
unusual facts about affinity

Affinity chromatography

Most monoclonal antibodies have been purified using affinity chromatography based on immunoglobulin-specific Protein A or Protein G, derived form bacteria.


Afinidad means affinity in Spanish.

Afterglow: A Last Conversation with Pauline Kael

In it, she describes her affinity for the new works of directors such as Quentin Tarantino, Paul Thomas Anderson and David O. Russell, showing an appreciation for Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, the first half of Boogie Nights, Magnolia, and Three Kings.

Alanna Schepartz

Her research has contributed to three different areas of chemical biology: protein-DNA recognition and transcriptional activation; the development of miniature proteins that bind specifically and with high affinity to protein and DNA; and the development of β-peptides as protein ligands and as building blocks of protein-like architectures.

Allosteric enzyme

Allosteric enzymes are enzymes that change their conformational ensemble upon binding of an effector, which results in an apparent change in binding affinity at a different ligand binding site.

András Róna-Tas

In 1957, he earned his dr.univ degree, in 1964 he defended his candidates (CSc) degree, and finally in 1971 he earned a doctorate from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (DSc) with his thesis "The Theory of Linguistic Affinity and the Linguistic Relations between the Chuvash and Mongol Languages", published as Linguistic Affinity in 1978.

Augustinian Recollect Province of Saint Ezequiél Moreno

Today, with more than 400 members scattered all over the archipelago, the Philippines Tertiaries are the second most numerous both in terms of nationality and provincial affinity.

Basking in reflected glory

Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking sites have increased BIRGing with popular brands, as it allows everyone to post their affinity for or their associations with popular companies, media, businesses, etc.

C.A. Progreso

The kit expressed the team's affinity with the anarchist movement but was later changed to red and yellow - the colors of Catalonia, which were also known for its identification with the movement in the Spanish Revolution.

CD25 deficiency

The mutations cause expression of a defective α chain or complete absence thereof, an essential part of high-affinity interleukin-2 (IL-2) receptors.

Chike Aniakor

Along with Uche Okeke, Aniakor was among the first Nsukka artists to develop an interest in uli, and his drawings and watercolors display a strong affinity to the system.


Its cultivation was prohibited by Bolivian law, except in the region of Yungas despite its affinity to the climate and land of the Chapare region.

Coleophora paragallivora

The specific name is derived from the Latin para (meaning equal, like) and gallivora, referring to the close affinity with Coleophora gallivora, especially in the structure of the male genitalia.

Collier Hill

With an affinity for travelling and running on new venues, Collier Hill was shipped to Germany, where he won the 2005 Group 2 Gerling-Preis in Cologne and finished second in the Group 1 Deutschland-Preis at Düsseldorf.

Deanna Manfredi

Inspired by her father, a racehorse breeder and trainer, she developed a lifelong affinity for thoroughbred racehorses and the Sport of Kings.

Due Process Clause

When the Bill of Rights was originally proposed by Congress in 1789 to the states, various substantive and procedural rights were "classed according to their affinity to each other" instead of being submitted to the states "as a single act to be adopted or rejected in the gross," as James Madison put it.


Family, a group of people affiliated by consanguinity, affinity, or co-residence

Family 13

One of notable examples of Syriac affinity is Matthew 1:16, where Ferrar group has the same reading as Curetonian Syriac.

Freedom Press

Having had a close affinity with Colin Ward and Vernon Richards it has produced much of their extensive back catalogue, in addition to titles by Clifford Harper, Nicolas Walter, Murray Bookchin, Gaston Leval, William Blake, Errico Malatesta, Harold Barclay and many others, including 118 issues of the journals Anarchy, edited by Colin Ward and 43 issues of The Raven.

Friedrich Cerha

Apart from his compositions, Cerha widely earned a reputation as an interpreter of the works of Alban Berg, Arnold Schoenberg and Anton Webern; his affinity for the works of the second Viennese school culminated in the completion of Alban Berg's opera Lulu by finishing the instrumentation of the 3rd act and filling the gaps in the score (premiered by Pierre Boulez in Paris, 1979).

Georg Kajanus

Deciding to form a group, tentatively named KP Packet, Kajanus and Pickett enlisted drummer and percussionist Grant Serpell (Affinity), and keyboard player and guitarist Henry Marsh (Gringo).

Gioconda de Vito

She played under Wilhelm Furtwängler a number of times, and had a great affinity for his approach.

Immunoglobulin G

IgG also plays an important role in antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) and intracellular antibody-mediated proteolysis, in which it binds to TRIM21 (the receptor with greatest affinity to IgG in humans) in order to direct marked virions to the proteasome in the cytosol.

