatred for many among the regime de Vichy.

Brazilian Democratic Movement Party

Under military rule from 1965 to 1979, Brazil had a legally enforced two party system, with supporters of the regime gathered under the National Renewal Alliance Party (ARENA) umbrella, and the official opposition making up the MDB.

Carlos Morel

At that time Prilidiano Pueyrredón was living in Rio with his family, as well as other intellectuals opposed to the regime of Juan Manuel de Rosas including Bernardino Rivadavia, José María Gutiérrez and Juan Bautista Alberdi.

Catharina-Amalia, Princess of Orange

Princess Catharina-Amalia's maternal grandparents, Jorge Zorreguieta and María del Carmen Cerruti Carricart, were prohibited from attending her parents' wedding in 2002 due to Zorreguieta's involvement in the regime of General Jorge Rafael Videla, but were present at her baptism, which was a private rather than a state affair.

Chester E. Norris

The main street in the wealthiest suburb of the capital, Malabo, is named Chester E. Norris Avenue in recognition of his relationship with the regime of President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasago.

Dnevni telegraf

Since he was now engaged in a draining open conflict with the regime, financially strapped Ćuruvija for the first time turned to American organizations such as the National Endowment for Democracy for funding.

Editorial Atlántida

Growing international pressure against the regime's Dirty War resulted in a petition campaign organized by Para Tí, in which postcards labeled "Argentina: The Whole Truth" could be torn out by readers and mailed to a list of addresses of the regime's most prominent international critics, including U.S. President Jimmy Carter, Senator Ted Kennedy, and French President Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, as well as Amnesty International and numerous international newspapers of record.

Evelyn Ruggles-Brise

On his return, he formed a facility for young offenders at Bedford prison, but the regime took its name from the prison at Borstal near Rochester in Kent.


Peronism associated with the regime of Juan Perón in Argentina from 1946 to 1955 and 1973 to 1974, was strongly influenced by fascism.


Kuti held Obasanjo responsible for his mother's death, and publicly defied the regime once again with his protest, leaving a symbolic coffin in front of Obasanjo's residence at the Dodan army barracks.

French state

Vichy France, 'French state' was the official name of the regime first directed by Philippe Pétain, explicitly opposed to the French Republic

Friedrich Hielscher

Hielscher convinced several of his followers to seek positions within the regime, including intelligence (Abwehr), military command, Ahnenerbe and police (SS-Reichssicherheitshauptamt), from which positions they managed to protect some of those persecuted by the Nazi regime.


Most of the inmates were Communists, Social Democrats and other political opponents of Nazism, Jews, Jehovah's Witnesses, Romani, homosexual men and others whom the regime wanted to lock up.

Gao Mausoleum

Under the regime of Han Xiandi, Sun Jian crusaded against Dong Zhuo and was ordered by Yuan Shu to make a punitive expedition against Liu Biao.

Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej

Moreover, the final years of the regime saw the publishing of Karl Marx texts which had previously been kept secret, dealing with Russia's imperial policy in previously Romanian regions that were still part of the Soviet Union.

Golos Respubliki

Published weekly, it focused on covering business and economic issues in Kazakhstan, and frequently published stories critical of the regime, including financial mismanagement and supposed cronyism, such as the granting of oil rights to one of President Nazarbayev's relatives, and the disappearance of funds for an airport in Almaty.

Gregory Pterotos

while Warren Treadgold theorized that Gregory may have served as Count of the Opsician Theme, which was the Asian theme closest to Constantinople and hence of particular importance for the stability of the regime.

International isolation

Also, in the 2011-2012 Syrian uprising, several foreign countries imposed tough sanctions against the regime of President Bashar al-Assad.

J. B. Sumarlin

After that, before the fall of the regime New Order, Sumarlin entrusted to lead the state institutions, as Chairman of the Supreme Audit Agency (CPC).

Joaquín Ruiz-Giménez

He was minister of Education under Franco (1951-1955) but he drifted apart from the regime since 1956 and, adopting a Christian Democrat position, steadily started to promote a quiet transition to democracy, especially through Cuadernos para el Diálogo magazine.

Joseph Garang

In July 1971, Garang and several others were executed after being convicted as conspirators in the short-lived coup that toppled the regime of President Gaafar Nimeiry.

Lawrence Di Rita

After the toppling of the regime of Saddam Hussein in 2003, Di Rita was assigned to assist retired Army general Jay Garner, Director of the Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Affairs (ORHA) in Iraq.

