
unusual facts about identified


Amazed (feat. Lil Mama) was also supposed to be the second single from the album, but was not released either.


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Western scholar Josias Leslie Porter identified al-Qurayya with the Biblical "Kerioth" mentioned by Jeremiah as one of the cities in the plain of Moab.

Alfred Whitmore

Major Alfred Whitmore (1876–1946) was an English pathologist who, together with C.S. Krishnaswami, identified Burkholderia pseudomallei, the causative agent of melioidosis (also known as "Whitmore's disease") in opium addicts in Rangoon in 1911.


Anastasius Bibliothecarius (c. 810–878) – librarian of the Church of Rome, scholar and statesman, sometimes identified as an Antipope


The 19th-century researchers writing for the Hakluyt Society thought Anhai (Gan-hai) was the port of "Tansuso" visited by Martín de Rada, but later research identified Tansuso as


Projects in Burkina Faso have been led in 1994 to use a red desoxy-3-anthocyanin pigment identified as apigenindin from Sorghum in the dyeing industry.


In recent times Dionysias was firstly identified as Sweida by William Henry Waddington.


Guesses as to the identity of this star have included the polestar, the planet Venus, Sirius and the star Rigel which forms the toe of the constellation Orion, though if Aurvandil is to be identified with the constellation Orion one would expect to find Aurvandil himself being translated into the sky, not just his toe.


Among those identified were Emilio Gnutti; Stefano Ricucci, owner of Magiste previously implicated in the murky inflation of RCS; the Lonatis; and Danilo Coppola.

Buff-breasted Buttonquail

Sites identified by BirdLife International as being important for Buff-breasted Buttonquail conservation are the Iron and McIlwraith Ranges, and the Morehead River of Far North Queensland.

Chromatic circle

The group Z {12} has four generators, which can be identified with the ascending and descending semitones and the ascending and descending perfect fifths.


The first thirteen were isolated and identified in 1994 by Lucia Kuhn-Nentwig, Johann Schaller, and Wolfgang Nentwig of the Zoological Institute at the University of Bern, Switzerland.

Dave Schildkraut

Schildkraut's playing was fluid and brilliant in pure bebop style: so much so that, during a blindfold test for Down Beat, Charles Mingus mistakenly identified him as Charlie Parker.

Drew, Oregon

At one time Drew's economy was based primarily on logging, but in a 2006 study, the federal government identified the Milo-Tiller-Drew area as a "community of concern" because of the negative impact the Northwest Forest Plan had on it.

Economics of nuclear power plants

As of July 2013, economist Mark Cooper has identified some US nuclear power plants that face particularly significant challenges to their continued operation due to regulatory challenges by local politicians.

Emperor Guangwu of Han

Some Russian archaeologists have identified a Han-era Chinese-style palace unearthed near Abakan (in Southern Siberia) in 1941–45 as Lu Fang's residence after he had left China for the lands of the Xiongnu.


Some sources state that many apples identified as Foxwhelp today are not, in fact, the original variety, which came to be known as "Old Foxwhelp" to distinguish it from later sports (such as "Improved Foxwhelp", developed by H. P. Bulmer), which were selected from the original cultivar.

Geoffrey Ashe

Ashe has also helped demonstrate, through acting as secretary to a dig undertaken by Dr. Ralegh Radford in 1966-70, that Cadbury Castle in Somerset, identified as Camelot by the sixteenth-century antiquary John Leland, was actually refortified in the latter part of the fifth century, in works as yet unparalleled elsewhere in Britain at the time.

Greater Blue Mountains Area

The greater Blue Mountains region has been identified by BirdLife International as an Important Bird Area (IBA) because it supports a high proportion of the global populations of the range-restricted Rockwarbler as well as populations of Flame Robins, Diamond Firetails and Pilotbirds.

Hemispatial neglect

Although hemispatial neglect has been identified following left hemisphere damage (resulting in the neglect of the right side of space), it is most common after damage to the right hemisphere.

Hen and Chicken Islands

The islands have been identified as an Important Bird Area, by BirdLife International because they are home to a breeding population of about 500 pairs of Pycroft's Petrels.

History of the horse in South Asia

Horse remains from the Harappan site Surkotada (dated to 2400-1700 BC) have been identified by A.K. Sharma as Equus ferus caballus.

Horse goddess

Étaín, identified as a horse goddess in some versions of Irish Mythology

Icelandic Society for the Protection of Birds

The society has identified and campaigned for the conservation and protection of some important ares and has even helped establish a reserve east of the Ölfusá River, and North of Eyrarbakki, the Flói Nature Reserve (in co-operation with the Árborg community).

