
unusual facts about Treatise


Tractate signifies a treatise: see Noteworthy treatises.


According to the genealogical treatise by Prince Ioann of Georgia (1768-1830), the ancestors of the family fled the Islamicization of Abkhazia to the eastern Georgian kingdom of Kakheti were they were elevated, in 1636, to the princely dignity and enfeoffed by the king Teimuraz I with the estate at Kardenakhi, which had hitherto been in possession of the extinct line of the Vachnadze family.

Alexander Marcet

In 1805, Marcet contributed an essay, A Chemical Account of the Brighton Chalybeate, to a new edition of the Treatise on Mineral Waters of his colleague, Dr. William Saunders.

Andreas Moustoxydis

He studied at Pavia, and in 1804 published a treatise on the history of Corfu titled Notizie per servire alla storia Corcirese dai tempi eroici al secolo XII.

Argentine Chamber of Deputies

Otherwise patterned after Article One of the United States Constitution per legal scholar Juan Bautista Alberdi's treatise, Bases de la Constitución Argentina, the chamber was originally apportioned in one seat per 33,000 inhabitants.

Bartolomeo Maranta

Among Maranta's most-referenced works is his treatise on antidotes to poisons, Della theriaca et del mithridato, in two volumes (1572).

Charles Beck

He taught physical education classes with a curriculum modeled after Jahn's system, and translated Jahn's 1816 work Deutsche Turnkunst into English as Treatise on Gymnasticks, taken chiefly from the German of F. L. Jahn.

Christoph Wilhelm Hufeland

The most widely known of his many writings is the treatise entitled Makrobiotik oder Die Kunst, das menschliche Leben zu verlängern (1796), which was translated into many languages, including in Serbian by Dr. Jovan Stejić in Vienna in 1828.

Christophe Moyreau

Contemporary sources also mention a treatise by Moyreau, Petit abrégé des principes de musique par demandes et réponses (1753), which has been conserved at Orléans (Médiathèque), at the Cornell University of Ithaca and at the Newberry Library of Chicago (USA).

Church of San Juan Apóstol y Evangelista, Santianes de Pravia

The foundation stone in the form of a letter labyrinth ("Silo Princeps Fecit") inspired the hypercube of Salvador Dalí's painting A Propos of the "Treatise on Cubic Form" by Juan de Herrera, housed in the Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid.

Cicco Simonetta

It was only a century later that a scientific treatise entirely devoted to cryptanalysis was written by the French mathematician François Viète.

De ordine palatii

It claims to be based on a treatise of the same name by Adalhard, who was an adviser to Emperor Charlemagne and abbot of the monastery of Corbie, although this document has not survived.

Drux Flux

Drux Flux is a 2008 animated short by Theodore Ushev, inspired by Herbert Marcuse’s treatise One-Dimensional Man.

Edward Dumbauld

In addition to his legal and judicial duties, Judge Dumbauld wrote extensively for scholars and general readers about the life and work of Thomas Jefferson, the Declaration of Independence, and the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights, as well as the Renaissance legal philosopher and treatise-writer Hugo Grotius.

Ernst Friedrich Karl Rosenmüller

He also published editions of Samuel Bochart's Hierozoicon (1796) and Robert Lowth's treatise on Hebrew poetry, De Sacra Poesi Hebraeorum Praelectiones Academicae (1815).

Foot drill

Vegetius composed his treatise on the Roman Empire's military, De Re Militari, at some point between 378 and 390 CE during the reign of Valentinian II in the Western Roman Empire.

Francis Atterbury

Atterbury's treatise, though highly praised by Bishop Gilbert Burnet, was more distinguished for the vigour of his rhetoric than the soundness of his arguments, and the Papists accused him of treason, and of having, by implication, called King James "Judas".

Francisco Bravo

Three years before, Dr. Pedrarias de Benavides had published his Secretos de Chirurgia, at Valladolid, Spain, and while the latter work is invaluable for the knowledge of Indian medicinal practices, and is the earliest book on these topics known to have been published, the work of Dr. Bravo has the merit of being the first medical treatise printed in America.

Frédéric Labadie-Lagrave

Labadie-Lagrave translated the first American treatise about neurology, W. A. Hammond's Diseases of the nervous system, C. A. Wunderlich's pioneer German book on body temperature Das Verhalten der Eigenwärme in Krankheiten and Siegmund Rosenstein's Die Pathologie und Therapie der Nierenkrankheiten.


The treatise makes use of the dialectical method which was afterwards developed into the scholastic method by Abelard, Alexander of Hales, and St. Thomas Aquinas.


Vertkov states that the first mentions of the Gusli date back to 591 AD to a treatise by the Greek historian Theophylact Simocatta which describes the instrument being used by Slavs from the area of the later Kievan Rus' kingdom.

How to Swim

In this cartoon, Goofy provides an educational treatise on swimming and diving with questionable results.

Hubert Le Blanc

The second part, the longest in the treatise, is told in the form of a dialogue between "Sultan Violin, an abortion and a pygmy," and Lady Viol, in which these allegorical characters debate the relative merits of the viol and the violin in the Jardin des Tuilieres prior to a Concert Spirituel in which the violinists Giovanni Battista Somis (1686–1763) and Francesco Geminiani (1687–1762) are to play in the Italian style at a highly publicized concert.

Ideal Marriage: Its Physiology and Technique

Ideal Marriage: Its Physiology and Technique is a famous popular scientific treatise and self-help book published in London in 1926 by Dutch gynecologist Theodoor Hendrik van de Velde, retired director of the Gynecological Clinic in Haarlem, and "one of the major writers on human sexuality during the early twentieth century" (Frayser & Whitby, p. 300).

