
unusual facts about bas relief

Cardston Alberta Temple

Torleif S. Knaphus — sculpted the large bas relief titled Christ the Fountainhead on the exterior of the building and also the life-size oxen holding the baptism font

see also

Abbey of Vangadizza

The base of the bell tower include antique elements, such a bas-relief with a Maenad, dating from the 1st century AD.

Agathon Léonard

His bas-relief of St. Cecilia is to be found in the Abbeville Museum and the Nantes Museum houses a bust titled The Plunderer of Shipwrecks.

Alfred Gatley

In 1844 he received the silver medal for the best model from the life, and exhibited marble busts of "Cupid" and "Psyche", and in 1846 he exhibited a bust of Marshal Espartero, and a model in bas-relief of "The Hours leading out the Horses of the Sun", which went to the library of Britwell Court, Buckinghamshire.

Early in 1855 he was entrusted with the companion bas-relief, "The Song of Moses and Miriam".

Auguste Arnaud

He conceived the tympanum and 35 statues relating to the life of the Virgin for Sées's cathedral in 1852 and, for his birthplace of La Rochelle, he designed a monument to M. Fleuriau de Bellevue (bust and bas-relief in bronze) in 1853.

Borghese Vase

On a reduced scale, the vases made admirable wine coolers in silver, or in silver-gilt, as Paul Storr delivered them to the Prince Regent in 1808 (Haskell and Penny 1981:315.) John Flaxman based a bas-relief on the frieze of the Borghese Vase.

Church of the Nativity

The Bas-relief of the Tree of Jesse is a large work by well-known religious sculptor Czesław Dźwigaj which was recently incorporated into the Church of St. Catherine as a gift of Pope Benedict XVI during his trip to the Holy Land in 2009.

Circus of Nero

Sante Bartoli's memoirs record that when Alexander VII was building the left wing of Bernini's colonnade and the lefthand fountain, a tomb was discovered with a bas-relief above the door representing a marriage-scene ("vi era un bellissimo bassorilievo di un matrimonio antico").

Cirque d'été

A pedimented porch on the east side was surmounted with a bronze equestrian statue designed by Pradier, and panels on the other sides sported ornamental bas-relief horses' heads designed by Duret and Bosio.

Dalkeith Palace

Several marble chimney pieces were installed, as well as an intricately carved marble bas-relief of Neptune and Galatea.

Daniel Webster Memorial

On the east and west sides of the pedestal are bronze bas-relief panels illustrating events in Webster's life: the Webster–Hayne debate; the dedication of the Bunker Hill Monument.


The side ones feature images of two Parades on the Red Square, the left one of Soviet athletes and the right of the Soviet Military, which featured a portrait of Stalin being carried, and like the bas-relief in the Central Hall, this was removed in 1961 and then carefully replaced with an image of Yuri Gagarin.

Edoardo Alfieri

Some of his works are abstract, for instance the Mele grave at Staglieno, or the bas-relief "Furor Mathematicus".

Edward J. Kuntze

Among his works are statuettes of William Shakespeare, Johann von Goethe, Washington Irving, Alfred Lord Tennyson, and Abraham Lincoln; a statue of “Psyche,” one of “Columbia,” “Puck,” “Puck on Horseback,” and “Puck on the Warpath”; a bust of “Mirth”; “Merlin and Vivien,” in bas-relief; and many medallion portraits and busts.

First Engineer Bridge

The railings, also designed by Charlemagne, comprise several sections of short pilums, placed between bouquets of decorations and inscriptions of round shields, with bas-relief images of the heads of Medusa, with the Gorgon's snaky locks for hair.

Fontaine de Léda

The fountain was condemned by the critic Amaury Duval in 1812 because of the subject of the bas-relief, Jupiter transforming himself into a swan to seduce Leda.

Fyodor Petrovich Tolstoy

For his wax bas-relief the Triumphal entrance of Alexander of Macedon into Babylon (1809, now in the Hermitage Museum), Tolstoy was elected an honorable member of the Academy of Arts.

Gascoigne baronets

The most prominent artefact removed to Lotherton Hall was the Thomas Banks bas-relief marble of the classic scene Alcyone and Ceyx.

Georges Diebolt

He came to be valued for works in an academic style which prefigured his 1841 plaster bas-relief La mort de Démosthène (now at the École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts), or La Villanelle, exhibited at the Salon of 1848 and remarked upon by Théophile Gautier, who described it as

Gordon H. Mansfield

In attendance were dignitaries such as Massachusetts Congressman John Olver, CEO of Soldier On Jack Downing and Director of Homeless Programs for the Veterans Administration Peter Dougherty, who, with Mansfield’s wife Linda, unveiled a large bronze bas relief of Mansfield by sculptor Andrew DeVries that marks the entrance to the community.


