
unusual facts about expelled

Social Darwinism

It is also a main argument in the 2008 intelligent-design/creationist movie Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed.


After the fall of the Qing dynasty in 1912, the Manchu amban was expelled by Mongol forces, fleeing to China proper via Russia.

American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee

The thawing of the Cold War and subsequent break up of the Soviet Union yielded a formal invitation from Mikhail Gorbachev for JDC’s return to the region in 1989; 50 years after Joseph Stalin brutally expelled the organization, killing several JDC members in the process.

Anna Kuliscioff

Their group was itself expelled from the PSI later in 1921, leading to the creation of a United Socialist Party (PSU) - led by Turati, Kulischov, and Giacomo Matteotti in opposition to the emerging Fascism.

Argead dynasty

According to Thucydides, in the History of the Peloponnesian War, the Argeads were originally Temenids from Argos, who descended from the highlands to Lower Macedonia, expelled the Pierians from Pieria and acquired in Paionia a narrow strip along the river Axios extending to Pella and the sea.

Bohemond of Astarac

In 1154 Bohemond had to borrow money from his mother in order to bribe Géraud d'Esparbès, the abbot of Saramon whom he had expelled, from plundering Astarac.

Budic II of Brittany

Born in Cornouaille to Cybydan, a member of one of the royal families, Budic is said to have been expelled and fled to the court of King Aircol Lawhir of Dyfed, where he wed Arianwedd, the daughter of Saint Issel and the sister of Saint Teilo.

Children's Poems from Terezin Concentration Camp

They had been expelled from the schools, forced to sew stars on their clothes, and were not allowed to play in places other than cemeteries.

Cotentin Peninsula

While they were eventually expelled by Alan's grandson, Alan II, Duke of Brittany, the subsequent rulers of Brittany were weaker than Alan the Great.

Crest Castle

Agrippa d'Aubigné, a nobleman, a reformed French Huguenot squire of Henry IV, who was expelled from France as result of his participation in the conspiracy against Duke of Luynes acquired the rights to the ruins of the chateau.

Crime and violence in Latin America

President Mauricio Funes pledged to investigate and prosecute corrupt senior officials when he took office in June, 2009, but after a political truce with his predecessor, Antonio Saca, who was expelled from the ARENA party amid large-scale corruption allegations, Funes showed an unwillingness to tackle the problem.


When the Aeginetans were expelled from their own island by the Athenians, at the commencement of the Peloponnesian War (431 BCE), the Spartans allowed them to settle in the Thyreatis, which at that time contained two towns, Thyrea and Anthene or Athene, both of which were made over to the fugitives.


Cypselus, the son of Eëtion and a disfigured woman named Labda, who was a member of the Bacchiad family, the ruling dynasty, usurped power, became tyrant and expelled the Bacchiadae.

Dacia Valent

After some time she was expelled from the party for her declaration of admiration to the former neo-fascist politician Gianfranco Fini, leader of centre-right party Alleanza Nazionale.


Most of the local inhabitants have been resettled to within post-war Germany, while the village itself was repopulated with Poles, mostly people expelled by the Soviet Union from the village of Rychcice near Lwów (modern Lvov, Ukraine).

Duke Mu of Qin

Duke Wen of Jin expelled the Di barbarians and drove them into the region west of the Yellow River between the Yun and Luo rivers; there they were known as the Red Di and the White Di.

Edward Sutton, 5th Baron Dudley

Ultimately he fell out with Dud and expelled Dud from the new coke-fired furnace that he had built at Hasco Bridge on the boundary between Gornal and Himley.

Emperor Gaozong of Tang

Emperor Gaozong order withdrawal of Tang forces from the Korean Peninsula entirely and moved the Protectorate General to Pacify the East to Liaodong (遼東, in modern Liaoyang, Liaoning) and the commandant of Xiongjin (熊津), who governed the former Baekje territory at Sabi, to Geonan (建安, in modern Yingkou, Liaoning), allowing Silla eventually expelled Tang out of the Korean Peninsula and unified the parts of the peninsula south of the Taedong River.


In 1944, Soviet Red Army and Yugoslav partisans expelled Axis forces from the region and village was included into new socialist Yugoslavia.

Hsu Hsin-liang

He was expelled from Kuomintang but broke ranks in 1977 when he ran and won as an independent in the election for Magistrate of Taoyuan County.

Humphrey Hawksley

In 1986, Hawksley was expelled from Sri Lanka where he had reported on a number of government atrocities in its conflict with Tamil separatists.

Isnan Ali

In 2006, he was expelled from the National team due to indiscipline behavior with some other senior national team counterparts like Kurniawan Dwi Yulianto.

Jean Armand de Lestocq

The Empress interfered and had him expelled first to Uglich and then to Veliky Ustyug.

John Berkeley, 1st Baron Berkeley of Stratton

Next year he was accused in parliament of complicity in the Army Plots, expelled from the house, and committed to the Tower of London; he was subsequently bailed by Edward Sackville, 4th Earl of Dorset and Henry Grey, 1st Earl of Stamford in the sum of £10,000, but the outbreak of hostilities prevented any further steps being taken.

