
2 unusual facts about Archaic


Two aims of recent excavations at Azoria have been to understand the early history of the site and to explore stratigraphically the changes in the form of the settlement in the transition from the Early Iron Age (or Greek Dark Age) (Late Minoan IIIC-Late Geometric; c. 1200-700 BC) and Orientalizing (c. 700-600 BC) to Archaic periods (c. 600-500 BC).

Painted Rock Petroglyph Site

Found here and in nearby areas of the Gila River are petroglyphs of Archaic origin.

Ahmed Orabi

The earliest published work of Isabella Augusta, Lady Gregory – later to embrace Irish Nationalism and have an important role in the cultural life of Ireland – was Arabi and His Household (1882), a pamphlet (originally a letter to The Times newspaper) in support of Ahmed Orabi ("Arabi" being an archaic mistransliteration not uncommon in English at the time).

Ancient Chinese

Old Chinese or Archaic Chinese, the ancient form of spoken Chinese

Another Woman

It also uses classical music- Gymnopedie No. 3 by Erik Satie, and poetry- Archaic Torso of Apollo by Rainer Maria Rilke, to serve its narrative, as earlier and later films such as Hannah and Her Sisters, Crimes and Misdemeanors, and Husbands and Wives.


Antsiferov (feminine form: Antsiferova) is a Russian-language surname derived from the archaic Russian first name "Antsifer" (Анцифер), derivde from "Onisifor" (Онисифор, Onesiphorus).

Banwari Trace

Banwari Trace, an Archaic (pre-ceramic) site in southwestern Trinidad, is presumably the oldest archaeological site in the Caribbean.


Bosnian, archaic form, a person from the region of Bosnia

Breakheart Reservation

Archaeological evidence shows that hunting, camping, and fishing took place along the Saugus River as far back as the Paleo-Indians and continuing through the Archaic and Woodland periods.

Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway

At the end of her MA, she wrote her thesis on archaic sculpture at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.

Cherokee Sewer Site

The Cherokee Sewer Site is a multi-component Prehistoric Indian Archaic bison processing site excavated in 1973 and 1976 near the sewage treatment plant of Cherokee, Iowa, United States; it is not associated with the Cherokee tribe.

Classical language

A "classical" period usually corresponds to a flowering of literature following an "archaic" period, such as Classical Latin succeeding Old Latin, Classical Sumerian succeeding Archaic Sumerian, Classical Sanskrit succeeding Vedic Sanskrit, Classical Persian succeeding Old Persian.

Copper Culture State Park

The Charles Werrebroeck Museum, with the Oconto Archaic Copper Museum, is open in the summer from Memorial Day to Labor Day, on Saturday and Sunday from 11am to 3pm, or by appointment.

Danish language

Similar constructions are found in German, Dutch, Afrikaans, certain varieties of Norwegian, Slovene and Arabic as well as in archaic and dialect English (compare the line "Four-and-twenty blackbirds" in the old nursery rhyme.)


The word data is the traditional plural form of the now-archaic datum, neuter past participle of the Latin dare, "to give", hence "something given".


Adrienne Mayor, in The First Fossil Hunters: Paleontology In Greek and Roman Times, has suggested that deinothere fossils found in Greece helped generate myths of archaic giant beings.

Edgar H. Sturtevant

Besides research on Native American languages and field work on the Modern American English dialects, he is the father of the Indo-Hittite hypothesis, first formulated in 1926, based on his seminal work establishing the Indo-European character of Hittite (and the related Anatolian languages), with Hittite exhibiting more archaic traits than the normally reconstructed forms for Proto-Indo-European.

English subjunctive

The expression "the powers that be" however does not contain a subjunctive: it is a Biblical quotation from Romans 13:1 where it translates a present participle, using the archaic alternative indicative form "be" for "are".


The name ettercap is derived from the Danish word for spider, edderkop, and is related to attercop, an archaic word for poisonous spider, used in J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit.

Forfarshire Cup

The name of the competition is often baffling to some, as "Forfarshire" is an archaic and anglicised name for Angus which became official in the late 19th century around the time of Local Government (Scotland) Act 1889 which restructured and renamed many of Scotland's counties, however the name quickly fell into disuse and was very rarely used in everyday conversation and non existent today.

Gallaecian language

The classical authors Pomponius Mela and Pliny the Elder wrote about the Celtic and non-Celtic populations of Gallaecia and Lusitania but several modern scholars have postulated Lusitanian and Gallaecian as a single archaic Celtic language.

Genitive case

In Czech, Slovak and Serbo-Croatian, negating with the genitive case is perceived as rather archaic and the accusative is preferred, but genitive negation in these languages is still not uncommon, especially in music and literature.

Greek art

Minoan prehistorical civilizations, and gave birth to Western classical art in the subsequent Geometric, Archaic and Classical periods (with further developments during the Hellenistic Period).


Some were archaic words: jór "steed", some loanwords: sinjór "lord" (from Latin senior, probably via Old French seignor).

I Heard the Owl Call My Name

Mark Brian, a young vicar, is sent to the First Nations village of Kingcome in British Columbia, home to people of the Kwakwaka'wakw nation (who are given the now-archaic name “Kwakiutl” in the book).


Jalap is a cathartic drug, its use largely archaic in the West, consisting of the tuberous roots of Ipomoea purga, a convolvulaceous plant growing on the eastern declivities of the Sierra Madre Oriental of Mexico at an elevation of 5000 to 8000 ft. above sea level, more especially about the neighbourhood of Chiconquiaco on the eastern slope of the Cofre de Perote in the state of Veracruz.

