
unusual facts about Visualization

Ahmed Kaboudan

He teaches Object Oriented Analysis, Design and Development, Business Process Modeling, and Service Oriented Architectures, as well as real time visualization and simulation, conducting and supervising researches in different disciplines, at 2007 Dr Ahmed was chosen as an ICT consultant for the Egyptian MCIT.

Alexander Tsiaras

Tsiaras has lectured and keynoted many conferences including the National Library of Medicine (NLM/NIH) Scientific Visualization Conference, TED, TEDMED, Ink Conference (in association with TED India), Google Health Conference "ThinkHealth 2012", Medicine Meets Virtual Reality (MMVR) and has lectured with Stephen Hawking at the MIT Media Lab.

Ancient Qumran: A Virtual Reality Tour

The film and presentation were authored by Robert Cargill, while a graduate student at UCLA and an associate of the Qumran Visualization Project (QVP) directed by UCLA bible scholar William Schniedewind.

Antonio Ferri

In the immediate postwar period, he studied the use of a biconvex wing profile for high-speed aircraft and developed the Schlieren Flow Visualization method of predicting the impact of shock waves on aircraft wings.

Apache Hadoop

Pentaho - Open source data integration (Kettle), analytics, reporting, visualization and predictive analytics directly from Hadoop nodes

Comparative genomics

With the publication of the large genomes of vertebrates in the 2000s, including human, the Japanese pufferfish Takifugu rubripes, and mouse, precomputed results of large genome comparisons have been released for downloading or for visualization in a genome browser.

Computational visualistics

The well-known fractal images (e.g., of the Mandelbrot set) form a borderline case of information visualization since an abstract mathematical property has been visualized.

Daoist meditation

The 8th century was a "heyday" of Daoist meditation (Kohn 2008a:119); recorded in works such as Sun Simiao's Cunshen lianqi ming 存神煉氣銘 "Inscription on Visualization of Spirit and Refinement of Energy", Sima Chengzhen 司馬承禎's Zuowanglun "Essay on Sitting in Forgetfulness", and Wu Yun 吳筠's Shenxian kexue lun 神仙可學論 "Essay on How One May Become a Divine Immortal through Training".

Data visualization

Brian Willison has demonstrated that data visualization has also been linked to enhancing agile software development and customer engagement.


DataDetective does this by offering a broad spectrum of data analysis techniques, such as associative memory prediction, clustering, decision trees, fuzzy matching, but also basic statistics, graphs and geographical visualization.

Digital Earth

In March 2000, at a special IDEW meeting hosted by Oracle Corporation in Herndon, Virginia, industry representatives demonstrated several promising 3-D visualization prototypes.

El Hierro Airport

At present, it has the SACTA 3.5 system, which allows radar visualization of the radar data, and voice equipment model CD-30.

Eugene Garfield

In 2007, he launched HistCite, a bibliometric analysis and visualization software package.


The term visualization is first mentioned in the cartographic literature at least as early as 1953, in an article by University of Chicago geographer Allen K. Philbrick.


Indirect interactors (dials, switches, buttons, sliders) enable the user to control various aspects of her visualization.

Infineon XMC

DAVE includes a GNU - compiler, a Debugger, and a visualization utility for graphic presentation of data.

Information visualization reference model

In 1999 Stuart Card, Jock D. Mackinlay, and Ben Shneiderman present their own interpretation of this pattern, dubbing it the information visualization reference model.

James Hoffman

James Hoffman is a software engineer and inventor located in Alameda, California, who has worked in scientific visualization and was instrumental in producing the first visualization of Costa's minimal surface.

JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit

The toolkit implements advanced features of information visualization like TreeMaps, an adapted visualization of trees based on the SpaceTree, a focus+context technique to plot Hyperbolic Trees, a radial layout of trees with advanced animations (RGraph) and other visualizations.

Jock D. Mackinlay

Much of the fruits of this research can be seen in his 1999 published book, Readings in Information Visualization: Using Vision to Think, written and edited with Stuart K. Card and Ben Shneiderman.

