
unusual facts about large-print

1964 Democratic National Convention

Eventually, Hubert Humphrey, Walter Reuther and the black civil rights leaders including Roy Wilkins and Bayard Rustin worked out a compromise: two of the 68 MFDP delegates chosen by Johnson would be made at-large delegates and the remainder would be non-voting guests of the convention; the regular Mississippi delegation was required to pledge to support the party ticket; and no future Democratic convention would accept a delegation chosen by a discriminatory poll.

2003 Staten Island Ferry crash

Mayor Michael Bloomberg promptly announced that the crash was an accident, allaying fears of a public still stunned by the 9/11 terrorist attacks, which killed a large number of Staten Island residents.

A Cambridge Mass

It is one of two large scale choral works with orchestral accompaniment by Vaughan Williams surviving from this period, the other being a cantata setting of Swinburnes' poem The Garden of Proserpine.

Artists' Suffrage League

The body was responsible for the creation of a large number of posters, Christmas cards, postcards and banners designed by artists who included the Chair Mary Lowndes, Emily Ford, Barbara Forbes, May H Barker, Clara Billing, Dora Meeson Coates, Violet Garrard, Bertha Newcombe, C Hedly Charlton and Emily J Harding.

Ascensión Nicol y Goñi

After a journey of 24 days crossing the Andes to a region where white women had never before traveled, they arrived in Puerto Maldonado, a small village in the Amazon basin, situated between two large rivers, the Madre de Dios and the Tambopata, along which all communication took place.

Automatic programming

This option has been used for handling mathematically large expressions in e.g. computational (quantum) chemistry.

Baglan Taluka

A grand fair is held there annually during Kartik (September–October) where Hindus and Jains visit in large numbers to witness the grand rath yatra.

Benjamin Bristow

He prosecuted the so-called "Whiskey Ring," which was headquartered in St. Louis, and which, beginning in 1870 or 1871, had defrauded the federal government out of a large part of its rightful revenue from the distillation of whiskey.

Big Egg Wrestling Universe

The event featured representatives from joshi promotions All Japan Women's Pro-Wrestling (AJW), GAEA Japan, Japan Women's Pro-Wrestling (JWP), and Ladies Legend Pro Wrestling (LLPW), as well as puroresu promotion Frontier Martial-Arts Wrestling (which had a large women's division at the time).

Blera fallax

Preference is for large stumps where there has been some heartwood softening by the fungus Phaeolus schweinitzii.

Caerau Hillfort

Caerau Hillfort (ST13377498) is a large triangular multivallate Iron Age hillfort occupying the western tip of an extensive ridge-top plateau in the western suburbs of Caerau and Ely, Cardiff, Wales.

Calliophis bivirgatus

Fraction S2 contains two phospholipases A2 — PLA2 I and PLA2 II; fraction S3 contains four cytotoxin homologues — maticotoxins A, C, D1 and D2; and fractions S4 and S5 contain a large amount (about 1 mg/specimen) of adenosine with smaller amounts of inosine and guanosine.

Car numberplate game

This game plays a large role in Richard Herring's stand-up show, Twelve Tasks of Hercules Terrace.

Cór Cois Abhann

The choir is currently directed by Ian Sexton and has performed large scale works including Verdi's "Messa da Requiem, Borodin's "Polovtsian Dances" and Duruflé's "Requiem (Opus 9)".


Even though record sales were once again below expectations, the group scored some small radio-hits and toured extensively in the Benelux and played for large crowds at Rock Werchter and Pukkelpop festivals.

Dragons of Desolation

DL4 Dragons of Desolation was written by Tracy Hickman and Michael Dobson with Harold Johnson and Bruce Nesmith, with a cover painted by Keith Parkinson and interior illustrations by Larry Elmore and Jeff Butler, and was published by TSR in 1984 as a thirty-two page booklet with an outer folder and a large map.

Earl Okin

During the 1970s, Okin started to perform as support act in large venues, beginning with folk acts such as Ralph McTell and Fairport Convention, he progressed to open for such varied performers as Jean-Luc Ponty and Van Morrison.


Baiōken Eishun, 18th century ukiyo-e painter and print artist

Experimental luthier

In 2006 Yuri Landman built his Moodswinger for the band Liars and afterwards made a large serie of alternate string instruments like the Moonlander for Sonic Youth's Lee Ranaldo, the Springtime for Blood Red Shoes and the Tafelberg drum guitar for The Dodos and others.


