
unusual facts about archives

Actes et documents du Saint Siège relatifs à la Seconde Guerre Mondiale

Actes et Documents du Saint Siège relatifs à la Seconde Guerre Mondiale (French for Acts and Documents of the Holy See related to the Second World War), often abbreviated Actes or ADSS, is an eleven-volume collection of documents from the Vatican historical archives, related to the papacy of Pope Pius XII during World War II.

The collection is a rare exception to the Vatican's de facto seventy-five year rule for opening its archives, published in the aftermath of the controversial play, The Deputy, by Rolf Hochhuth.

Anarchism in Brazil

Most anarchist newspaper issues can be found in the Arquivo Edgard Leuenroth in Campinas, but there are also examplars in other Brazilian archives, in Milan and in the IISH in Amsterdam.


From the Murashu family archives from Nippur, we know a certain Artahshar (Artahŝar), who has been identified with the Artoxares of the classical sources.

Australian Jewish Historical Society

The NSW chapter maintains extensive archives as well as a research library in Mandelbaum House, a College of the University of Sydney.

Baliuag University

It has the general or the Reference library wherein the Map section is, the Circulation library, the Filipiniana library, and the Student Study Center: divided into the University Archives and the Baliuag Artifacts.

BBC Motion Gallery

In addition, BBC Motion Gallery represents numerous other archives, including Rip Curl, Aero GP, the England and Wales Cricket Board, ESPN Classic (UK), Urban Freestyler and Nugus Martin.

Bill Flanagan

He has also worked on VH1's Legends, VH1 Archives, Hotel MTV, and many other series and specials.

California Green Archives

The archives hold any documentary materials relating to the founding and establishment of the Green Committees of Correspondence, the Green Party of California, and the wider Green political movement in the USA and beyond.

City of Toronto Archives

It was designed by the architectural firm of Zeidler Roberts, who also designed the Toronto Eaton Centre, as a state-of-the-art purpose-built archives building incorporating a climate controlled records, a central atrium and exhibition area; a 60-seat theatre and a Research Hall.

Claudius Crozet

Hundreds of plans and drawings which he oversaw have been retained in the archives of the Library of Virginia.

Congo River, Beyond Darkness

All along its 4371 km, we discover places that have seen the turbulent history of this country, while archives remind us of the mythological figures that created its destiny: explorers such as Livingstone and Stanley, the colonial kings Léopold II and Baudouin I and leaders such as Lumumba, Mobutu and Kabila.

Cross-Cultural Dance Resources

CCDR also maintains a non lending library of over 15,000 shelved items, including artwork, audiovisual materials, books, clippings, monographs, periodicals, costumes, dolls, and musical instruments, as well as the archives of Gertrude Prokosch Kurath, Eleanor King, Joann Kealiinohomoku (in progress), and the Daniel J. Crowley musical instrument collection.

Edwin Grienauer

A tabernacle showing the Annunciation to Mary is in the archives of St Stephan's Cathedral.

Eve Andree Laramee

This work zeroes-in on sites where Uranium mining/milling, plutonium production for nuclear weaponss and the nuclear energy industry have contaminated surface water, well water and deep aquifer water with radioactive isotopes and her work archives this atomic legacy.

Fictive art

Notable practitioners and projects include David Wilson (The Museum of Jurassic Technology), Nicholas Kahn and Richard Selesnick (The Circular River), Beauvais Lyons (The Hokes Archives), Joan Fontcuberta (Sputnik), Eve Andree Laramee (Yves Fissiault), and Jim Shaw (O-ism).

Flora Huayaquilensis

Dr. Eduardo Estrella was working and researching in the archives of the Royal Botanical Gardens in Madrid Spain in 1985 when he found the documentary of the "Fourth Division," for the expedition of Ruiz and Pavon in Peru and Chile, Dr. Estrella found a large number of descriptions of plants whose origin corresponds to the places that belong to the Royal Audience of Quito.

Free State of Coburg

He received 1.5 million Marks as his compensation for his following properties – approximately 4500 hectares (11,120 acres) of forests, numerous buildings and individual properties as well as the art treasures of the Veste Coburg, the Veste’s courtyard garden museum, his personal library, the Ducal Theater, the Schloss Rosenau and its estate, the Veste Coburg, the Schloss Ehrenburg, and the State Archives of Coburg.

Henri Gougerot

He was the publisher of Archives dermato-syphiligraphiques de la clinique de l’hôpital Saint-Louis, and with Ferdinand-Jean Darier (1856-1938) and Raymond Jacques Adrien Sabouraud (1864-1938), was editor of Nouvelle Pratique Dermatologique; an eight-volume work on dermatology.

Institute for the History of Aluminium

Access to its specialised library and archives is open to researchers in the reading room of the IHA in Gennevilliers.

Irish Museums Association

Contributors include: Dr Guido Gryseels (Director, Royal Museum of Central Africa), Catriona Crowe (Senior archivist and Head of special projects, National Archives of Ireland), Dr Roisin Higgins (Senior Lecturer in History, Teeside University).


A clay tablet found in the archives at Ebla bears a copy of a diplomatic message sent from king Irkab-Damu to king Zizi of Hamazi, along with a large quantity of wood, hailing him as a brother, and requesting him to send mercenaries in exchange.

Jewelle Gomez

She's been a member of the board of the Cornell University Human Sexuality Archives and the advisory board of the James Hormel LGBT Center of the main San Francisco Public Library.

Jim Toy

His archives are housed in the James Toy Collection at the University of Michigan’s Bentley Historical Library.

Job Edward Lousley

He died in 1976 at Streatham Common and his herbarium was donated to the University of Reading, and some of his notebooks, photos, papers, letters and the manuscript of the flora of Scilly are held in the archives of the Isles of Scilly Museum.