John Stasko

John Stasko, John Domingue, Marc H. Brown, Marc and Blaine Price,(editors), Software Visualization: Programming as a Multimedia Experience, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1998.


In November 2010 a visualization obtained with LaNet-vi appeared in the cover of Nature Physics.

Legend of the Millennium Dragon

Instead of being demons, the Oni's are regular people that wears a mask which causes the visualization of the demons.


LYMB is an object-oriented development environment aimed at developing applications that require combining graphics-based user interfaces, visualization, and rapid prototyping.


Jock D. Mackinlay, American information visualization expert and Director of Visual Analysis at Tableau Software

Martin M. Wattenberg

Wattenberg has also worked with Golan Levin, contributing to the visualization technique used


Viewpoint Corporation was best known for the Viewpoint Media Player installed inside AIM/AOL packages to help provide better 3D visualization for product tours and configurators on the web.


The software uses a generalized data format that serves other purposes as well, such as the visualization and analysis of RNA-Seq data or the import, maintenance, exploration, and analysis of Sequence motif libraries.


A series of company takeovers were to follow, the largest acquisitions including the American Diehl Graphsoft (now Nemetschek Vectorworks) and MAXON Computer with its Cinema 4D software for visualization and animation.

Network Analysis and Ethnographic Problems

If the book combines complexity theory following lines of thought at the Santa Fe Institute with a contribution to understanding of Middle Eastern social structure, it is through combining network visualization and analysis with the study of the dynamics of marriage choices.


NOCH, a molecular explorer for protein structure visualization


NUMAlink 2 (branded as CrayLink) was the second generation of the interconnect, announced in October 1996 and used in the Onyx2 visualization systems, the Origin 200 and the Origin 2000 servers and supercomputers.


Ocean Data View, a software package for the analysis and visualization of oceanographic and meteorological data sets


PyMOL is an open-source, user-sponsored, molecular visualization system created by Warren Lyford DeLano and commercialized by DeLano Scientific LLC, which is a private software company dedicated to creating useful tools that become universally accessible to scientific and educational communities.


Users of the R8000 were SGI, who used it in their Power Indigo2 workstation, Power Challenge server, Power ChallengeArray cluster and Power Onyx visualization system.

Scott Bartlett

His science fiction epic feature "Innerseed" was in pre-production for many years, having completed a pre-visualization version starring a then unknown William Hurt.


The film follows a group of singers - both student and professional - through the entire course, where they are instructed in Yoga, movement, visualization, conducting, acting and, of course, given traditional vocal coaching.

Spatial analysis

MacEachren, A. M. and D. R. F. Taylor (eds.) (1994) Visualization in Modern Cartography, Pergamon.

Synthetic schlieren

Named after the schlieren method of visualization, it consists of a digital camera or video camera pointing at the flow in question, with an illuminated target pattern behind.

The Garden of One Thousand Buddhas

The statue of Tara can be used for the Hindu practice of darshan, similar to Buddhist deity-visualization meditations, wherein a worshiper focuses intensely on the symbolism of a temple's principal deity.

Totally integrated automation

Sub definition: automation is composed of the essentials of the drives (frequency converter + motor), a programmable logic control as well as a Panel to the visualization.


Visualization tools that are commonly used include the original TRANSIMS visualizer, fourDscape and the Balfour (software) visualizer, ArcGIS and similar GIS tools, Google Earth and NASA World Wind, Advanced Visualization (NCSA), and NEXTA.


VisIt, interactive parallel visualization and analysis software


VORPAL output files may also be viewed with other visualization tools such as VisIt.

Weather Information Network

TV5 earlier teams up with Metra since 2010 to bring advanced computer-based weather visualization system, locally known as Aksyon Weather Center, making the station's weather forecasts ahead of its competitors and recognized by agencies such as PAGASA.

X-ray generator

Fluoroscopy is used in cases where real-time visualization is necessary (and is most commonly encountered in everyday life at airport security).

see also