The larvae feed on deciduous trees and shrubs, including Myrica (including Myrica gale), Vaccinium (including Vaccinium myrtillus and Vaccinium uliginosum), Rhododendron, Malus, Betula, Salix and Populus species.
There is an old park in the free English landscape style, historic rose garden, rose garden and modern roses, South Norwegian rose garden, millenniumgarden, conifers collection (arboretum), shrubs and trees at the museum's parking lot (lignoses), perennials, rock garden, pond with water plants, heather garden and a collection of Rhododendron.
All told, the arboretum contains more than 800 varieties of trees and shrubs, with extensive collections of Chamaecyparis, Juniperus, Taxus, and Thuja, as well as roses and fine specimens of Acer griseum, Cornus controversa, Cupressus sempervirens, Juniperus deppeana, Pseudotsuga menziesii, and Quercus pyrenaica.
Today the arboretum contains over 200 species of trees and shrubs from temperate environments around the world, including particularly fine specimens of Davidia involucrata, Paulownia tomentosa var tsinlingensis, and Quercus rugosa.
These larvae are polyphagous, feeding on various shrubs and deciduous trees, mainly oak (Quercus), elm (Ulmus), Linden (Tilia), hazel (Corylus), maples (Acer) and ash (Fraxinus).
The plant cover is sparse in the drier areas while the wetter areas have a fair cover of mosses, sedges, shrubs such as purple saxifrage, arctic willow, and arctic poppy and rushes.
Among the wide variety of tropical trees and shrubs is a third generation breadfruit tree, a sucker from the original plant brought by Captain William Bligh (of Bounty fame) in 1793.
Other collections include Gymnocalycium (65 species), Peperomia (41 species), Viscum (40 species), and Maranthes (14 species), as well as collections of useful plants and North American trees and shrubs.
Alhagi, a genus of shrubs native to northern Africa and Asia Minor, with some species naturalized in other parts of the world
The páramo proper lies above the subpáramo, and is dominated by grasses, rushes, herbs, and low shrubs of the families Gramineae, Asteraceae, Cyperaceae, Rosaceae and Ericaceae.
The larvae feed on the leaves of birch, poplar, willow and other trees and shrubs, as well as flowers of Lactuca and other Asteraceae species.
, a taxonomic synonym of Wikstroemia, a genus of flowering shrubs in the Thymelaeaceae
The larvae feed on various shrubs and herbaceous plants, including Vaccinium species such as Vaccinium myrtillus and Vaccinium uliginosum as well as Aster tripolium, Alnus and Salix.
The larvae feed on various trees and shrubs, including Betula, Salix caprea, Salix phylicifolia, Salix cinerea, Populus tremula, Populus balsamifera, Ribes, Rosa species (including Rosa acicularis, Syringa vulgaris and Lonicera caerulea.
The larvae feed on a wide range of plants, but mainly deciduous shrubs and trees such as Malus, Fraxinus and Celtis species.
Other items of horticultural interest include: holly, daylily, herb, hosta, and heather gardens, as well as more than a thousand varieties of trees, shrubs and flowers, many labeled.
The larvae feed on various trees and shrubs, including Rhamnus purshiana, Holodiscus discolor, Sambucus species and Symphoricarpos albus.
The larvae feed on the leaves of a wide range of deciduous trees and shrubs, including Amelanchier, Rosa, Prunus, Salix, Populus, Alnus, Betula, Corylus, Fraxinus, Tilia, Ulmus, Quercus and Acer.
The land is rocky and arid which supports very little vegetation apart from such shrubs and herbs as Rosemary, Thyme and Rue, which grow in abundance here.
The arboretum contains hundreds of species of trees, shrubs, and flowers arranged in 19 collections (40 acres) as follows: Butterfly Garden, Children's Garden, Columnar Trees, Conifers, Dwarf Garden, Flowering Trees, Founders Grove, Herbs, Hostas, Large Deciduous Trees, Medium Deciduous Trees, Nut Trees, Perennials, Shade Garden, Shrubs, Trees under Utility Wires, Wetland Trees, Windbreak, and Winter Interest.
In 1856, he published The Flower Garden, a book about the cultivation of ornamental plants such as perennials, annuals, shrubs and evergreen trees.
When there is little grass available, such as during winter or in the more arid margins of their native habitat, they have been observed eating shrubs, herbs, and even Oxytropis roots, dug from the ground.
Kildangan is home to the world famous Kildangan Stud, which was founded by the More O'Ferrells, on the site of Kildangan Castle, and the grounds of which contain a variety of rare ornamental trees and shrubs, and an abundance of woodland.
