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Clarel: A Poem and Pilgrimage in the Holy Land (1876) is an epic poem by American writer Herman Melville, published in two volumes.
The screenplays for both films were co-written by Lang's then-wife Thea von Harbou, based upon the epic poem Nibelungenlied written around 1200 AD.
Although Paul Revere is better known due to the epic poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Bissell was the subject of the less well known "Ride, Israel, Ride," an epic poem by Marie Rockwood of Stockbridge.
An epic satirical work, an adaptation of the traditional Dutch language/Low German fox epic to a setting in Luxembourg, it is known for its insightful analysis of the unique characteristics of the people of Luxembourg, using regional and sub regional dialects to depict the fox and his companions.
Prabhulingaleele is an epic poem written by Indian Virashaiva poet Chamarasa in the shatpadi metre.
Rodin based this on The Divine Comedy of Dante, and most of the many figures in the work represented the main characters in the epic poem.
Yolanda's lasting fame is due in large part to the epic poem Yolanda von Vianden (see more below), written by Friar Hermann of Veldenz, O.P., which is one of only two works we have from him, the other being a prose account of her life.
Alonso de Ercilla, La Araucana, an epic poem about the conquest of Chile; the first part was published this year, the second in 1578, when it was published with the first part; the third part was published with the first and second parts in 1589' Spain
Alonso de Ercilla, La Araucana, an epic poem about the conquest of Chile; the first part originally appeared in 1569, the second part was published for the first time this year (together with the first part), the third part was published with the first and second parts in 1589; Spain
"Manas" comes from the name of the hero of the Kyrgyz epic poem Epic of Manas.
The genus name Albericus is the Latin form of Alberich, shape-shifting dwarf in the epic poem Nibelungenlied.
The epic poem Padmavat is a mystical romance, written in 1540 by the famous Indian Hindi Sufi poet Malik Muhammad Jayasi.
The battle at Bakhtrioni, and the heroism of the mountaineers, inspired Vazha-Pshavela his epic poem Bakhtrioni (1892), while Akaki Tsereteli wrote a whole novel about it, Bashi-Achuki.
The name "Beowulf" comes from the main character in the Old English epic poem Beowulf, which Sterling bestowed because the poem describes its eponymous hero as having "thirty men's heft of grasp in the gripe of his hand".
Zafar-Nameh, an epic poem written by the Persian poet Hamdollah Mostowfi
The title of the book relates to a famous line in Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's epic poem The Song of Hiawatha.
Cambell, character in epic poem The Faerie Queene, and example of allegory in Renaissance literature
The Divine Comedy, an epic poem written by Dante Alighieri, sometimes referred to simply as the Commedia
It was the birthplace in 1942 of the poet Barry Tebb and the setting for his epic poem,'Bridge Over the Aire', considered his finest poem by Michael Haslam, a leading poet of the so-called 'Cambridge School.
It was named for a fleet of trains operated by the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad (and by allusion the epic poem The Song of Hiawatha by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.) The novel features a Native American family who migrate to Minneapolis in the mid-twentieth century under the federally sponsored urban relocation program.
This type of Demeter's poems in many of his works, both by verse and rhyme, announces the most important literary work in Croatian literature of the time: the epic poem The Death of Smail-aga Čengić written by Ivan Mažuranić in 1845.
He was the author of a collection of epigrams called Cicuta ("hemlock") for their bitter sarcasm, and of a beautiful epitaph on the death of Tibullus; of elegiac poems, probably of an erotic character; of an epic poem Amazonis; and of a prose work on wit (De urbanitate).
His next work, Toloza, an epic poem about the invasion of the Albigenses by Simon de Montfort, came in 1882, to further acclaim.
The other references include the glorification of the Chauhana heroes of Jalor as "Hindu" by Padmanabha in his epic poem, Kanhadade-prabandha, which he composed in AD 1455.
The Massachusetts poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow studied Schoolcraft's works for themes and inspiration for his epic poem, The Song of Hiawatha.
In Book VIII of the Aeneid by Virgil (Publius Vergilius Maro), King Evander shows Aeneas (the Trojan hero of this epic poem) the ruins of Saturnia and Janiculum on the Capitoline hill near the Arcadian city of Pallanteum (the future site of Rome) (see line 473, Bk. 8).
