
unusual facts about regime

1977 Uganda Cup

At a time of the Idi Amin regime, the Army side, Simba FC, were eager to represent the country and forced the organisers to change the date of the final.

Albert Muwalo

His close contact with Banda, both as minister in Banda’s office and in the MCP gave him great power and, during the first half of the 1970s he and his relative, the Head of the Police Special Branch Focus Gwede, were heavily involved in the political repression of actual or suspected opponents of the Banda regime.

Alex Ibru

Embarrassingly for the military regime, during the trip a large crowd demonstrated in Bori blaming Shell Oil pollution for their problems.

Ali Rahimi

Frans van Anraat is the person responsible for the delivery of chemicals to the Iraqi regime that were used in bombing the Kurds in the North of Iraq and the Kurdish city of Sardasht.

Anthony E. Oguguo

Navy Commodore Anthony E. Oguguo was appointed military governor of Imo State in Nigeria from 1990 to 1992 during the military regime of General Ibrahim Babangida.

Braintree Instructions

The Braintree Instructions was a document sent on September 24, 1765 by the town meeting of Braintree, Massachusetts to the town's representative at the Massachusetts General Court, or legislature, which instructed the representative to oppose the Stamp Act, a tax regime which had recently been adopted by the British Parliament in London.

Brazilian Military Junta of 1969

During the redemocratization process, the then president of the National Constituent Assembly (1987-1988), Ulysses Guimarães, a staunch opponent of the military regime, famously referred to the Military Junta of 1969 as The Three Stooges.

Burrel, Albania

The city used to be the site of one of the most terrible prisons of the communist regime, where both ordinary criminals and political prisoners such as Bashkim Shehu and Fatos Lubonja or the Catholic priest Dom Simon Jubani were held.

Chen Duxiu

In 1927, he and other high-ranking Communists, including Mao Zedong and Borodin, collaborated closely with Wang Jingwei's Nationalist government in Wuhan, convincing Wang's regime to adopt various proto-Communist policies.

CIA activities in Afghanistan

HRW said The New York Times, in January 1991, said Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Robert Kimmitt had "battled with CIA officials who would like to unleash the guerrillas in Afghanistan in one last effort," while United States Secretary of State James Baker worked to "coax the rebels and the Najibullah regime into democratic elections."

Coconut water

The Documentation Center of Cambodia has cited the practice of allowing untrained nurses to administer coconut water infusions in its list of medical practices for which the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity.


The Société cotonnière du Tchad, also called Cotontchad, is a parastatal Chadian company operating in a monopoly regime that buys and exports all the cotton produced in Chad, a product which represents 40% of the country's exportations and in the past years has been even more dominant.

Dumitru Țepeneag

Opposing the Communist regime from the Left, Dumitru Țepeneag has maintained an independent and individualist position — literary critic Eugen Simion has defined him as "a heretic on the left", and his colleague Paul Cernat as "unclassifiable".

Ghana–United States relations

Ghana – United States relations have generally been friendly since Ghana's independence, except for a period of strained relations during the later years of the Nkrumah regime.

Great Langton

Farming would have greatly increased and caused significant changes in the fluvial sediment regime through woodland clearance and colluvial hillwash.

Gregory Pterotos

while Warren Treadgold theorized that Gregory may have served as Count of the Opsician Theme, which was the Asian theme closest to Constantinople and hence of particular importance for the stability of the regime.

Hans Scholl

In the same issue of Newsday, Holocaust historian Jud Newborn noted that "You cannot really measure the effect of this kind of resistance in whether or not X number of bridges were blown up or a regime fell... The White Rose really has a more symbolic value, but that's a very important value."

Hector Hatch

While visiting New Zealand on 4 January 2007, the Interim Military Government (which had seized power in a coup d'état on 5 December 2006) named Hatch to head the Public Service Commission, replacing Stuart Huggett, who was dismissed for non-cooperation with the military regime.

Ibrahim Böhme

Ibrahim Böhme (November 18, 1944, Bad Dürrenberg, Province of Saxony – November 22, 1999) was a politician for a short period of time after the collapse of the communist regime in the German Democratic Republic, also known as East Germany.

Ita David Ikpeme

In December 1985 he was named as a suspect in a coup plot against the military regime of General Ibrahim Babangida.

J. B. Sumarlin

After that, before the fall of the regime New Order, Sumarlin entrusted to lead the state institutions, as Chairman of the Supreme Audit Agency (CPC).

Jewish Museum, Emmendingen

Emma Schwarz: Emmendingen - Gurs - Johannesburg, a Jewish woman from Emmendingen writes about her life under the Nazi regime and her later emigration with her son to South Africa.

Jorge Toriello Garrido

Toriello Garrido, a civilian, led the government along with Captain Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán and Major Francisco Javier Arana after overthrowing the military regime of Juan Federico Ponce Vaides, who had temporarily taken over from ousted dictator Jorge Ubico.

José de Almada Negreiros

His manifests were highly provocative, like "Manifesto Anti-Dantas", a humorous and aggressive text against Júlio Dantas, a major figure of arts and culture of Salazar's regime which stands as a banner against mediocrity and conformism.

Kfar Blum

The kibbutz was named in honor of Léon Blum, the Jewish socialist former Prime Minister of France who was the focus of a widely publicized, and ultimately unsuccessful, show trial in 1942 mounted by the collaborationist Vichy regime.