James Georgopoulos

The "Guns of Cinema" series also expresses his affinity for the film and television industry by photographing a number of motion picture and television cameras; which include those from Titanic, Star Wars, Thriller, James Bond, Kill Bill, and Apocalypto).

July Fourth Toilet

As they have played shows with the Zip Code Rapists, Sun City Girls, Three Day Stubble, Caroliner and Old Time Relijun, one can perhaps draw out an affinity underlying the spirit of all of these groups.

Karl Albert Hasselbalch

He was a pioneer in the use of pH measurement in medicine (with Christian Bohr, father of Niels Bohr), and he described how the affinity of blood for oxygen was dependent on the concentration of carbon dioxide.

Laws of attraction

In 1250, Albertus Magnus applied the conception of ‘affinity’ to chemical systems and postulated four laws of affinity.

Luis del Mármol Carvajal

This may explain their settlements and affinity with the Merinid and after the Wattasids dynasty, (وطاسيون waṭāsīyūn), ruling Fez, until, after 1554, the Saadi´s rulers, (Arabic: سعديون), from Tagmadert, at the Draa river valley, near Tidzi, near Zagora, conquered the town.

Marysole Wörner Baz

Contemporary to the so-called “Rupture’s Generation” (represented by Manuel Felguérez, Vicente Rojo, Lilia Carrillo and Alberto Gironella among others) but closer, by affinity and coexistence, to the exiled European artists living in Mexico, like Remedios Varo, Leonora Carrington, Vlady, Mathias Goeritz, Francisco Moreno Capdevilla and Benito Messeger.

Mean Reds

Known for their raucous live performances and their affinity for Disney Channel's Hilary Duff, as well as actress Audrey Hepburn (whose film Breakfast at Tiffany's spawned the band's name), the band embarked on several regional tours before breaking up on October 31, 2005.

Michael Wyschogrod

His emphasis on the radical and sublime shock and force of God's choice to enter human history in and through the people of Israel, a unilateral and non-abrogable event, shows an affinity with the thought of the Neo-Orthodox Protestant theologian Karl Barth, whose work Wyschogrod considered relevant to Jewish theologians.


A Swedish scholar, Per-Ulf Allmo, has suggested that the instrument and another in the same style were probably built in Särna, northern Dalarna around 1680, with Praetorius as inspiration, and with no close affinity with the nyckelharpa tradition in northern Uppland, the stronghold of the instrument.

My Friend the Fanatic

However, The Jakarta Post criticized Dhume for pointing out the ideological affinity between the terrorist group Jemaah Islamiyah and the powerful Islamist political party PKS (Prosperous Justice Party).

Niacin receptor 2

GPR109B is a oGo protein-coupled receptor with low affinity for nicotinic acid.

Patrick Galvin

He had grown up during the time of the Spanish Civil war under the shawl of his mother's Republican politics and later discovered a great affinity with the Andalusian poet, Federico García Lorca; these influences are evident in his epic poem about Michael Collins, 'The White Monument'.


This genus seems to have relatively little in common with any other, and no affinity to the Podostemaceae except being aquatic; moved to its own family in the Cornales.

Polony sequencing

Streptavidin has a very strong affinity for biotin, thus the forward primer will bind firmly on the surface of the beads.


That is, individual PEG molecules bind to the matrix within a chromatography column at differing affinity depending on their molecular weight.

Pop Hart

His style varies: some works show affinity with the delicate expressiveness of John Marin and Cézanne, while others lean towards the brusquer social realism of Diego Rivera or Robert Henri.

Ričardas Bartkevičius

His works are full of drama and have a strong affinity with those of Francis Bacon and Willem de Kooning.


A correlation has been drawn between the binding affinity of seletracetam (and its analogues) to SV2A and the degree of seizure prevention in animal models.

Sir Walter Roper Lawrence

Over the course of his wanderings, he developed a close affinity with the Indian and Kashmiri people, who figure prominently in his work.

Susan Cowsill

By the early 1990s Susan had developed an affinity for Americana-style music, which in 1991 led to her joining the Continental Drifters, further honing her songwriting talents.

Taylor Gang Records

The 'Taylor' hails from the high school that Wiz Khalifa attended, named Taylor Allderdice High School, and from his affinity for Converse Chuck Taylor All-Star sneakers.

Timeline of peptic ulcer disease and Helicobacter pylori

In 2005, Barry Marshall and Robin Warren were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their discovery that peptic ulcer disease (PUD) was primarily caused by Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium with affinity for acidic environments, such as the stomach.

Valentina Monetta

A graduate of the Giovanni da Rimini school in Rimini, Monetta became self-taught in piano and voice from an early age and developed an especial affinity for jazz and R&B music.

see also