In Kyrgyz tradition, the term "Djeet" was used in order to describe Jews, and it is mentioned in the Kyrgyz epic poem manas, which dates back to the 10th century CE.
The events leading up to his execution were documented in an epic poem written in the Cypriot dialect by Vassilis Michaelides.
With Langston Hughes's epic poem for a libretto, Karpman's work exhibited an eclectic musical mix.
Croatian writer Ivan Goran Kovačić joined the communist movement "Partisans" where he wrote his epic poem Jama (The Pit).
Manthiri Kumari (lit. The minister's daughter) was the film version of a play written by M. Karunanidhi and based an incident that occurs in the Tamil epic poem Kundalakesi (One of the five Great Tamil epics).
It was mapped by the United States Geological Survey in 1962 from U.S. Navy aerial photographs taken 1947–59, and was named by the New Zealand Antarctic Place-Names Committee in 1983 from association with Mount Beowulf after Grendal (Grendel), the monster in the Old English epic poem Beowulf.
Nowell Codex, one of the four major Anglo-Saxon literature codices; contains the unique copy of the epic poem Beowulf
The Song of Roland, an 11th-century Old French epic poem, may have served as the inspiration for the name "California" The poem refers to the defeat suffered August 15, 778, in the retreat of Charlemagne's army at the hands of the Muslim army in Battle of Roncevaux Pass in the Pyrenees.
He had grown up during the time of the Spanish Civil war under the shawl of his mother's Republican politics and later discovered a great affinity with the Andalusian poet, Federico García Lorca; these influences are evident in his epic poem about Michael Collins, 'The White Monument'.
As per Shastry, new dimensions in Sanskrit literature are seen in the play Śrīrāghavābhyudayam where there are songs in the Gīti style, and Gītarāmāyaṇam which is an epic poem in the Gīti style of Gītagovindam by Jayadeva.
They would certainly have been familiar with the epic poem Rokeby, by Sir Walter Scott, which was written, and set, in that locality.
The earliest literary reference to a working sawmill comes from a Roman poet, Ausonius who wrote an epic poem about the river Moselle in Germany in the late 4th century AD.
The folk hero was a popular subject for nationalist poets, such as Cao Bá Quát who wrote an epic poem to Thánh Gióng in the 19th Century.
In the epic poem Beowulf, the antagonists Grendel and Grendel's mother are described as descendants of Cain, which some scholars argue, links them to the Cain Tradition.
Martin relied on the recently published Pompeiana (1819) by William Gell and John Peter Gandy for background information on the Roman town, and on Edwin Atherstone's 1821 epic poem "The Last Days of Herculaneum", published with Pliny the Younger's letters to Tacitus on the eruption.
The title of the album is a phrase found in an 1817 gloss (marginal note) to Samuel Taylor Coleridge's 1798 epic poem The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.
It is basically a musical stage adaptation of John Milton's epic poem Paradise lost, a tribute to Milton rather than a satire of the poem.
The Actes and Deidis of the Illustre and Vallyeant Campioun Schir William Wallace, an epic poem about the life of William Wallace by the Scottish writer Blind Harry
:Wrote a Sanskrit lyrical epic poem Gītarāmāyaṇam, a Awadhi lyrical poem Avadha Kai Ajoriyā and a Sanskrit minor poem Śrīsītāsudhānidhiḥ.
:Wrote a Sanskrit epic poem Śrībhārgavarāghavīyam, a Sanskrit minor poem Śrīrāghavabhāvadarśanam, a Sanskrit commentary on the Rāmastavarājastotra Śrīrāmastavarājastotre Śrīrāghavakṛpābhāṣyam and a Hindi discourse Śrī Sītārāma Vivāha Darśana.
Among the more notable adaptations of this text are Richard Wagner's tetralogy of music dramas Der Ring des Nibelungen, Ernest Reyer's opera Sigurd, William Morris's epic poem The Story of Sigurd the Volsung and the Fall of the Niblungs, and J. R. R. Tolkien's The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrún.
This society was mentioned in The Song of Hiawatha by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow who used informational materials made available from Henry Schoolcraft to compose the epic poem.
Waldere, Old English epic poem surviving only in fragments
The Wanderings of Oisin, epic poem published by William Butler Yeats in 1889