Much of the watershed of Lake Taupo is a beech and podocarp forest with associate understory ferns being Blechnum filiforme, Asplenium flaccidum, Doodia media, Hymenophyllum demissum, Microsorum pustulatum and Microsorum scandens, and some prominent associate shrubs being Olearia ranii nd Alseuosmia quercifolia.
William and Mildred Lasdon Memorial Garden (0.4 ha / 1 acre) - an entrance court with a fragrance garden; a formal garden with boxwood hedges, heather, flowering annuals and bulbs, and a central fountain; and a synoptic garden featuring hundreds of shrubs whose names represent every letter in the alphabet, from "A" (Abelia) through "Z" (Zenobia).
At Osborne House, a holiday home built in 1845 on the Isle of Wight for Queen Victoria and her husband Prince Albert, there are L. nitida shrubs clipped in the form of stags rising from beds of Felicia amelloides, Festuca glauca, and scarlet pelargoniums.
Cocculus, a genus of woody vines and shrubs with the common name moonseed
Underneath these trees are planted a number of shrubs, most noticeably Laurels (Aucuba japonica) and Hollies (such as Ilex aquifolium), and several Camellias (Camellia japonica) and a Fatsia japonica.
The mountain consists of soaring and lofty trees of Mesua ferrea, Bischofia javanica, Vitex Altissima to smaller trees of Dillini a species of festooning climber, shrubs, valuable herbs, variety of orchids, two types of canes and many indigenous palms and cycads.
In the shrub dominated parts, typical steppe shrubs are Russian almond (Amygdalus nana), cherry (Cerasus fruticosa), greenweed (Cytisus ruthenicus) (western distribution boundary), species of wild roses (Rosa) and juniper (Juniperus sabinea).
This side-trail features extensive growths of Mountain Laurel and is well worth hiking in early Summer when these shrubs are in bloom.
The larvae feed on the leaves of various deciduous trees and shrubs, including Corylus, Fraxinus, Prunus, Quercus, Rubus, Swida sanguinea, Betula, Fagus, Larix, Pinus, Rhamnus frangula, Thelycrania sanguinea and Vaccinium.
Landscapes covered in peat also have specific kinds of plants, particularly Sphagnum moss, Ericaceous shrubs, and sedges (see bog for more information on this aspect of peat).
It is prepared with the Banisteriopsis caapi vine, usually mixed with leaves of dimethyltryptamine-species of shrubs from the genus Psychotria, which are found in the Amazon jungle in Peru where Gorman conducts his work.
Bougainvillia shrubs were laid along the fence, four rows of trees were planted on the Eastern side of the ground to act as a windbreak and the car-park was levelled.
The genus Sabia often are lianas, while those in the genera Meliosma and Ophiocaryon are trees and shrubs; the latter two are sometimes treated in a separate family Meliosmaceae.
Their habitat requirements include large networks of shinnery oak (Quercus havardii), which are short (<2 m) shrubs, and a sloping, sandy topography, where the lizards use "blowouts" as their primary microhabitat.
The larval food plant is unknown, but the vegetation in the areas where it is found are dominated by Tamarix Prosopis, Acacia and desert shrubs.
Shrubland, an environmental habitat characterized by vegetation dominated by shrubs
Plants adapted to the alpine conditions include woody shrubs like Hebe, Dracophyllum, and Coprosma, the conifer Snow Totara (Podocarpus nivalis) and Carex sedge grasses.
Southern hairy-nosed wombats, along with other wombat species, select native perennial grasses and sedges, but do consume introduced pasture species, forbs, and the leaves of woody shrubs if their favoured food is not available.
Kwongan vegetation contains a large number of endemic plant species especially shrubs and wildflowers including yellow flame and toothbrush grevilleas, fan-flowers, and cockies tongues.
Hoyt Arboretum, 187-acre hosts nearly ten thousand individual trees and shrubs of more than eleven hundred species with about 12 miles of trail
Camellias, and other ericacious flowering shrubs added in the 19th century blaze in the shade of this terrace.
The collection of specimen trees and shrubs include towering American White and English Oaks, lindens, tulip trees, bald cypress, and Chinese Golden Larch, as well as different species and cultivars of azaleas, lilacs, viburnums, hollies, weeping cherries and rhododendrons.
As it alternative name of "southern rock deermouse" implies, is often found in rocky or broken terrain, where the common vegetation tends to be grasses, acacia, and shrubs such as acuhual.