Jonathan M. Hall

He is the author of many books, including Ethnic Identity in Greek Antiquity, Hellenicity: Between Ethnicity and Culture, and A History of the Archaic Greek World, ca. 1200-479 BCE, and of various articles and reviews on Archaic and Classical Greece.

Josiah S. Carberry

The lecture, on "Archaic Greek Architectural Revetments in Connection with Ionian Philology" was, of course, never given, and when asked, John Spaeth obligingly provided false details about the professor's (fictional) family and (non-existent) academic interests.


His task permits of little originality beyond that exhibited in new words composed, or derived, according to familiar types (auricolor, flammiuomus, flammicomans, sinuamen), elegant synonyms to express the Christian realities (tonans for "God", genitor for the Father, spiramen for the Holy Ghost, uersutia for the Devil), or, lastly, archaic expressions.

Karlgren–Li reconstruction of Middle Chinese

His notation, based on Johan August Lundell's Swedish Dialect Alphabet, went through several revisions from his Études sur la phonologie chinoise (1915–1926) through to the Compendium of Phonetics in Ancient and Archaic Chinese (1954).

Kesh temple hymn

Robert D. Biggs translated an exceptionally archaic version of the hymn from Tell Abu Salabikh that he dated to around 2600 BC.


The name is derived from the Lherz Massif, an alpine peridotite complex (also known as orogenic lherzolite complex), (the type locality) at Étang de Lers, near Massat in the French Pyrenees; Lherz is the archaic spelling of this location.


In England the Bloodhound was so typically associated with the function of being a limer that George Turberville uses the term “Bloodhound” (in preference to “limer”, which was becoming archaic) for the French word “limier” throughout his 1575 translation of La Venerie de Jaques du Fouilloux.

Meaux Abbey

Meaux Abbey (archaic, also referred to as Melsa) was a Cistercian Abbey founded in 1151 by William le Gros, 1st Earl of Albemarle (Count of Aumale), Earl of York and 4th lord of Holderness, near Beverley in the East Riding of Yorkshire.

Miroslav Krleža

This sombre and highly complex multilayered poem evoking reminiscences of Bruegel and Bosch paintings, written in a unique hybrid language based on Croatian kajkavian dialect interspersed with Latin, German, Hungarian and the archaic Croatian highly stylised idiom, radiates universal dark truths on the human condition epitomized in Croatian historical experience.


To safeguard their archaic way of life (resembling Australian ranchers with a British cultural inheritance), the Norstrilians are forced to develop the most advanced defense force and weaponry known (see Mother Hitton's Littul Kittons); to protect their culture, imports from other worlds are taxed at rates exceeding 20 million per cent, reducing what would be a staggering fortune on another planet to humble penury on Norstrilia itself.

Peter Orno

Ø, an (archaic) English vowel, also denoted "OE", "Ö", and "Œ".


Poikilassos (Ποικιλασσός in Greek) is an ancient city (Greek, Archaic, Classical, and Hellenistic period) in west Crete, at Trypiti cape, between Sougia and Agia Roumeli.

Port au Choix Archaeological Site

A Maritime Archaic Indian cemetery dates as far back as 4400 B.P. 4 was found in 1967 by James Tuck, of Memorial University of Newfoundland, who excavated 56 graves, determined to be between 4400 and 3300 years old 3.

Pottery of ancient Greece

The black-figure period coincides approximately with the era designated by Winkelmann as the middle to late Archaic, from c.

Reforms of Russian orthography

The Russian orthography was made simpler by unifying several adjectival and pronominal inflections, replacing the letters ѣ (Yat) with е, і (depending on the context of Moscovian pronunciation) and ѵ with и, ѳ with ф, and dropping the archaic mute yer, including the ъ (the "hard sign") in final position following consonants (thus eliminating practically the last graphical remnant of the Old Slavonic open-syllable system).

South Jutlandic

Called Fjoldedansk after the village Fjolde (German: Viöl) or sydslesvigsk (southern Schleswigian), the dialect had many archaic features otherwise lost in Danish, such as verbs fully inflected in person and number.


In recent developments of stylistic variation analysis scholars such as Allan Bell, Barbara Johnstone, Natalie Schilling-Estes have been focusing on initiative dimension of style-shifting, which occurs when speakers proactively choose among various linguistic resources (e.g. dialectal, archaic or vernacular forms) in order to present themselves in a specific way.

Tamil bell

Some of the characters in the inscription are of an archaic form no longer seen in modern Tamil script, thus suggesting that the bell could be about 500 years old, possibly from the Later Pandya period.


Tret, often termed "Trett", an archaic deduction once made from the gross weight of goods.

Unvarnished New Testament

English-speaking Christians such as Helen Barrett Montgomery, Clarence Jordan, Olaf M. Norlie, Kenneth N. Taylor, Jay P. Green and Richard Francis Weymouth have long expressed dissatisfaction with older, archaic-sounding Bible translations.

Upside Down

Linguistically the song is notable for its use of the archaic form of the second person singular pronoun, Thou/Thee, in the phrase: "Respectfully I say to thee I'm aware that you're cheatin'."

Webster's Revision

Noah Webster's 1833 limited revision of the King James Bible focused mainly on replacing archaic words and making simple grammatical changes.


Idu script, archaic writing system which represents the Korean language using hanja

Zero copula

The present tense of the copula in Russian was in common use well into the 19th Century (as attested in the works of Fyodor Dostoyevsky) but is now used only for archaic effect.

see also