
unusual facts about geometric

2D geometric model

2D geometric models are also convenient for describing certain types of artificial images, such as technical diagrams, logos, the glyphs of a font, etc.

Amphitrite, the wave and the sea birds

The work consists of a nude female figure (representing Amphitrite, the wife of Neptune) and two seabirds gliding over a large geometric wave.


There have been finds of sub-Mycenaean votive figures and of votive figures from the Geometric period, but with a gap in continuity between them: "it is clear that a radical reinterpretation has taken place" Walter Burkert has observed, instancing many examples of this break in cult during the "Greek Dark Ages", including Amyklai (1985, p 49).

Ana Sacerdote

She created an animated film based on her geometric paintings that was shown at the I Festival Internacional do Cinema de Animação no Brasil VIII Bienal de São Paulo in São Paulo, Brazil in 1965.

Andrea Malchiodi

Malchiodi has developed topological and analytical methods allowing to deal with a number of questions in geometric analysis, such as the Yamabe problem, the scalar curvature problem, problems coming from fourth order

Architecture of Kuala Lumpur

The 452 meter Petronas Twin Towers, designed by César Pelli, when seen from above, resembles the Islamic geometric motifs.


Two aims of recent excavations at Azoria have been to understand the early history of the site and to explore stratigraphically the changes in the form of the settlement in the transition from the Early Iron Age (or Greek Dark Age) (Late Minoan IIIC-Late Geometric; c. 1200-700 BC) and Orientalizing (c. 700-600 BC) to Archaic periods (c. 600-500 BC).

Banach measure

In mathematics, Banach measure in measure theory may mean a real-valued function on an algebra of all subsets of a set (for example, all subsets of the plane), by means of which a rigid, finitely additive area can be defined for every set, even when a set does not have a true geometric area.

Bryce Hudson

Along with contemporaries Pierre Clerk and Ilya Bolotowsky, Hudson works within a small set of artist working within the Neo-Plastic style - not adhering to strict rules, but exploring the depth and future of geometric abstract art.

By a Waterfall

It features a crowd of chorus girls diving and swimming into the water in various geometric and floral patterns.

Chern–Simons form

The theory is named for Shiing-Shen Chern and James Harris Simons, co-authors of a 1974 paper entitled "Characteristic Forms and Geometric Invariants," from which the theory arose.


Originally created during a collaboration between Telecom ParisTech and the R&D division of EDF, the CloudCompare project began in 2003 with the PhD of Daniel Girardeau-Montaut on Change detection on 3D geometric data.

Coat of arms of Croatia

This is partly due to the geometric design of the shield which makes it appropriate for use in many graphic contexts (e.g. the insignia of Croatia Airlines or the design of the shirt for the Croatia national football team), and partly because the Pan-Slavic colors are present in many European flags.

Composite fermion

More accurately, the vortices bound to electrons produce their own geometric phases which partly cancel the Aharonov–Bohm phase due to the external magnetic field to generate a net geometric phase that can be modeled as an Aharonov–Bohm phase in an effective magnetic field B^*.

Conway polyhedron notation

For example, geometric artist George W. Hart created an operation he called a propellor, and another reflect to create mirror images of the rotated forms.

Dadeland Mall

The mod smooth colored concrete animals and geometric slides were donated to Miami-Dade County and can be seen in Dante Fascell Park in South Miami and at the Miami-Dade County children's day care center play yard to the east of Jackson Memorial Hospital.

David Preiss

David Preiss is a professor of mathematics at the University of Warwick and the winner of the 2008 LMS Pólya Prize for his 1987 result on Geometry of Measures, where he solved the remaining problem in the geometric theoretic structure of sets and measures in Euclidean space.

Differential topology

Smooth manifolds are 'softer' than manifolds with extra geometric structures, which can act as obstructions to certain types of equivalences and deformations that exist in differential topology.

Douglas Huebler

Initially a painter, Huebler moved on to produce geometric Formica sculptures in the early '60s, which aligned him with the Minimalist movement.

Ely Jacques Kahn

As for ornamentation, Kahn, who earlier had been inspired by the abstract geometric forms of Moorish and Persian architecture, was, from the mid-twenties onward, highly innovative in adapting the new Art Deco style with polychrome cubist or zigzag motifs reflecting the Jazz Age.

Ferreira Gullar

We use the term "neo-concrete" to differentiate ourselves from those committed to non-figurative "geometric" art (neoplasticism, constructivism, suprematism, the school of Ulm) and particularly the kind of concrete art that is influenced by a dangerously acute rationalism.

Fiber diffraction

The corresponding geometric distortion has been extensively studied by Michael Polanyi introducing the concept of Polanyi's sphere (German: "Lagenkugel") intersecting Ewald's sphere.

