
unusual facts about White Crane

White Crane

Siberian Crane, a nearly all snowy white birds in Gruidae family

see also


Baiheliang (Simplified: 白鹤梁, Traditional: 白鶴梁, Pinyin: Báihèliáng, lit. "White Crane Ridge") is a rock outcropping in Fuling District, Chongqing, People's Republic of China, that parallels the flow of the Yangtze.

White Crane Films

White Crane Films is an independent film production company founded in 1990 in London by filmmakers, Ritu Sarin and Tenzing Sonam.

White Crane Institute

Other volumes in the White Crane series include Mark Thompson's Gay Spirit: Myth & Meaning, Toby Johnson's Gay Spirituality, James Broughton's posthumous collection of writings under the title All edited by poet and KPFA radio host Jack Foley, and a reissue of Take Off The Masks by Malcolm Boyd.