
unusual facts about Ventral

Amiot 354

The Amiot 351 was planned to mount one 7.5 mm (.295 in) MAC 1934 machine gun in nose and ventral positions and one 20 mm Hispano-Suiza HS.404 cannon in the dorsal position.


The fangs have a ridge at the tip lateral to the discharge orifice, as well as a blade-like structure on the ventral surface otherwise seen only in some opistoglyphous and atractaspid snakes.

Bloch MB.131

It was an all-metal, twin-engine, low-wing monoplane with retractable landing gear, and armed with three flexible machine guns, one each in the nose, dorsal turret, and ventral gondola.

Bloch MB.480

Defensive armament was a 7.5 mm Darne machine gun in the nose and a ventral bath, while a 20 mm cannon was fitted in a powered dorsal mounting.

Caproni Ca.313

Three 7.7 mm (0.303 in) Breda (or Scotti) machine guns were fitted - one in the left wing, one in a dorsal turret and one in the ventral position.

Cuvier's dwarf caiman

This may be because the ventral skin in this species is too heavily armoured to make it easy to tan.


DMT1 expression is found to be increased in the substantia nigra of Parkinson's patients and in the ventral mesencephalon of animal models intoxicated with 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) - a neurotoxin widely used experimentally to produce Parkinsonian symptoms.

Drosophila embryogenesis

At the ventral end of the embryo, blastoderm nuclei exposed to high concentrations of dorsal protein induce the transcription of the transcription factors twist and snail while repressing zerknüllt and decapentaplegic.

Firefly luciferin

The light from Photuris pennsylvanica was measured to be 552 nm (green-yellow) while Pyrophorus plagiophthalamus was measured to emit light at 582 nm (orange) in the ventral organ.

Galant reflex

It is elicited by holding the newborn in ventral suspension (face down) and stroking along the one side of the spine.


These bones may have been derived from the ventral scales found in animals like rhipidistians, labyrinthodonts, and Acanthostega, and may be related to ventral elements of turtle plastrons.

Grumman American AA-5

Changes were made to the engine cowling and baffling to reduce cooling drag, the exhaust system was redesigned, the main landing gear fairings were further improved, the ventral fin was deleted and the horizontal tail was enlarged to allow a larger center of gravity range.

Junkers Ju 188

The sole Ju 88 E-0 was modified with several additional guns, another 13 mm (.51 in) MG 131 firing rearward just below the turret, one firing forward through the nose, and the twinned 7.92 mm (.312 in) MG 81Z machine guns in the integrated ventral Bola gondola firing rearward.

Lateral lingual swelling

During the third week there appears, immediately behind the ventral ends of the two halves of the mandibular arch, a rounded swelling named the tuberculum impar, which was described by His as undergoing enlargement to form the buccal part of the tongue.

Midbrain reticular formation

The dorsal and ventral tegmental nuclei receive connections from the mammillo-tegmental bundle of Gudden, a branch of the mammillothalamic tract.


Pappocetus differs from all other known protocetid genera by the step-like notch on the ventral margin of the mandible below M2 and M3; from Indocetus and Rodhocetus by the deciduous double-rooted P1; from Protocetus and Babiacetus by the presence of accessory cuspules; and from Babiacetus by the unfused symphysis terminating just before P3.

Pelamis platura

Colors of the snake are variable, but most often distinctly bicolored, black above, yellow or brown below, with the dorsal and ventral colors sharply demarcated from one another; ventrally, there may be a series of black spots or bars on the yellow or brown background, or the yellow may extend dorsally so there is only a narrow middorsal black stripe, or a series of black crossbars (M.A. Smith, 1943: 476–477, gives more complete descriptions of the color pattern variants).

Père David's vole

Dorsal pelage is dark brown, often nearly black and the ventral pelage is gray, sometimes brown.


The prostomium generally has one or two pairs of eyes, a dorsal pair of antennae, a ventral pair of sensory palps and a pair of organs on the neck.

Prismatic blade

Flake scars are absent on the ventral surface of these blades, though eraillure flakes are sometimes present on the bulb .

Proper palmar digital arteries

The proper palmar digital arteries travel along the sides of the phalanges (along the contiguous sides of the index, middle, ring, and little fingers), each artery lying just below (dorsal to) its corresponding digital nerve.

Regional specification

The dorsal/ventral axis is defined in chick embryos by the orientation of the cells with respect to the yolk.

Schistosoma japonicum

The integument of the female is ridged and pitted and possesses fewer spines than in the oral sucker, the ventral sucker, and the gynecophoric canal of the male.

Spix's disk-winged bat

These bats cling head—up to the smooth inner, ventral surfaces of the rolled up leaves with openings at the top, of Heliconia, sometimes Calathea, as well as other similar plants, using their adhesive disks.

Tuberculum impar

During the third week of embryological development there appears, immediately behind the ventral ends of the two halves of the mandibular arch, a rounded swelling named the tuberculum impar, which was described by His as undergoing enlargement to form the buccal part of the tongue.

Tupolev Tu-2

3 × 7.62 mm (0.30 in) rear-firing ShKAS machine guns (later replaced by 12.7 mm (0.50 in) Berezin UB machine guns) in the canopy, dorsal and ventral hatches.

Uroleptus lamella

Just like Uroleptus musculus, it is U-spaped and has an elongated body with 3 frontals, and 2-4 rows of ventral cirri.

Ventral nerve cord

It usually consists of cerebral ganglia anteriorly with the nerve cords running down the ventral ("belly", as opposed to back) plane of the organism.

Ventral slot

Ventral slot surgery is used in dogs to decompress the cervical spine after an intervertebral disc extrusion(being forced or pressed out).

Zerstörergeschwader 76

/ ZG 76 were based around Prague, and operating a number of Bf 110G-2/R1 types with an under-slung BK 3,7 37 mm cannon in a conformal-mount ventral gun pod.

see also