Hammurabi is one of the 23 lawgivers depicted in marble bas-reliefs in the chamber of the U.S. House of Representatives in the United States Capitol.

Henri Pélissier

Fans at the Parc des Princes bought a bas-relief memorial to Henri, Francis and Charles Pélissier and put it up at the velodrome.

Institute for Food Safety and Health

The main building features bas relief murals created by architectural sculptor Lee Lawrie, who is best known for the Atlas statue in front of New York City’s Rockefeller Center.

Jinan Liberation Pavilion

However, the sides of the pedestal are decorated with bas-relief stone carvings that depict scenes from the civil-war battle for Jinan in the style of Socialist realism.

Khmer clothing

It is documented that people from Takéo Province have woven silk since the Funan era; records, bas-relief and Zhou Daguan's report have shown that looms were used to weave sampots since ancient times.

Krasny Bor, Nizhny Novgorod Oblast

In 1972 a stela with the bas-relief of the girl and pages from her diary was built on Tanya's grave for means earned by Young Pioneers and members of the Komsomol from the Shatkovsky District.

Lady Diana Beauclerk

After 1785 she was one of a circle of women, along with Emma Crewe and Elizabeth Templetown (1746/7-1823), whose designs for Josiah Wedgwood were made into bas-reliefs on jasper ornaments.

Medici Fountain

The bas-relief of the fountain depicts the story of Leda and the Swan; Leda holds the swan on her knees, and the figure of Amor is shooting an arrow at her from the corner of the sculpture.

National emblem of Indonesia

Temples such as Mendut, Borobudur, Sajiwan, Prambanan, Penataran, Belahan, and Sukuh depict the images (bas-relief or statue) of Garuda.

Paete, Laguna

Its statues, pulpits, murals and bas relief are found in churches, palaces and museums all over the world, including the St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York, the Mission Dolorosa in San Francisco, the San Cayetano Church in Mexico, the St. Joseph's shrine in Sta.

Parc del Laberint d'Horta

At the entrance of the labyrinth there is a marble bas-relief depicting Ariadne and Theseus and, in the centre, a statue of god Eros.

Pierre Puget

His statue of Milo of Croton (Louvre) had been completed in 1682, Perseus and Andromeda (Louvre) in 1684; and Alexander and Diogenes (bas-relief, Louvre) in 1685, but, in spite of the personal favour which he enjoyed, Puget, on coming to Paris in 1688 to push forward the execution of an equestrian statue of Louis XIV, found court intrigues too much for him.

Raised-relief map

In his 1665 paper for the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, John Evelyn (1620–1706) believed that wax models imitating nature and bas relief maps were something entirely new from France.


Diogenes and Alexander (La rencontre d'Alexandre et de Diogène de Sinope), a Puget bas relief

Ríkarður Jónsson

One of his best known works is a bas-relief of Sigríður Tómasdóttir, the heroine of Gullfoss.

Roosevelt Room

Cast bronze bas-relief plaques with profile portraits of Theodore Roosevelt by James Earle Fraser and of FDR by John DeStefano hung on the south wall until removal during a refurbishment during the second term of President George W. Bush.


It has been documented that people from Takéo Province have woven silk since the Funan era and records, bas-relief and Zhou Daguan's report have shown that looms were used to weave sampots since ancient times.

Sather Tower

--Professor "of" Greek?-->Greek Isaac Flag, "We ring, we chime, we toll, / Lend ye the silent part / Some answer in the heart, / Some echo in the soul." The current bells range from small 19 pound bells to the 10,500 pound "Great Bear Bell," which tolls on the hour and features bas-relief carvings of bears as well as the constellation Ursa Major.

Suren Nazaryan

Being a young sculptor, in 1964, Suren Nazaryan received permission from Catholicos of All Armenians, Vazgen I, to create the bas-reliefs of the five most important and famous cathedrals of Armenian architecture (St. Hripsime, Etchmiadzin, Zvartnots, Holy Cross Akhthamar, and Ani) for the throne hall of Catholicos’s residence.

Tito Sarrocchi

For the cathedral of Massa Marittima, he sculpted a gothic monument for monsignor Traversi, with three statues and a bas-relief.

Venus Anadyomene

Through the desire of Renaissance artists reading Pliny to emulate Apelles, and, if possible, to outdo him, Venus Anadyomene was taken up again in the 15th century: besides Botticelli's famous Birth of Venus (Uffizi Gallery, Florence), another early Venus Anadyomene is the bas-relief by Antonio Lombardo from Wilton House (Victoria and Albert Museum, London).

Warder Park

The Carnegie Library opened Oct 25, 2006 after a 4 million dollar renovation for the Remnant Trust and also included a bas-relief sculpture, titled The Timeline of Liberty, by sculptor Lorenzo Ghiglieri.