John F. Baddeley

The texts taken more especially from manuscripts in the Moscow Foreign Office Archives; the whole by John F. Baddeley; a monumental work, published in 1919 in two volumes as a limited edition of only 250 copies, with an elaborate frontispiece ("the book epitomised in a series of pictures", said Baddeley) drawn by Amédée Forestier and engraved by Emery Walker.

Juan Azor

There are extant in manuscript other works by Azor; in Rome, in the Jesuit archives, a commentary on the Canticle of Canticles; at Würzburg, an exposition of the Psalms and at Alcalá, several theological treatises on parts of the Summa Theologiae of Thomas Aquinas.

Kristian Hamon

He later returned to his studies, studying his master's (at L'Ouest-Éclair) on the German Occupation of France, receiving permission to study the department archives of Ille-et-Vilaine and focusing on the activities of the Parti national breton penduring the Second World War.


Patrick Lundborg (born 1967), writer on pop culture and author of the book The Acid Archives

Mary Ellis Peltz

In 1936 she became the first chief editor of Opera News, a position she held until 1957 when she founded the Metropolitan Opera's archives.

Montford Point Marine Association

The Montford Point Marine Association maintains a National Museum at Camp Gilbert H. Johnson, Jacksonville, North Carolina, and archives.

Muazzez İlmiye Çığ

Upon receiving her degree in 1940, she began a multi-decade career at Museum of the Ancient Orient, one of three such institutions comprising Istanbul Archaeology Museums, as a resident specialist in the field of cuneiform tablets, thousands of which were being stored untranslated and unclassified in the facility's archives.

Oskar Fischer

Michel Goedert of the MRC laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge University uncovered Fischer's significance after his study in the archives of Charles University in Prague in 2008.


The eighteenth-century English writer Bryant claimed the authorship of the Iliad and the Odyssey poems were written by Penthelia, and stolen from the archives of the temple by Homer in travels through Egypt.

Polish Central Archives of Historical Records

Central Archives of Historical Records (Polish: Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych) in Warsaw is one of the four national archives of Poland.

Serafima Meletieva

Some documents of a personal nature, and books are available in the archives of the Abbess' Christian Russia in Seriate, Italy.

She's the Woman

In 2009, bassist Wolfgang Van Halen, son of guitarist Eddie Van Halen, picked up the tapes for the song from the 5150 Studios archives looking for tracks to record with his father and his uncle drummer, Alex Van Halen.

Skënder Rizaj

He has done extensive research in Turkish Archives in Istanbul, and the British Library in London.

Sounds of the Sixties

Sounds of the 60s (TV series), first broadcast on BBC Two in 1991 and featuring music performances from the BBC archives

Stalin and His Hangmen

The books are based on recent publications by Russian authors, Soviet archives, starting to open after the dissolution of the USSR and some private holdings, including the Nestor Lakoba archive (acquired by the Hoover Institute).

Surafend affair

In 2009, journalist Paul Daley was researching a book, Beersheba, and discovered an audio recording in the archives of the Australian War Memorial, which appeared to indicate that Australian soldiers were more involved than had been previously thought.

The Central Agency for Jewish Emigration in Vienna

On 24 March 2000, the Berlin research firm “Facts & Files” issued a press release which stated that Berlin historian and archivist Jörg Rudolph had found a collection of “Eichmann dossiers” in the former Nazi archives of the Ministry for State Security of communist East Germany, which had, after the fall of the Berlin Wall, been relocated to the German Federal Archives’ temporary archive in Hoppegarten near Berlin.

The Cheap Show

Three others, with guests Truman Capote and Jill St. John (episode 2), Anthony Newley and Bob Newhart (episode 18), and Jim Stafford with Charlie Callas (episode 23), exist at the UCLA television archives, along with the Moreno/Doyle episode.

The Jennifer Morgue

Where 2004's The Atrocity Archives is written in the idiom of Len Deighton, The Jennifer Morgue is a pastiche of Ian Fleming's James Bond novels and refers to the real-life Project Azorian (incorrectly named by the press as Project Jennifer); Stross also uses footnotes and narrative causality, two literary devices common in the novels of Terry Pratchett.

Tony Thorne

After explorations in Central and Eastern Europe following the fall of communism and the opening of lost archives, Tony Thorne published the definitive English-language biography of the 16th century Hungarian Countess Erzsebet Bathory, reputed to be a mass murderess who bathed in the blood of her victims.

Trinity College Library

However, Lucasfilm denied that the Long Room was the basis for the Jedi archives, and officials from Trinity College Library decided not to take legal actions.

Vokes Theatre

A wall exists showing the signatures of some of those who came to Wayland including Ellen Terry, George Arliss, Florence Arliss, Katharine Cornell; the house archives show that other guests included diva Geraldine Farrar, and actors Ethel Barrymore, John Drew, Norah Bayes, and others.

William C. Crain

In 1826, he married Perses Narina Tunnicliff, daughter of William Tunnicliff, and granddaughter of the Count George Ernst August von Ranzau, an officer on the staff of the Friedrich Adolf Riedesel, and author of the interesting Journal of Burgoyne's Expedition contained in the archives of the general staff at Berlin.

William J. Hough

Quoting from archives: "These papers consist of Hough's correspondence with David Dale Owen concerning the selection of stones for the Smithsonian Building and an original proposal for the Smithsonian Building from the architect, James Renwick, Jr.

Wolverhampton Archives and Local Studies

The Archives are based in the former Molineux Hotel building, built in the mid eighteenth century and restored since 2003 thanks to a Heritage Lottery fund grant.

see also