Jorie Graham

She studied philosophy at the Sorbonne, but was expelled for participating in student protests.

Jurek Becker

After completing his national service in the East German army in the 1950s, during which time he became firm friends with the actor Manfred Krug, Becker studied philosophy in East Berlin but was expelled for expressing non-conformist views.

Kanzo Uchiyama

Ikeda was arrested for her involvement in the student movement, expelled from Meiji University.

Kim Yong-Sik

Kim's performance, attendance and behaviour slipped to the point he was expelled from the school, so he began attending a YMCA school where he was able to continue playing the game.

Kula, Serbia

In 1944, the Soviet Red Army and Yugoslav partisans expelled Axis troops from the region and Kula was included into autonomous province of Vojvodina within new socialist Yugoslavia.


As a result of the Swedish Reformation, which was concluded at the parliament in Västerås 1527, the monks were expelled and the area became property of the crown.

Left Fraction

The Labour Party opposed this, and expelled two Fraction members, Tom Mercer and Harry Selby, for contributing to it.

Lý Nam Đế

Upon resignation of his post he gathered the local nobility and tribes within the Red River Valley (North Vietnam) mobilized the imperial troops and naval fleet of Jiaozhou and successfully expelled the Liang administration and led the insurrection that ended in 543.

Marc Lemire

Lemire was briefly a member of the Canadian Alliance, a mainstream conservative Canadian party — along with several other far-right figures, such as Paul Fromm, Doug Christie and Doug Collins — until late 2000 when, according to The Report newsmagazine, they were all expelled from the party.

Mariastein Abbey

The abbey was secularised twice, in 1792, because of the French Revolution, and in 1874, as a result of a conflict between the state and the Roman Catholic Church known as Kulturkampf, after which the monks were obliged to seek refuge first in France, at Delle, and then, when in 1902 they were expelled as a result of legal changes in France, for a short time at Dürrnberg near Hallein in Austria, and finally in Bregenz, also in Austria.

Mario Borghezio

In June 2013 he was expelled from the Europe of Freedom and Democracy, a eurosceptic group in the European Parliament, for making racist remarks regarding Italy's first black cabinet minister, Cécile Kyenge.

Medieval antisemitism

The Kingdom of Portugal followed suit and in December 1496, it was decreed that any Jew who did not convert to Christianity would be expelled from the country.

Middle Silesia

Upon the 1945 Potsdam Agreement, the region fell to the Republic of Poland and the German population was expelled.

Milivoje Petrović Blaznavac

When the Obrenović dynasty came back to Serbia in 1858, Blaznavac was immediately arrested and expelled to his native village of Blaznava and deprived of all titles.

Paradise and the Peri

The peri, a creature from Persian mythology, is the focus of the story, having been expelled from Paradise and trying to regain entrance by giving the gift that is most dear to heaven.

People's Convention

The Convention was the initiative of the Hammersmith Trades Council and Labour Party and Denis Nowell Pritt, Member of Parliament for North Hammersmith, who had both been expelled from the Labour Party in 1940.

Roman Catholicism in Ethiopia

Due largely to the behaviour of the Portuguese Jesuit Afonso Mendes, whom Pope Urban VIII appointed as Patriarch of Ethiopia in 1622, Emperor Fasilides expelled the Patriarch and the European missionaries, who included Jerónimo Lobo, from the country in 1636; these contacts, which had seemed destined for success under the previous Emperor, led instead to the complete closure of Ethiopia to further contact with Rome.


According to Roger of Wendover, it was where Eric Bloodaxe (d. 954), recently expelled from York, was betrayed and killed, an event which some historians believe to have taken place in a great battle.

Stephen Flowers

In 1989, Flowers was expelled from the Odinic Rite following his Open Letter to the Leadership of the Asatru/Odinist/Troth Movement wherein he detailed his involvement with the Temple of Set.

Thurston High School

On May 20, 1998, 15-year-old student Kip Kinkel was expelled from Thurston High School for bringing a firearm into school.

Tim Wohlforth

They were expelled in 1964 after demanding a discussion of the significance of the Sri Lankan LSSP's entry into the government of Mrs. Sirimavo Bandaranaike.

Ubayd Allah ibn al-Habhab

But the expeditionary force was expelled from Provence in 737–38 in a joint operation by Charles Martel of the Franks and Liutprand of the Lombards.

Victorian state election, 1955

The party was formed by a group of disaffected former Liberal and Country Party members who followed Thomas Hollway when he was expelled from the L&CP.

Wendy Perriam

Perriam then went silent as she struggled through a long period of depression, having been expelled from her Catholic school for heresy and told she was in Satan's power.

Wilhelm Reublin

In the Fall of 1522 Reublin was expelled from the city for his Reformation sermons and moved to Witikon in 1524, where he became the local pastor and preached against infant baptism.

You Bet Your Ass

Colin Sheppard, who was expelled from Canada's Worst Driver 2, was a contestant in the second season of You Bet Your Ass.

Zachary Gray

As he explains to Vicky, his family is camping its way home from Hotchkiss, the school from which Zachary has just been expelled, presumably for poor grades.

see also