
unusual facts about Thy-Marcinelle et Providence

Aabybro Municipality

The municipality included several small islands in the Limfjord, the waterway that separates the main body of the Jutland peninsula from the island of Vendsyssel-Thy, including Tagholme.

Ancient See of Børglum

The ancient bishopric of Børglum, sometimes also known as the bishopric of Vendsyssel, seated latterly at Børglum in Denmark, comprised the ancient districts of Vendsyssel and Thy, which between them included the whole of the north of the Jutland peninsula beyond the Limfjord.

Battle of Veii

Pythian Apollo, guided and inspired by thy will I go forth to destroy the city of Veii, and a tenth part of its spoils I devote to thee.

Besiyata Dishmaya

The book "Toldot Yitzhak" (‘The Offspring of Isaac’), by Yitzhak Karo, Yosef Karo's uncle, offers the meaning of this custom of writing ב"ה (B"H), at the top of every letter, with accordance to the biblical verse: "In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct thy paths" (Book of Proverbs 3:6).

Chris Pritchard

The 1992 book Blood Games by Jerry Bledsoe was adapted for TV in April 1992 under the title Honor Thy Mother.

Cluny Abbey

"O God, by whose grace thy servants, the Holy Abbots of Cluny, enkindled with the fire of thy love, became burning and shining lights in thy Church: Grant that we also may be aflame with the spirit of love and discipline, and may ever walk before thee as children of light; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with thee, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, liveth and reigneth, one God, now and for ever."

Cordele, Georgia

Mac Hyman, American fiction writer who is known for his best-selling novel No Time for Sergeants and Take Now Thy Son; born in Cordele and a lifelong resident.

Dufay Collective

Johnny, Cock thy Beaver: popular music-making in 17th century England (1996)

Erik Juel

Jens Juel (15 July 1631, Nørtorp Thy – 23 May 1700, Copenhagen)

Gervase of Canterbury

A play by Dorothy L. Sayers, The Zeal of Thy House is based on Gervase's account of the death of William of Sens.

Glorian Publishing

While many contemporary movements associate this term exclusively with Aleister Crowley, the use of the term Thelema is actually derived from the Lord's Prayer (Pater Noster): "Thy will (Θελημα) be done, on earth as it is in heaven." (Matthew 6:10).


The company absorbed another Charleroi based steel group Thy-Marcinelle et Providence in 1980 before being merged with the Liege based steel group Cockerill in 1981 to form Cockerill-Sambre.

Jens Søndergaard

His father, Anders Søndergaard, was a painter, but later opened a bicycle shop in Hurup on Thy.

John Worgan

His compositions, now forgotten, include two oratorios: ‘Hannah’ (King's Theatre, Haymarket, 3 April 1 764) and ‘Manasseh’ (Lock Hospital Chapel, 30 April 1766); ‘We will rejoice in Thy salvation,’ a thanksgiving anthem for victories (29 Nov. 1759); many songs for Vauxhall Gardens, of which thirteen books (at least) were published; psalm tunes, glees, organ music, and sonatas and other pieces for the harpsichord.

Joshua ben Hananiah

Joshua esteemed Eleazar very highly, and on one occasion called out in his emphatic manner: "Hail to thee, Father Abraham, for Eleazar b. Azariah came forth from thy loins!" (Tosef., Sotah, vii.; Hagigah 3a; Yer. Hag., beginning).


The area is called the North Jutlandic Island, Vendsyssel-Thy (after its districts) or simply Jutland north of the Limfjord; it is only partly coterminous with the region called North Jutland.

Khaooohs and Kon-Fus-Ion

Khaooohs and Kon-Fus-Ion is the third and final album by avant-garde progressive death metal band Pan.Thy.Monium released in 1996.

League of Christian Socialists

In its manifesto of principles called "God, Thyself, Thy neighbour", the BCS took the second commandment of Christ from the Gospel of Matthew, "Thou shall love thy neighbour like thyself", as its leading principle.

Love letter

Examples from Ancient Egypt range from the most formal - 'the royal widow...Ankhesenamun wrote a letter to the king of the Hittites, Egypt's old enemy, begging him to send one of his sons to Egypt to marry her' - to the down-to-earth: let me 'bathe in thy presence, that I may let thee see my beauty in my tunic of finest linen, when it is wet'.

Love... Thy Will Be Done

"Love... Thy Will Be Done" was the first single released from Martika's second album, Martika's Kitchen.


The name comes from a biblical verse (Numbers 24:5): "How goodly are thy tents, O Jacob/Thy dwellings, O Israel." Mazkeret Moshe was founded by Sir Moses Montefiore in 1882 as an Ashkenazi neighborhood.

Nancy Ruth

In 2010, Nancy Ruth took credit for the Throne Speech's including a proposal to study changing the line of "O Canada" from "all thy sons command" to "thou dost in us command", the original wording.

Originators of the Northern Darkness – A Tribute to Mayhem

Seth's track is mistitled as the original Mayhem version is titled "I am thy labyrinth".


In an early-1980s Time review of a book by Andrew Greeley, the author called his novel Thy Brother's Wife a "...putrid, puerile, prurient, pulpy potboiler".

Priscilla Bunbury's Virginal Book

#Put up thy dagger Jemmy (unattributed, but also found in the Fitzwilliam Virginal Book by Giles Farnaby)

Rabbi Ishmael

He said, "The Scripture tells us, 'Thou shalt teach them the things thou hast seen at Horeb to thy sons and to thy sons' sons;' and how may one live to teach his sons' sons unless one marries early?" (Deuteronomy 4:9 Yerushalmi Kiddushin, i. 29b; Kiddushin 61a)

Reza de Wet

The State-controlled radio and television quite successfully fed us a sanitized version of the truth and from the pulpits of the Dutch Reformed Church religious leaders extolled the Nationalists’ version of ‘loving thy neighbour as thyself’ in the comforting guise of ‘separate but equal’.

Sonnet 37

George Stevens, finding an analogy in The Rape of Lucrece, glosses it as "entitled (ie, ennobled) by these things." Nicolaus Delius has it "established in thy gifts, with right of possession." Sidney Lee has "ennobled in thee", reversing the relationship between beloved and "parts."

The Massacre at Paris

Henry Purcell set to omen to Charles IX from act V, "Thy genius, lo", in two versions, the one for baritone (Z 604a) appearing in Orpheus Britannicus.

Thy name is

The Half Man Half Biscuit song "Whiteness, Thy Name Is Meltonian" from the album This Leaden Pall.


The parish saint disguised under the name 'Tewennocus' is almost certainly St Winwalo (pet-form: Winnoc), also commemorated at Gunwalloe and Landewednack, as well as Landevennec, Brittany: the place-name being derived from Old Cornish "te-Winnoc" (thy St Winnoc Winwalo), now represented as Late Cornish Te Wydnek.


National route 11 connects Vendsyssel with Hanherred and Thy before crossing the Limfjord to western Jutland on the Oddesund Bridge.

Vickie Winans

Recorded live at Bishop Andrew Merrit's Straight Gate Church, Winans recorded simple arrangements of "Great Is Thy Faithfulness", Bill Gaither's "Because He Lives" and Candi Staton's "The Blood Rushes".

see also