Finite geometry

For finite projective spaces of geometric dimension at least three, Wedderburn's little theorem implies that the division ring over which the projective space is defined must be a finite field, GF(q), whose order (that is, number of elements) is q (a prime power).

Fractal landscape

According to R. R. Shearer, the generation of natural looking surfaces and landscapes was a major turning point in art history, where the distinction between geometric, computer generated images and natural, man made art became blurred.

Gallery Hotel

Metallic surfaces reflect the geometric roofs of former warehouses that occupied the area.

Geometric mean

Applying the same geometric mean technique to 16:9 and 4:3 approximately yields the 14:9 (1.55\overline{5}...) aspect ratio, which is likewise used as a compromise between these ratios.

Gerald Teschl

with Fritz Gesztesy, Helge Holden and Johanna Michor: Soliton Equations and their Algebro-Geometric Solutions, Volume 2 (1+1 dimensional discrete models), Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics Bd.114, Cambridge University Press 2008, ISBN 978-0-521-75308-1

Greek art

Minoan prehistorical civilizations, and gave birth to Western classical art in the subsequent Geometric, Archaic and Classical periods (with further developments during the Hellenistic Period).

Grothendieck topology

André Weil's famous Weil conjectures proposed that certain properties of equations with integral coefficients should be understood as geometric properties of the algebraic variety that they define.


The company logo of the TDK Corporation contains a geometric figure which is based on the stellation diagram of the icosahedron.

Jean-Pierre Yvaral

In 1960, Yvaral co-founded the Groupe de Recherche d’Art Visual (GRAV) with Julio Le Parc, François Morellet, Francisco Sobrino, Horacio Garcia Rossi and Joel Stein, seeking to develop a coherent abstract visual language composed of simple geometric elements.

Karen Feldman

In addition to the dozens of motifs she has created for ARTĚL – ranging from bold geometric patterns to highly detailed depictions of flora, fauna, and sea life – Feldman has also designed custom glassware for several top luxury brands, including Rolls-Royce, Gucci, Burberry, and Asprey.

Larry Cuba

Created in Chicago with Tom DeFanti's Graphic Symbiosis System GRASS, consists of sixteen "objects", each composed of 100 points of light, some of them geometric shapes like circles and squares, others more organic shapes resembling gushes of water.

Madlener House

Former Graham Foundation director Carter Manny described the Madlener House as “an unusually successful amalgamation of tradition and innovation in architecture, a harmonious reflection of its time and place.” This amalgamation refers to the eclectic usages of then-popular architectural styles in the Midwest and abroad, as well as the incorporation of both organic and geometric design elements.

Mary Hallock-Greenewalt

Even though these films were not designed to be motion pictures, they were produced with templates and aerosol sprays, producing repeating geometric patterns in the same way as the hand painted films of Len Lye from the 1930s.

Minoan pottery

In EM IIA, the geometric slip-painted designs of Koumasa Ware seem to have developed from the wares of Aghios Onouphrios.

National Captioning Institute

Created in 1979 and headquartered in Chantilly, Virginia, the organization was the first to caption live TV and home video, and holds the trademark on the display icon featuring a simple geometric rendering of a television set merged with a speech balloon to indicate that a program is NCI-captioned.

Noncommutative torus

Many topological and geometric properties of the classical 2-torus have algebraic analogues for the noncommutative tori, and as such they are fundamental examples of a noncommutative space in the sense of Alain Connes.

Pierre Daura

In 1929–30, Daura joined Michel Seuphor and Torres-Garcia in organizing the group Cercle et Carré (Circle and Square), which promoted geometric construction and abstraction in opposition to Surrealism.

Quadratic equation

Pythagoras and Euclid used a strictly geometric approach, and found a general procedure to solve the quadratic equation.

Radiation treatment planning

Treatment simulations are used to plan the geometric, radiological, and dosimetric aspects of the therapy using radiation transport simulations and optimization.

Relativistic dynamics

Einstein rejected the Newtonian concept and identified t as the fourth coordinate of a space-time four-vector.

Robert H. Jackson United States Courthouse

The courthouse pavilion lobby contains monumental colored glass panels designed by Buffalo-area native Robert Mangold, a major figure in the geometric abstraction movement.

Rosser Reeves

Reeves co-authored The 99 Critical Shots in Pool with Ray Martin to explain both Euclid and Sir Isaac Newtons' geometric proofs.

Spiro Mounds

The conch shells were fashioned into gorgets and drinking cups engraved with intricate designs representing costumed men, real and mythical animals, and geometric motifs, all of which had profound symbolic significance.

Vedic square

Numerous geometric patterns and symmetries can be observed in a Vedic square some of which can be found in traditional Islamic art.


XMDF (eXtensible Model Data Format) is a library providing a standard format for the geometry data storage of river cross-sections, 2D/3D structured and unstructured meshes, geometric paths through space, and associated time data.

see also