
unusual facts about Urdu poetry

Urdu poetry

Marsiya (or elegy), is nearly always on the death of Hasan and Husain and their families, but occasionally on the death of relatives and friends.

Hasrat Mohani

Hasrat was his pen name which he used in the Urdu poetry and the word Mohani refers to the native place of Mohan where he was born.

see also


The greatest poet of 'naat' genre of Urdu poetry Mohsin Kakorvi, his son Noorul Hasan Nayyier, the compiler of Nurul Lughaat, one of the authentic Urdu Dictionary to date and the satirist Ghulam Ahmed Alavi 'Furqat Kakorvi' all belonged to this town.

Saeed Khan

The great Urdu Poet Ahmad Faraz praised his poetry by saying "Saeed's voice is like a fresh breeze for Urdu poetry".

Saeed’s idol and great Urdu poet Ahmad Faraz praised his poetry by saying "Saeed's voice is like a fresh breeze for Urdu poetry".

Tina Sani

She renders poetry of contemporary poets with complete ease and is equally at home singing works of Zauq, Ghalib and Mir Taqi Mir; the immortals of Urdu poetry.

Work of Muhammad Iqbal

The Bang-e-Dara (1924) is a collection of Urdu poetry written in three distinct phases of Iqbals life, In his early work he also wrote on most of the Indian iconic personalities such as Rama Tirtha, Guru Nanak and Rama.