
unusual facts about jackfruit


Henry Yule translated the book in Jordanus Catalani's (f. 1321–1330) Mirabilia descripta: the wonders of the East.


Jackfruit | jackfruit |


The main area is made up of 68 terraces and planted with spices crops like clove, nutmeg, cinnamon, pepper, and vanilla and fruits like mangosteen, jack, durain, litchi, longsal, carambola, grape fruits, rose apple and mango.

Esala Perahera

The Kandy Esala Perahera begins with the Kap Situveema or Kappa, in which a sanctified young Jackfruit tree (Artocarpus integrifolia) is cut and planted in the premises of each of the four Devales dedicated to the four guardian gods Natha, Vishnu, Katharagama and the goddess Pattini.


Rice flour (Pithaguri in Assamese) is fried and served with hot milk, jaggery and sometimes with ripe banana or ripe jackfruit.

Kim Bồng woodworking village

The village's name comes from the Vietnamese kim (yellow) and bồng (floating), supposedly after the jackfruit wood that sometimes floats on the Thu Bồn River.


Almost all type of fruits, nuts and tubers can be made as kripik, such as kripik singkong (cassava cracker) and kripik pisang (banana cracker), kripik apel (apple cracker) from Malang in East Java, also kripik nangka (jackfruit cracker), kripik salak (snake fruit cracker), kripik durian from Medan, kripik talas (taro cracker), kripik ubi (sweet potato cracker), and kripik sukun (breadfruit cracker).

Pé na Jaca

Arthur, who spends the holidays at his uncle's farm planter jackfruit; Elizabeth, the daughter of a seamstress; Guinevere, the daughter of a maid, Mary, the daughter of a wealthy farmer, and Lancelotti, the son of a settler's farm, are, by chance, on the edge of a river in São Paulo, in God Free Me, village near Piracicaba.

see also