
3 unusual facts about copy

Copy-evident document

For example, 3D printed objects can be equipped with marks of genuinity that can be identified using a measurement device but are hard to deduce from sample objects; copies will lack these marks.

Heap spraying

Many web browser exploits that use heap spraying consist only of a heap spray that is copy-pasted from a previous exploit combined with a small piece of script or HTML that triggers the vulnerability.


"Zero-copy" describes computer operations in which the CPU does not perform the task of copying data from one memory area to another.

Adobe FrameMaker

Up to this point, FrameMaker had been targeting a professional market for highly technical publications, such as the maintenance manuals for the Boeing 777 project, and licensed each copy for $2,500.

All Religions are One

During Blake's training as a professional copy engraver with James Basire during the 1770s, the most common method of engraving was stippling, which was thought to give a more accurate impression of the original picture than the previously dominant method, line engraving.

Archidamus II

These quotes are according to the copy of Thucydides edited by Paul Woodruff, "Thucydides on Justice Power and Human Nature"

Arthur: The Quest for Excalibur

The package for Arthur contained a copy of a Book of Hours, which explains the Canonical hours such as Matins, Lauds and Vespers.

Audio Home Recording Act

The RIAA filed suit to enjoin the manufacture and distribution of the Rio PMP300, one of the first portable MP3 players, because it did not include the SCMS copy protection required by the act, and Diamond did not intend to pay royalties.

Ben Helfgott

As a guest on the BBC Radio 4 Desert Island Discs programme on 1 April 2007, he chose to be stranded with a copy of Bertrand Russell's History of Western Philosophy and a bar with two discs for weight training.


Shortly after Hackworth, George Stephenson also employed the same method, and again it is not clear whether that was an independent discovery or a copy of one of the other engineers.


The British Library copy contains many amendments in Comyn's own hand and there is also a copy in the University of Southampton Library, Cope Collection.

Carnegie library

In 1935, the centennial of his Carnegie's birth, a copy of the portrait of him originally painted by F. Luis Mora was given to libraries he helped fund.

Chain World

Only one known copy of the game exists on a customized USB flash drive.

Charles Fairfield

A copy by him of Teniers's Le Bonnet Rouge was "of the most striking perfection of finish and tone, capable of deceiving any one could it have but age" (manuscript notes in Anderdon, Collectanea Biographica, print room, British Museum).

Children 18:3

The band released the EP in 2006 and sent a copy to Tooth & Nail Records CEO Brandon Ebel.

Collagen, type I, alpha 1

A specific variation at Sp1 binding site is shown to be associated with increased risk of low bone mass and vertebral fracture, because of the changes the COL1A1 protein produced from one copy of the gene.

Consulate of the Sea

The only known copy of this edition (as of 1911) is preserved in the Bibliothèque nationale de France in Paris.

Costume jewelry

If you admired a necklace worn by Bette Davis in The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex, you could buy a copy from Joseff of Hollywood, who made the original.

Council of Nablus

A copy was edited in the Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio of Giovanni Domenico Mansi in the 18th century, and more recently a new edition has been published by Benjamin Z. Kedar in Speculum (Vol. 74, 1999).

Curvilinear perspective

In 1959, Flocon had acquired a copy of Grafiek en tekeningen by M. C. Escher who strongly impressed him with his use of bent and curved perspective, which influenced the theory Flocon and Barre were developing.

Deon Meyer

In the 1980s he worked as a journalist at Die Volksblad, at the public relations office of the University of the Free State, and began work as advertising copy writer at Sanlam.

Fontaine du Fellah

The title refers to an Egyptian fellah, or peasant, but statue appears to be a copy of a Roman statue of Antinous, a favorite of the Emperor Hadrian, which was discovered in the excavation of Hadrian's villa in Tivoli in 1739.

Gaunt's Ghosts

The publication of The Iron Star took the form of a 1,200-copy limited edition novelette which was only available for purchase at the 2008 UK Games Day and the 2009 Games Day in Germany.

George Mavrikos

He received international attention in February 2012 when during the parliamentary debate he threw his copy of the draft of the austerity bill at the finance minister, Evangelos Venizelos.

Gift Trap

Gift Trap donated one copy to the charity Right To Play for every ten copies sold from the first production run of 10,000 games.

Information policy

More precisely, — the digization of the cultural content made the cost of the copy decreasing to nearly zero and increased the illegal exchange of files, online, via sharing web site or P2P technologies, or off line (copy of hard disks).

