
unusual facts about fibers

Abraham Katzir

His group at Tel Aviv University developed special fibers made of crystalline silver halides, which are among the few that are highly transparent in the middle-infrared (mid-IR).


An aglet keeps the fibers of the lace or cord from unraveling; its firmness and narrow profile make it easier to hold and easier to feed through the eyelets, lugs, or other lacing guides.

All-dielectric self-supporting cable

ADSS cables made by BICC with 24 or 48 fibers in the above designs range from 220 to 284 kg/kilometre in weight and are between 13 and 16 mm outside jacket diameter.

Art silk

In 1931, Henry Ford hired chemists Robert Boyer and Frank Calvert to produce artificial silk made with soybean fibers.

Bradford system

To measure the fineness of sheep wool fiber before microscopes and lasers were so used, English wool handlers in the city of Bradford described wool by estimating (with experienced eyes) how many 560-yard hanks of single strand yarn could be made by a good spinner from a pound of "top." (Top is cleaned combed wool with the fibers all parallel) The finer the average diameter of a single wool fiber, the more hanks could be spun.

Braided fishing line

Braids were originally made from natural fibers such as cotton and linen, but natural fiber braids (with the very rare exception of braided silk) have long since been replaced by braided or woven fibers of a man-made materials like Dacron, Spectra or micro-dyneema into a strand of line.


A pit-cooked camas bulb looks and tastes something like baked sweet potato, but sweeter, and with more crystalline fibers due to the presence of inulin in the bulbs.

Carlo Bernardini

He works with optic fiber since 1996; he has created and installed permanent public sculptures in stainless steel and optic fibers in various Italian cities, and in 1996 and 2003 he has installed site specific works at the XII and XV Quadriennial National of Rome.

Cataract surgery

Metabolic changes of the crystalline lens fibers over time lead to the development of the cataract and loss of transparency, causing impairment or loss of vision.

Cerebellar peduncle

Superior cerebellar peduncle - primary output of the cerebellum with mostly fibers carrying information to the midbrain

Middle cerebellar peduncle - carry input fibers from the contralateral cerebral cortex

Enrique Moreno

In August 2001, Moreno was one of five lawyers to win a $55,515,000 judgment for an El Paso man against Kelly-Moore Paints for placing asbestos-containing fibers in a joint compound product that caused pleural mesothelioma in a patient.

Fiber optic sensor

Optical fibers can be made into interferometric sensors such as fiber optic gyroscopes, which are used in the Boeing 767 and in some car models (for navigation purposes).

Fiber-reinforced concrete

The High Speed 1 tunnel linings incorporated concrete containing 1 kg/m³ of polypropylene fibers, of diameter 18 & 32 μm, giving the benefits noted below.


The plant microfossil analysis recovered fragments of conifer tracheid and vessel elements with a ray of parenchyma cells, which corroborates the consumption of wood plants, pollen grains, spores, and fibers.


Stimulation of pain fibers in a pattern consistent with that from inflammation switches on a form of amplification in the spinal cord, long term potentiation.

Iris Mack

In addition, Dr. Mack has also spent some of her professional career at NASA, Boeing and AT&T Bell Laboratories – where she obtained a patent for research on optical fibers.

Jimena Hoyos

Perhaps most known for her role in The Devil Wears Prada and for being runner-up in the Soap Net Original Series I Wanna Be a Soap Star, where she showed up her amazing talent touching the fibers of the judge and the spectators.

Karel Frederik Wenckebach

Wenckebach's bundle is one of the three internodal pathways, the others being the "posterior internodal tract" (Thorel's pathway), and the "anterior internodal tract" (some fibers of which also project to Bachmann's bundle, and then into the left atrium).

Lerkendal Stadion

The pitch has Desso GrassMaster, a natural grass pitch with artificial fibers sown in for increase strength.

Menachem Lewin

In this study, processes were developed for producing various chemicals from the waste left over after producing sisal fibers; namely, the hecogenin used to produce steroidal drugs, a process originally developed and patented for cortisone production by Cornforth and Callow in the 1950s for Glaxo.


mTORC2 has been shown to function as an important regulator of the cytoskeleton through its stimulation of F-actin stress fibers, paxillin, RhoA, Rac1, Cdc42, and protein kinase C α (PKCα).

Museum board

Specifically, it is a white, acid free cardboard that bends fairly easily in one direction but is fairly stiff in the other, due to the grain of the paper fibers.

Myelin sheath gap

His observations on fiber nodes and the degeneration and regeneration of cut fibers had a great influence on Parisian neurology at the Salpêtrière.

Nike Flywire

Nike adapts Vectran fibers, which are produced by Kuraray, into embroidery threads, before use in the shoe.


NILIT Ltd. (Hebrew: נילית בע"מ) is a privately owned, international manufacturer of nylon 6.6 (polyamide) fibers and thermoplastics headquartered in Migdal HaEmek, Israel.


Fibrillin builds the oxytalan fibers, which causes the elastic behavior.

Polymeric surface

Corona treatment is a surface modification method using a low temperature corona discharge to increase the surface energy of a material, often polymers and natural fibers.

Posterior limb of internal capsule

The anterior two-thirds of the occipital part of the internal capsule contains fibers of the corticospinal tract, which arise in the motor area of the cerebral cortex and, passing downward through the middle three-fifths of the base of the cerebral peduncle, are continued into the pyramids of the medulla oblongata.

Procerus muscle

It is inserted into the skin over the lower part of the forehead between the two eyebrows on either side of the midline, its fibers merging with those of the Frontalis.


PEN (Polyethylene naphthalate), commonly known by Honeywell's trade name "Pentex", is another kind of polyester fiber, which stretches only 40% as much as standard PET fibers, but about twice as much as Kevlar 29.

Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Biodegradable plastic: Another team used its EVP to develop a synthetic wood substitute made from hemp fibers and a biodegradable plastic resin called polyhydroxybutyrate.

Sucrose gap

The sucrose gap technique is used to create a conduction block in nerve or muscle fibers.

Sympathetic trunk

The sympathetic trunks (sympathetic chain, gangliated cord) are a paired bundle of nerve fibers that run from the base of the skull to the coccyx.

Tailored fiber placement

:• Fibers can be orientated in arbitrary direction in order to manufacture highly stress adapted composite parts

The Siegfried Group

The Siegfried Group’s business model evolved when in 1995 it assisted DuPont in staffing the financial carve-out of a textile and fibers business entity that the chemical company had sold.

Touchardia latifolia

Ancient Hawaiians cultivated olonā for cordage, and it was considered one of the finest grades of fibers.

Types of cotton

Brazilian cotton is a perennial cotton with long, silky fibers.


Traditionally the rope material was made of rice straw, however waraji can be made out of various other materials such as hemp, stalks of myōga, palm fibers, and cotton thread.

see also