
unusual facts about archaeologists


These conclusions were reached independently by the archaeologists, Alan Vince and Martin Biddle.

Alison Frantz

Just before the Second World War, Frantz was charged with the task to photograph in two days more than six hundred tablets of Linear B, discovered by the famous American archaeologists Carl Blegen in the Mycenaean palace of Pylos.


Ethnobotanist Douglas Yen, along with archaeologists Patrick Kirch and Paul Rosendahl, spent about two months there in 1971, and anthropologist Richard Feinberg lived on Anuta for almost a year in 1972-73.


The exact location is believed by many archaeologists to be the Dacian fortifications on top of Piatra Craivii, Craiva, Cricău, about 20 km north of Alba-Iulia.

Archaeological field survey

Archaeologists use a variety of tools in survey, including GIS, GPS, remote sensing, geophysical survey and aerial photography.


Excavations made from 1922 by Swedish archaeologists led by Axel W. Persson (and involving the then Crown Prince Gustav Adolf of Sweden) found the acropolis of ancient Asine surrounded by a Cyclopean wall (much modified in the Hellenistic era) and a Mycenaean era necropolis with many Mycenaean chamber tombs containing skeletal remains and grave goods.


Archaeologists and palaeontologists widely hold that the australopiths played a significant part in human evolution, being the first of the hominins to show presence of a gene that causes increased length and ability of neurons in the brain, the duplicated SRGAP2 gene.

Azykh Cave

Archaeologists have suggested that the finds in the lowest layers of the cave are of a pre-Acheulean culture, one of the world's oldest (730,00-1,500,000 years) and in many ways similar to the Olduwan culture in Tanzania's Olduvai Gorge and the culture which produced the famous Lascaux cave in southeastern France.

Backusburg Mounds

Archaeologists first learned of the site in the 1920s, but only one scholarly investigation was conducted at the site during the twentieth century; it was performed largely by a team of students from the nearby Murray State University under the leadership of archaeologist Kenneth Carstens in 1981.


The Chinese Buddhist monk Xuanzang visited a Mahāsāṃghika monastery at Bamiyan, Afghanistan, in the 7th century CE, and the site of this monastery has been rediscovered by archaeologists.

Cao Xiu

In May 2010, archaeologists announced the discovery of Cao Xiu's tomb in Mengjin County, Luoyang, Henan Province.

Child sacrifice in pre-Columbian cultures

Early colonial Spanish missionaries wrote about this practice but only recently have archaeologists such as Johan Reinhard begun to find the bodies of these victims on Andean mountaintops, naturally mummified due to the freezing temperatures and dry windy mountain air.

Colworth House

Numerous finds by amateur archaeologists led to the discovery of a Roman villa and farm in a field adjacent to the property.

Cueva Ahumada

Between 1960 and 1967, an archaeologists group from the Texas University, Austin, headed by Jeremiah f.


In 1938 and 1954, archaeologists found here several examples of Gothic brick walls.

David Macaulay

Motel of the Mysteries, written in 1979 following the 1976–1979 exhibition of the Tutankhamun relics in the USA, concerns the discovery by future archaeologists of an American motel and the archaeologists' ingenious interpretation of the motel and its contents as a funerary and temple complex.


And as if this was not enough, the archaeologists from the University of Oslo also discovered that there were at least twice as many boats as those that had already been registered.

Emil Haury

It was in 1929 along with Douglass and several other archaeologists that a tree ring sample was uncovered in Show Low, Arizona.

Emperor Guangwu of Han

Some Russian archaeologists have identified a Han-era Chinese-style palace unearthed near Abakan (in Southern Siberia) in 1941–45 as Lu Fang's residence after he had left China for the lands of the Xiongnu.

Fort San Carlos

In 1950–1951, John W. Griffin and Ripley P. Bullen, the archaeologists with the Florida Board of Parks and Historical Memorials, did extensive archaeological excavations in the Fort San Carlos area.

Gerald Hawkins

Archaeologists and other scholars have since demonstrated such sophisticated, complex planning and construction at other prehistoric earthwork sites, such as Cahokia in the United States.


In 1919 archaeologists from the Art History Archive in Belgrade discovered remains of an ancient Roman town on the site of the current village.In a field near the hamlet of Bubanj 375 were found coins dating from the reigns of Septimius Severus (193-211AD) and Volusianus (251-253AD).

Gods, Graves and Scholars

It gives brief, informative biographies of archaeologists like Heinrich Schliemann, Jean-François Champollion, Paul-Émile Botta, and Howard Carter, among others.


The earliest known written magical incantations come from ancient Mesopotamia (modern Iraq), where they have been found inscribed on various cuneiform clay tablets excavated by archaeologists from the city of Uruk and dated to between the 5th and 4th centuries BCE.