Inverted Jenny

In the first episode of the fifth season of The Simpsons, "Homer's Barbershop Quartet", Homer Simpson, along with finding an original copy of the U.S. Declaration of Independence, an Action Comics 1, and a Stradivarius violin, all of which he throws away, then comes across a full sheet of Inverted Jennys in the 5 cent box at a local swap meet.

Isaac ben Samuel of Acre

When Isaac met Moses of Leon at Valladolid, the latter took an oath that he had a copy of the Zohar written by Shimon bar Yochai himself in his house at Ávila.

Jean Palairet

While working as London agent for Jacob Boreel, Palairet apparently played a part in introducing the game of cricket to the Netherlands: in 1765 he sent four balls and 12 bats to the Netherlands, and attempted to find a copy of a rule-book for the game.

Korean tea ceremony

As Korean tea culture died with the advent of Yi Dynasty in 1392, this newly revived "Korean Tea Ceremony," propagated by Panyaro Institute closely resembles the Japanese Tea Ceremony, and is considered an outright copy by the Japanese Sado practitioners, much the same way Tae Kwon Do, Yudo, and Haedong Gumdo are seen as copies of Karate, Judo, and Kendo by the Japanese.

Language Interface Pack

Unlike MUI packs which are available only to Microsoft volume license customers and for select SKUs of Windows Vista, a Language Interface Pack is available freely and can be installed on a licensed copy of Microsoft Windows or Office and a fixed base language.

Low copy number

Low Copy Number (LCN) is a DNA profiling technique developed by the Forensic Science Service (FSS) and in use in some countries since 1999.

Madonna in the Church

Perhaps reflecting the view of a "relatively immature painter", a copy of the Annunciation by Joos van Cleve shows Mary at a more realistic proportion scale to her surroundings.


A work by Milred, a compilation of epigrams and epigraphs on Anglo-Saxon churchmen, some of whom are known only from this work, is now lost apart from a single 10th century copy of one page, held by the library of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Minuscule 88

The manuscript was written by Evagrius and compared with Pamphilus copy at Caesarea.


J. P. Nash of the University of Illinois was a developer of both the ORDVAC and of the university's own identical copy, the ILLIAC, which was later renamed the ILLIAC I. Donald B. Gillies assisted in the checkout of ORDVAC at Aberdeen Proving Ground.

Red Goodbye

In summer 2009, several months after rock band Creed announced that their reunion album would be titled Full Circle, hundreds of torrents appeared on peer-to-peer file sharing sites labeled as a leaked copy of Full Circle but actually containing Red Goodbye's One Time Mountain, with modified file names and ID3 Tags.

Red Hat Society

In 1997, Cooper gave a friend a 55th birthday gift consisting of a red bowler purchased at an antique store along with a copy of Jenny Joseph's poem "Warning".


While making, Patrick, Richard Franklin gave Everett De Roche a copy of Rear Window as an example of how he wanted the script typed.

Samuel Timmins

-- A book relating the History of this library was written in 1903. A copy can be located on floor 3 of Birmingham Central Library.-->

Silverton Park

The art forger Shaun Greenhalgh and his father bought a copy of the 1892 sale catalogue and used the unillustrated catalogue descriptions to recreate items, for which the catalogue would provide a spurious provenance.

Smith Thompson

He was a founding vice president of the American Bible Society and provided a copy to every officer and enlisted man in the Navy.

Stourbridge fair

During his time at the University in 1665, Isaac Newton visited the fair and is known to have bought a copy of Euclid's Elements which he used to teach himself mathematics.

Sunil Kumar Ahuja

His most recent work, first published in the 2005 issue of Science, involves the ethnic group-specific role of CCR5 haplotype and CCL3L1 gene copy number on the progression of HIV to AIDS.

The Mysterious Traveler

And the succeeding answers were equally disconcerting and not in all cases publishable—though I have forwarded a copy to Miskatonic University for its files.

The Smile

In the ensuing argument, Jessica throws Brody's copy of the Quran on the floor.

The Unkissed Bride

Nervous about the prospect of having sex, Margie picks up a copy of Mother Goose and begins reading from it, causing Ted to faint.

The Word for World Is Forest

A copy of The Word for World Is Forest is visible at the bedside of the character Joker in a scene set in Vietnam in Stanley Kubrick's film Full Metal Jacket (this is an anachronism as the movie takes place in and around 1968, while The Word for World Is Forest was published in 1976).

The Young Men's Magazine

A notable issue is volume 2, a copy of which was sold in December 2011 for 690,850 at Sotheby's in London.


In 1993, then-French President François Mitterrand returned one copy during a visit to Seoul to sell its high-speed TGV train technology; with the promised to return the remaining collection.


Extended Copy Protection, a CD copy protection technique used on some Sony CD albums

see also