Libya and weapons of mass destruction

Libyan Army forces loyal to Gaddafi reportedly fired several Scud-B surface-to-surface missiles at areas in revolt against the regime, including Misrata and Ajdabiya, during the Libyan civil war, but the weapons missed their targets.

Lluís Companys

Companys was one of the founders of Unió de Rabassaires in 1922, for which he worked as a lawyer and director of the magazine La Terra during the years of the regime of Primo de Rivera.


In the 1990s, he applied for permits to create a McDonald's in Iraq, but the McDonald’s Corporation turned him down, due to economic sanctions imposed during the regime of Saddam Hussein, as well as the controlled economy of Iraq at the time.

National Pupils and Students Union of Côte d'Ivoire

U.N.E.E.C.I. was established as the sole legal student organization by the regime of Félix Houphouët-Boigny in 1965.

Polish anti-religious campaign

During Pope John XXIII's pontificate, the regime successfully bypassed the Polish episcopate by being allowed to directly negotiate with the vatican, which allowed the government to isolate the polish episcopate.

Pope Paul II

In the Papal States, however, in 1465 he eliminated the regime of the counts of Anguillara, a house that had played a consistent anti-papal role since the plot of Stefano Porcari and the unruly insurrection of Tiburzio di Maso in 1460.

Portuguese irregular forces in the Overseas War

Fiéis (Faithfuls) - force composed of military and police from Katanga, exiled for opposing the regime of Mobutu; these men fled to Angola with their families in a total of nearly 5,000 people.

Przemysław Gintrowski

The title song of the programme, “Mury”, based on the song written by Catalan bard Lluis Llach L'Estaca - has become an informal anthem of "Solidarity" and the symbol of the fight against the regime.

Regina Ghazaryan

She is also known as Yeghishe Charent's friend and benefactor, who saved many of the poet's manuscripts during the regime of Stalin.


It is widely believed that the former regime arm twisted Vodafone to shed off the 5% as a kickback to high-ranking officials in the regime.A WikiLeaks report stated that it was once owned by Nicholas Biwott,Charles Fidel Marshall,Gideon Moi and The Post Office.

Scott Tannas

While in Uganda, the regime of Idi Amin gained control of the country and the Tannas family returned to Canada.

Second Battle of Benghazi

Admiral Mullen of the United States announced on 20 March, that the international coalition had stopped the regime's progression on Benghazi.

Shafaat Jamil

He helped Brigadier Khaled Mosharraf to initiate an armed uprising on November 3, 1975 and proceeded towards Banga Bhaban against the regime of Khondaker Mostaq Ahmad.


Jaroslav Brodský ( 22. March 1920 - †12. August 1981 in Torontu-Canada); pedagogue - school director, „prisoner of the regime“ (1950–1960), founder of the K 231 organization, emigrant, publicist.


Before that the leading figures of the STUHA movement had met on 9 November 1989 (the day the great 19th centuryCzech poet, Karel Hynek Mácha, is traditionally commemorated at his monument in Petřín park, Prague), with the aim of getting in touch with the leaders of the Socialist Youth Organization (Socialistický svaz mládeže – SSM) and winning over SSM members who were willing to take part in a mass demonstration for democratization of the régime.


The Greek military junta of 1967-1974 is also known as "The Regime of the Colonels" because most of its chief leaders were of Colonel rank, including two of the three chief leaders, George Papadopoulos and Nikolaos Makarezos.

Toll road

Toll roads have existed for at least the last 2,700 years, as tolls had to be paid by travellers using the SusaBabylon highway under the regime of Ashurbanipal, who reigned in the 7th century BC.


Tuxpan was also the port of departure for the yacht Granma that was used to transport Fidel Castro, his brother Raúl, Che Guevara and other fighters of the Cuban Revolution from Mexico to Cuba in 1956 for the purpose of overthrowing the regime of Fulgencio Batista.

Twitter Revolution

Egyptian Revolution of 2011, in which the regime of Hosni Mubarak was ended after 30 years


In December 1996, XS4ALL put the Belgrade radio station B92 online using streaming audio technology in response to the jamming of its broadcasts by the regime of Slobodan Milošević.

Yolanda Blanco

Penqueo en Nicaragua was written during the revolutionary fight of the Nicaraguan people that put an end to the regime of Anastasio Somoza.