Johann Gottfried Herder

In 1772 Herder published Treatise on the Origin of Language and went further in this promotion of language than his earlier injunction to "spew out the ugly slime of the Seine. Speak German, O You German".

John Ayliffe

Ayliffe's treatise has been described as dull, tedious, and confused (Arthur Browne in his Compendious View of the Civil Law, p. ii).

John K'Eogh

He wrote Botanologia Universalis Hibernicaor, or a general Irish Herbal Cork, 1735, a herbal, or book about medicinal plants, written in Manx (not Irish but related), phonetic English, and Latin, Zoologia Medicinalis Hibernica or, a Treatise on Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Reptiles or Insects known and propagated in this Kingdom, and Vindication of the Antiquities of Ireland Dublin, 1748, in which he gives an account of his family.

Juan Manuel Cajigal y Odoardo

His publications include Tratado de mecánica elemental ("Treatise on Fundamental Mechanics") and Curso de astronomía y memorias sobre integrales entre límites ("Course on Astronomy and Report on Integrals between Limits").

La Novelle Natura Brevium

La Novelle Natura Brevium (1534) was a treatise on English law by Anthony Fitzherbert.

Leon Battista Alberti

In his treatise De pictura (1435) he explains the theory, of the accumulation of people, animals, and buildings, which create harmony amongst each other, and "hold the eye of the learned and unlearned spectator for a long while with a certain sense of pleasure and emotion".

Liber feudorum

Libri feudorum, a Lombard treatise on feudal law in two volumes

Luigi Lucheni

He is also referenced in Polish writer Bruno Schulz's book The Street of Crocodiles in the chapter entitled Treatise On Tailors' Dummies: Continuation, and in Norman Mailer's novel The Castle in the Forest.


The Leys d'amor, the guiding treatise of the Consistori de Tolosa and the Consistori de Barcelona, condemned the maldig especial (regarded as usually a type of sirventes), which attacked a specific individual (alquna certa persona: some certain person).

Nizam al-Mulk

Nizam al-Mulk is also widely known for his voluminous treatise on kingship titled Siyasatnama (The Book of Government) which was written after Malik Shah had requested that his ministers produce books on government, administration and the troubles facing the nation.

Non nobis

Another antiquarian, the unreliable Johann Christoph Pepusch, printed it in his Treatise on Harmony (1730) with an attribution to Byrd which, though unfounded, has gained traditional acceptance.

Pope John XXI

After his death, it was rumored that John XXI had actually been a magician (a suspicion frequently directed towards the few scholars among medieval popes even during their papacy; cf. Sylvester II), and that he was writing a heretical treatise in the room that collapsed on him, by an Act of God.

Practical Education

Practical Education is an educational treatise written by Maria Edgeworth and her father Richard Lovell Edgeworth.

Prince's Stone

It was also described by Jean Bodin’s in his Treatise on Republican Government (1576) as "unrivaled in the entire world", although there is evidence that the Stone of Scone (now kept beneath King Edward's Chair in Westminster Abbey, although formerly in the ruins of Scone Abbey, Scotland) was used in a similar fashion.

Robert Christison

On poisons in particular he speedily became a high authority; his well-known treatise on them was published in 1829, and in the course of his inquiries he did not hesitate to try such daring experiments on himself as taking large doses of Calabar bean (Physostigmine).

Robert McGill Loughridge

The books prepared and published by Loughridge, with the assistance of his interpreter, were a hymn book, a catechism, translation of the Gospel of Matthew, a treatise on baptism, and a dictionary in two parts, Creek and English, and English and Creek.

Samuel Brooke

William Prynne in his Canterburie's Doome attacked Brooke as a disciple of William Laud, and stated that in 1630 Brooke was engaged on Arminian treatise on predestination.

Stefan Thomas Possony

He was with William Kintner and Robert Strausz-Hupé a coauthor of the influential Cold War strategy treatise The Protracted Conflict, and in 1968 was co-author with Jerry Pournelle and Francis X. Kane of The Strategy of Technology.

Steven N. S. Cheung

He took the most iconic photo of Milton Friedman, which was featured on the cover of Friedman's treatise Capitalism and Freedom.

Tbeli Abuserisdze

A son of Ivane Abuserisdze, eristavt-eristavi ("archduke") of Khikhata (Upper Adjara, southwestern Georgia), he is principally known for his original treatise, The Complete Timekeeper, which contains information related to calendars, descriptions of different systems for maintaining chronology, dates of ecclesiastic holidays, tables of moonrise and moonset, information on special cycles, etc.

Timothie Bright

In 1588 he dedicated his treatise Characterie to Queen Elizabeth, who on 5 July 1591 presented him to the rectory of Methley in Yorkshire, then void by the death of Otho Hunt, and on 30 December 1594 to the rectory of Barwick-in-Elmet, in the same county.

Treatise on money

Monetae cudendae ratio, also called "Treatise on money", by Nicolaus Copernicus, 1526


Names of many such Ezhava Vaidyans from social renaissance period and on wards are noted by the community and recorded in the books.Itti Achuden was reportedly an Ezhava,who helped Gowda saraswatha Brahmin Vaidyans from south canara to identify local names of herbs seen in the mountain regions of Malabar to prepare a Dutch treatise Hortus Malabaricus on plants of Malabar.Eventually he became a notable person as a Vaidyar.


The Dharmasūtra of Vasiṣṭha forms an independent treatise and has no relationship with the Kalpasutra.


Classic of Filial Piety, or Xiao Jing, Confucian classic treatise giving advice on filial piety

see also