Herringfleet was occupied by the Roman Empire, and archaeologists have made a number of finds, including a Roman bronze 'patera', a 'soup ladle' vessel with the maker's name 'Quattenus' on the handle, and a Roman nether mill-stone of trachyte, originally imported from Saxony or Koblenz on the Rhine.

Jacques Cartier

On August 18, 2006, Quebec Premier Jean Charest announced that Canadian archaeologists had discovered the precise location of Cartier's lost first colony of Charlesbourg-Royal.

Jane Dieulafoy

Adams, Amanda, Ladies of the Field: Early Women Archaeologists and Their Search for Adventure, Douglas & McIntyre, ISBN 978-1-55365-433-9

Jens Jacob Asmussen Worsaae

As director of the National Museum of Denmark (1865-1874), Worsaae became the mentor of a new generation of archaeologists: including Sophus Müller in Denmark.

Lapita culture

The excavation was carried out in 1952 by American archaeologists Edward W. Gifford and Richard Shulter Jr at 'Site 13'.

Levý Hradec

The site was excavated as soon as the 19th century by archaeologists Čeněk Rýzner and Josef Ladislav Píč.


Mambrui is the site of a project by a team of Kenyan and Chinese archaeologists, who are looking for evidence of contact with the Chinese during the era of the Yongle Emperor.

Manasseh of Judah

Despite the criticisms of his religious policies in the biblical texts, archaeologists such as Israel Finkelstein and Neil Asher Silberman credit Manasseh with reviving Judah's rural economy, arguing that a possible Assyrian grant of most favoured nation status stimulated the creation of an export market.

Matthew Gibney

During restoration work in the Cathedral between 2003 and 2006, the brick and plaster crypt containing the coffins of Gibney and Bishop Martin Griver was discovered by archaeologists under the floorboards of the Cathedral.

Maya codices

The oldest Maya codices known have been found by archaeologists as mortuary offerings with burials in excavations in Uaxactun, Guaytán in San Agustín Acasaguastlán, and Nebaj in El Quiché, Guatemala, at Altun Ha in Belize and at Copán in Honduras.


In 2012 McElhanney's branch office in Jakarta, Indonesia acquired LiDAR and digital aerial photography for archaeologists working in the Angkor region of Cambodia studying the history of the Khmer Empire.

Movable type

The uneven spacing of the impressions on brick stamps found in the Mesopotamian cities of Uruk and Larsa, dating from the 2nd millennium BC, has been conjectured by some archaeologists as evidence that the stamps were made using movable type.

Nacoochee Mound

The mound was formally excavated in 1915 by a team of archaeologists headed by Frederick Webb Hodge and George H. Pepper and sponsored by the Heye Foundation and the Bureau of American Ethnology.

Nola-Croce del Papa

The discovery of two bodies which had been caught by the Pyroclastic flow as they were fleeing a Volcanic eruption from Mount Vesuvius led archaeologists to find the lost settlement.


Not far from Šventoji, archaeologists discovered an encampment which indicates that the area was inhabited some 5,000 years ago.


The most significant of these caves is the "Baume Bonne", which has been studied by various archaeologists, including Henry de Lumley.


Last century, Charles Wiener discovered the mausoleums of Utcubamba; the mausoleums of Revash in Santo Tomás were studied later by the archaeologists Henry and Paule Reichlen primarily because the roof of one of the mausoleums had collapsed, covering and protecting the cultural remains.

Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Perth

During restoration work in the Cathedral between 2003 and 2006, the brick and plaster crypt containing the coffins of Bishops Matthew Gibney and Martin Griver was discovered by archaeologists under the floorboards of an aisle in the Cathedral.


French archaeologists Daniel Frimigacci, Jean-Pierre Siorat and Maurice Hardy of the French CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique) spent several years restoring the central platform using original techniques and completed that work around 1997.


Some Chinese archaeologists believe that Taosi was the site of a state Youtang (有唐) conquered by Emperor Yao and became his capital.

Tyr, Russia

The remains of the Yuan era temple unearthed at the site by modern archaeologists date to the 1260s, while the two Ming temples, built during the Amur expeditions by the admiral eunuch Yishiha, were constructed in 1413 and 1433–1434, respectively.

UCL Institute of Archaeology

Amongst the staff who work there are noted archaeologists such as Mark Roberts, who directed the Boxgrove Quarry project, Late Prehistory specialist Sue Hamilton, Mediaeval specialist Andrew Reynolds, Public Archaeology specialist Tim Schadla-Hall and Caribbean archaeologist José Oliver.


Located sixty kilometres south of the Los Naranjos, the site of Yarumela yielded information that led archaeologists to believe that it was another imposing Middle Formative center.

Zhou Man

The Australian geographer Professor Victor Prescott states that the structure at Bittangabee is considered by local archaeologists to be early 19th century and that Menzies misinterpreted the Waldseemüller map which he used as evidence for a visit by Zhou Man to the Americas.

see also