To make the point that the publication had outlasted the Soviet regime, "Kommersant" is spelled in Russian with a terminal hard sign (ъ) – a letter that is silent at the end of a word in modern Russian, and was thus abolished by the post-revolution Russian spelling reform.

Lithuanian resistance

Lithuanian partisans, resistance against Soviet regime after World War II

Lizzie Woods

Woods spent her early years in Francisco Franco's Madrid, where her family participated in the struggle against the Franco regime, before moving to the Welsh mining village of her family in Gwaun-Cae-Gurwen near Ammanford in Carmarthenshire.

Nara Bahadur Karmacharya

After the victory of the 1990 Jana Andolan, Karmacharya was awarded a piece of land in compensation of his struggles against the Rana regime.

National Congress of Chile

Congress meets in the Chile Congress building, which was built during the last years of the Pinochet regime and stands in the port city of Valparaíso, some 140 km west of the capital, Santiago.

Oromo Liberation Front

In 1973, the political situation of the country had changed and the Ethiopian military had ousted the imperial regime and taken control.


The Haitian Gourde was overprinted after the unexpectedly rapid fall of the Baby Doc Duvalier regime.


When that regime collapsed in May 1991, the SPLA began moving hundreds of thousands of refugees back to Sudan, many of them temporarily settled at Nasir, Pochalla, and Pakok (the new name for Khor Shum).

Pope Paul II

In the Papal States, however, in 1465 he eliminated the regime of the counts of Anguillara, a house that had played a consistent anti-papal role since the plot of Stefano Porcari and the unruly insurrection of Tiburzio di Maso in 1460.

Raquel Olmedo

She started her career in her native Cuba before moving to Mexico in 1959 at the start of Fidel Castro's regime's rule of Cuba.

Rasheed Shekoni

Colonel Rasheed Shekoni was a Military Administrator of Jigawa State from August 1996 to August 1998 during the military regime of General Sani Abacha, and then of Kwara State from August 1998 to May 1999 during the transitional regime of General Abdulsalami Abubakar.

Russian Soviet Government Bureau

A secret mission to Russia in March 1919 conducted by Wilson administration envoy William C. Bullitt to assess the economic and political system there ended in a negative report which accentuated various atrocities committed in the name of the Bolshevik regime, effectively removing any chance of formal recognition of the Martens initiative.

Sine Requie

In Italy, after the fall of the fascist regime, a rigid theocracy was imposed, ruled by Pope Leone XIV.


Jaroslav Brodský ( 22. March 1920 - †12. August 1981 in Torontu-Canada); pedagogue - school director, „prisoner of the regime“ (1950–1960), founder of the K 231 organization, emigrant, publicist.

Spanish Eclecticism

Two others, Antonio Gisbert and Casado del Alisal, were exponents of the bipartisan front for the imperial political regime of the time.

St Mark's Clocktower

There was originally a statue of the Doge Agostino Barbarigo (Doge 1486-1501) kneeling before the lion, but in 1797, after the city had surrendered to Napoleon, this was removed by the French, who were purging the city of all symbols of the old regime.


The Greek military junta of 1967-1974 is also known as "The Regime of the Colonels" because most of its chief leaders were of Colonel rank, including two of the three chief leaders, George Papadopoulos and Nikolaos Makarezos.

The Aryan Couple

Such is Krauzenberg's wealth and power that when he agrees to sign over his property, it is two of the most powerful men in the Nazi regime who announce they will be coming to his house to handle the paperwork – Adolf Eichmann (Steven Mackintosh) and Heinrich Himmler (Danny Webb).

Timeline of Shakespeare criticism

Allan Bloom, 1964: "Shakespeare devotes great care to establishing the political setting in almost all his plays, and his greatest heroes are rulers who exercise capacities which can only be exercised within civil society. To neglect this is simply to be blinded by the brilliance of one's own prejudices. As soon as one sees this, one cannot help asking what Shakespeare thought about a good regime and a good ruler." on his Shakespeare's Politics (with Harry V. Jaffa).

Unemployed Councils

As one pioneer scholar of the topic has observed, these Unemployed Councils were conceived as an adaptation of the St. Petersburg Councils of the Unemployed, soviets of unemployed workers which emerged during the Russian Revolution of 1905 and which helped to organize opposition to the Tsarist regime of Nikolai II.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1373

However, the resolution failed to define 'Terrorism', and the working group initially only added Al-Qaida and the Taliban regime of Afghanistan on the sanctions list.

Valerian Gaprindashvili

From the 1920s, like many of his fellow Symbolists, he faced an ideological pressure from the newly established Soviet regime which forced him to make a conciliatory move towards the standards of Soviet literature.

Wilhelm Röpke

Röpke's opposition to the German Nazi regime led him (with his family) in 1933 to emigrate to Istanbul, Turkey, where he taught until 1937, before accepting a position at the Institute of International Studies in Geneva, where he lived until his death, in 1966.

Yolanda Blanco

Penqueo en Nicaragua was written during the revolutionary fight of the Nicaraguan people that put an end to the regime of Anastasio Somoza.

Žarko Petan

Together with Dominik Smole, Taras Kermauner and Dane Zajc, he was one of the co-founders of the alternative theatre Stage 57, which challenged the rigid cultural policies of the Titoist regime.

see also