
unusual facts about Theodor Busse

Kampfgruppe 1001 Nights

General Theodor Busse, Ninth Army's commander, decided to form these veteran troops into a kampfgruppe which could be used as a mobile fire-brigade to halt enemy breakthroughs.

Gerhard Boldt

Hitler ordered Steiner to attack the northern flank of the huge salient created by Zhukov's breakthrough; and the German Ninth Army, commanded by General Theodor Busse, which had been pushed to the south of the salient, was ordered to attack northward in a pincer attack.

Wilhelm Berlin

Standing behind Hitler from left to right: General der Artillerie Wilhelm Berlin, Generaloberst Robert Ritter von Greim, Generalmajor Franz Reuß, General der Flakartillerie Job Odebrecht and General der Infanterie Theodor Busse

see also