
unusual facts about counter attack


Sir Godber, having been pressured by his wealthy left-wing wife, Lady Mary, announces sweeping changes to the centuries of College tradition, much to the concern of Skullion and the Fellows, who plan a counter attack to the proposed contraceptive machines, women students, and a self-service canteen.

see also

107th Regiment Royal Armoured Corps

The Germans put in a vigorous counter-attack and some of the British infantry withdrew, leaving 107's two forward squadrons exposed to attacks by Tiger and Panther tanks.

13th Guards Rifle Division

Although the entire formation was encircled, along with hundreds of thousands of other Red Army soldiers, much of the 5th Army was able to fight its way out of the encirclement after a counter-attack by Belov's 20th Cavalry Corps broke through the German ring around Kiev.


A few days later, Brigadier General McAuliffe and the 101st Airborne Division along with elements of the 10th Armored Division (United States) and the 82nd airborne arrived to counter-attack but, after heavy fighting, became encircled within the town.

Battle of Gazala

Buoyed by over-optimistic intelligence assessments of the casualties suffered by the German armour, Auchinleck strongly urged Ritchie to mount a counter-attack along the coast to take advantage of the German armour's absence and to break through to Timimi and then Mechili.

Battle of Gully Ravine

Two soldiers of the 1st Battalion, the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, Captain Gerald O'Sullivan and Corporal James Somers, were awarded the Victoria Cross for recapturing a trench taken by the Ottomans during a counter-attack.

Battle of Ossów

During the day Russian units managed to capture the strategically important village of Ossów, but were repelled in the evening by a Polish counter-attack.

Battle of Sanhe

In August, 1858, the Taiping Army took Luzhou (庐州), modern day Anhui, and the Imperial governor of Hunan-Guangdong Guam Wing (官文) ordered Li Xubin to counter attack by taking the cities and towns of Tongcheng, Shucheng, and Taihu (太湖).

Battle of Tell 'Asur

It was captured by the 5th Battalion, Royal Welch Fusiliers about 09:30 after a heavy bombardment by the 91st Heavy Battery but the position was far from secure being subjected to a successful counter-attack shortly after, but the 6th Battalion, Royal Welch Fusiliers drove them off.

Capture of Klisura Pass

After its successful counter-attack and the Battle of Morava-Ivan, the Hellenic Army penetrated deep into Italian-held Albanian territory, taking control of the local urban centers of Gjirokastër and Korçë (December 1940).

Churchill Arms FC

As Gorge pushed to find an equalizer, Ryan Anstey was able to make a fast counter-attack and tuck home Churchill's second goal, ensuring a 2–0 (OT) victory for the Islanders.

Constantius II

The same year, he forced Sarmatian and Quadi invaders out of Pannonia and Moesia Inferior, then led a successful counter-attack across the Danube.


Berlin argues that, while there were enemies of the Enlightenment outside of Germany (e.g. Joseph de Maistre) and before the 1770s (e.g. Giambattista Vico), Counter-Enlightenment thought did not really 'take off' until the Germans 'rebelled against the dead hand of France in the realms of culture, art and philosophy, and avenged themselves by launching the great counter-attack against the Enlightenment.'


In the Battle of Brody (1941) the German 1st Panzer Group under Ewald von Kleist managed to break the counter-attack by Soviet 9th and 19th Mechanized Corps, and 8th Mechanized Corps.

Harold Lothrop Borden

The death of Lieutenant Harold Lothrop Borden at Witpoort on 16 July 1900 occurred when Lieutenant John Edgar Burch and he, while assisting the Royal Irish Fusiliers and some New Zealanders withstand a Boer assault on Witpoort ridge, led a counter-attack.

History of Molde

Arriving safely in Molde, the city was de facto capital of Norway from 22 April to 29 April, when the advancing German forces, combined with a failed British counter-attack, forced the Norwegian commander-in-chief, General Otto Ruge, to abandon Southern Norway and continue the fight from Tromsø.

Italian campaigns of the French Revolutionary Wars

In this counter-attack Desaix was killed, but Bonaparte later honoured him with monuments commemorating his bravery and his name has the place of honour on the face of the Arc de Triomphe, which was erected to celebrate Napoleon's victories.

Le Paradis massacre

By the time the operation had finished in Cambrai, the first German units had reached the English Channel, but the British counter-attacked just west of Arras on 21 May, following on from the counter-attack of the day before (Battle of Arras).

Marguerite Chapman

She also starred in the famous pro-Soviet war film Counter-Attack, released in 1945.

Mirgorod direction offensive

Increased soviet assaults on the 4th Panzerarmee's left flank over the Psel River by 40th and 47th armies later forced Hoth to withdraw his 10th Panzergrenadier from the counter-attack and finally forced Großdeutschland back to the defensive at Parchomovka.

Miroslav of Hum

The same year the Byzantines launched a counter-attack on Serbia, but a Bulgarian uprising was raised in the Danubian areas which made the offensive get called-off, so Duke Stefan Nemanja utilized the situation and conquered Timok with Niš and sacked Svrljig, Ravno and Koželj.

Mission to Moscow

The film was the first pro-Soviet Hollywood film of its time and was followed by others, including Samuel Goldwyn's The North Star (1943), MGM’s Song of Russia (1944), United ArtistsThree Russian Girls (1943), Columbia’s The Boy from Stalingrad (1943) and Counter-Attack (1945).

Okill Massey Learmonth

On 18 August 1917 east of Loos, France, during a determined counter-attack on our new positions, Major Learmonth, when his company was momentarily surprised, instantly charged and personally disposed of the attackers.

Project Snowblind

Using the powers granted to him by his nano-technology augmentations, Frost spearheads the Coalition's counter-attack against the Republic, eventually rescuing a defecting Republic scientist named Dr. Joseph Liaw.

Rashidun Caliphate

Within a short span of time, the Arab armies defeated a major Sassanid counter-attack in the Battle of Jalūlā', as well as other engagements at Qasr-e Shirin, and Masabadhan.

Robert Edwin Phillips

On 25 January 1917 near Kut, Mesopotamia, Lieutenant Phillips went to the assistance of his commanding officer (Edward Elers Delaval Henderson) who was lying in the open mortally wounded while leading a counter-attack.

Saar Offensive

On 10 September there was a small German counter-attack on the village of Apach, which was retaken by French forces some hours later.

Storm of Steel

In 1917 Jünger saw action during the Battle of Arras in April, the Third Battle of Ypres in July and October, and the German counter-attack during the Battle of Cambrai in November.

Studzianki Pancerne

During what became known as the Battle of Studzianki, the Soviet 8th Army, aided by elements of the Polish 1st Armoured Brigadeof the 1st Belorussian Front, defeated an armoured counter-attack carried out by three German divisions, including the infamous Fallschirm-Panzer Division 1 Hermann Göring.

World War 1 Memorials and Cemeteries in Alsace

The French were by no means finished with, despite the 10 August failure, and a counter-attack followed on 19 August in the wealthy Mulhouse suburb of Dornach which forced the Germans to retreat to Ensisheim, 20 km to the north.