Internet in Cuba

According to Boris Moreno Cordoves, Deputy Minister of Informatics and Communications, the Torricelli Act (part of the United States embargo against Cuba) identified the telecommunications sector as a tool for subversion of the 1959 Cuban Revolution, and the necessary technology has been conditioned by counter-revolutionaries, but is also seen as essential for Cuba’s economic development.

Jasaw Chan K'awiil

Jasaw Chan K'awiil I (reigned 682-734 CE), ruler of the Maya city-state of Tikal identified as 26th in dynastic line from the founder, brought about a resurgence in Tikal's political fortunes

Jayne Furlong

Her remains were discovered buried deep under a sand dune at Sunset Beach in Port Waikato on 19 May 2012, being identified by DNA.


Dakshina Kosala Kingdom, a colony of Kosala kings identified to be the Chhattisgarh state and western Orissa region of India

Leonard Leo

In July 2013, Leo was identified as a key member of Groundswell, a secretive coalition of right wing activists and journalists attempting to make radical political change behind the scenes.

Listeria Hfq binding LhrA

Listeria Hfq binding LhrA is a ncRNA that was identified by screening for RNA molecules which co-immunoprecipitated with the RNA chaperone Hfq.


Ronald F. Duska, holder of the Charles Lamont Post Chair of Ethics and the Professions at The American College, extends Ladd's objection, saying that it is a perversion of ethics and virtue for one's self-will to be identified with anything, as Royce would have it.

Martel, Lot

There is a museum containing items from Puy d'Issolud, a local Gallic archaeological site which has been identified as Uxellodunum, besieged by Julius Caesar in 51 BC.

Methyl salicylate

The compound methyl salicylate was first isolated (from the plant Gaultheria procumbens) in 1843 by the French chemist Auguste André Thomas Cahours (1813-1891), who identified it as an ester of salicylic acid and methanol.

Minuscule 104

Bart D. Ehrman identified this reading as Orthodox corrupt reading.


The first myotoxin to be identified and isolated was crotamine, from the venom of Crotalus durissus terrificus, a tropical South American rattlesnake, by Brazilian scientist José Moura Gonçalves, in the 1950s.


Key genes and enzymes for ergot alkaloid biosynthesis have been identified in epichloae and include dmaW, encoding dimethylallyl-tryptophan synthase and lpsA, a non-ribosomal peptide synthetase.

Panicum mosaic virus

PMV was identified in 1953, and is known to infect switchgrass, centipedegrass and St. Augustine Grass.


Paradip has been identified for development as one of the six major petroleum, chemicals and petrochemical investment regions (PCPIRs) in India, along the lines of Pudong in China, Rotterdam in Europe and Houston in North America.

Paul Procopolis

The recording of the second Chopin concerto has been identified as that of the Brazilian pianist Carmen Vitis Adnet (who lived in Vienna and was married to pianist Hans Graf) with the Vienna Symphony under Hans Swarowsky.

Pilliga forest

A 4,909 km2 tract of land, including the forest and the nearby Warrumbungle National Park, has been identified by BirdLife International as an Important Bird Area (IBA) because it supports populations of Painted Honeyeaters and Diamond Firetails.

Richard Auguste Morse

RAM and other rasin bands were strongly identified with Aristide and his political party, Lavalas.

Robert de Grandmesnil

Robert was a member of the de Grandmesnil family and also identified closely with his mother's Giroie family of Échauffour and Montreuil-l'Argillé, members of which family were vassals as well as rivals of the de Bellême family.

Small nucleolar RNA Z119

Plant snoRNA Z119 was identified in a screen of Oryza sativa.

Small nucleolar RNA Z267

Plant snoRNA Z267 was identified in a screen of Oryza sativa.

South Ronaldsay child abuse scandal

The objects seized during the raids were later returned; they included a videotape of the TV show Blackadder, a detective novel by Ngaio Marsh, and a model aeroplane made by one of the children from two pieces of wood, which was identified by social workers as a "wooden cross".


On TV, he was played by Joop Doderer, who became so identified with the part that the Dutch expression for the most extreme form of typecasting, where an actor is identified with just one single character, is called the Swiebertje-effect.

The Book of Giants

In 1904, German expeditions to Central Asia (Turpan in present northwest China) brought back many fragments of Manichaean holy texts, some of which were identified as belonging to The Book of Giants.

Tim Walberg

Entering the 2008 race, Walberg was identified by Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee chairman Chris Van Hollen as one of the most vulnerable Republican incumbents in congress.


Theodore Davis identified the Queen and her husband in a cache of jewelry found in tomb KV56 in the Valley of the Kings.

Ze'ev Chafets

After the first primaries of the 2010 U.S. election season, Chafets identified Rush Limbaugh as "the brains and the spirit behind" the Republican Party's "resurgence" in the wake of the 2008 election of President Barack Obama.

see also