The city of Fürth in Middle Franconia historically (before the Nazi era) had a large Jewish population; Henry Kissinger was born there.

Gippsland phantom cat

In June 2005 Kurt Engel, a deer hunter from Noble Park, shot what he claimed was a large cat in rugged terrain near the town of Sale.


This phenomenon of a large number of twin births is not unique to Igbo-Ora; it has also been observed in the town of Kodinji in India and Cândido Godói in Brasil.


Intertriginous areas are known to harbor large amounts of aerobic cocci and aerobic coryneform bacteria which are both parts of normal skin flora.


Jawalakhel is famous for the annual chariot festival of Rato Machhendranath which ends with the Bhoto Jatra ceremony that takes place on the large open ground at the town center.

Jemdet Nasr

The site was first excavated in 1926 by Stephen Langdon, who found proto-cuneiform clay tablets in a large mudbrick building thought to be the ancient administrative centre of the site.

Khanlar Mirza

When the 500 British troops were landed under Brigadier-General Sir Henry Havelock, they entered with little resistance and captured a further large supply of stores.

Lake Grove, New York

Lake Grove is a popular commercial area in Suffolk County, including stores and attractions such as the Smith Haven Mall, Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, and other large chain stores including DSW.

Lake Holiday

Lake Holiday, IN, a large, private, unincorporated community (including several subdivisions) near Crawfordsville, Indiana.

Langdon Bosarge

His large physicality and outrageous stand-up have earned him comparisons to Eddie Izzard and female comic, Kathy Griffin.


It was the seat of a large county, with such towns, as Proszowice, Słomniki and Książ Wielki.

Muon spin spectroscopy

This is presently achieved at few large scale facilities in the world: the CMMS continuous source at TRIUMF in Vancouver, Canada; the SµS continuous source at the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) in Villigen, Switzerland; the ISIS and RIKEN-RAL pulsed sources at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Chilton, United Kingdom; and the J-PARC facility in Tokai, Japan, where a new pulsed source is being built to replace that at KEK in Tsukuba, Japan.

NRG Energy

is a large American energy company, dual-headquartered in West Windsor Township, New Jersey, near Princeton and Houston, Texas.


Opostegidae or "white eyecap moths" is a family of insects in the Lepidoptera order that is characterised by particularly large eyecaps over the compound eyes (see also Nepticulidae, Bucculatricidae, Lyonetiidae).

Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards

The second Commissioner was Elizabeth Filkin (1999–2002), whose first case involved Peter Mandelson and a large loan which he had failed to declare in the Register of Members' Interests.

Parma violet

The d'Udine Parma violet features large, bluish-lavender flowers and a strong perfume.


:This article is about the Greek Goddess, for the bird genus see Large-billed Tern.

Piano nobile

The piano nobile (Italian, "noble floor" or "noble level", also sometimes referred to by the corresponding French term, bel étage) is the principal floor of a large house, usually built in one of the styles of classical renaissance architecture.

Piyale Pasha

In 1554 he captured the islands of Elba and Corsica with a large fleet which included famous Ottoman admirals like Turgut Reis and Salih Reis.

Programmed Airline Reservations System

Programmed Airline Reservations System (PARS) is an IBM proprietary large scale airline reservation application, a computer reservations system, executing under the control of IBM Airline Control Program (ACP) (and later its successor, Transaction Processing Facility (TPF)).

Ridgewood Reservoir

Late in the century, the conduit was extended to a large pumping station in Massapequa, some 30 miles (50 km) away.

Roger Neumann

Neumann's hard-driving arrangements for the Rather Large Band were executed by such veteran sidemen as Herman Riley, Bob Enevoldsen, Bob Hardaway, Herbie Harper and John Heard.

Sella Nevea

Because both Italy and Slovenia are members of the European Schengen area, skiers are able to freely cross the border between Italy and Slovenia, effectively merging the Sella Nevea and Bovec ski resorts into one large ski resort covering both sides of the Canin mountain.

Sir Walter Scott, 1st Baronet, of Beauclerc

They had a large family, including John Scott, the eldest son who became the second Baronet of Beauclerc on the death of his father and Mason and William Martin Scott, England international rugby union players.

Swabian German

In 2009 Muggeseggele, literally referring to the scrotum of a male housefly, was elected in a readers survey of Stuttgarter Nachrichten, the largest newspaper in Stuttgart as most beautiful Swabian word, with a large lead on any other expression.

Ted Lawson

In 2011, he started a large-scale sculpture collaboration with artist Fernando Mastrangelo, commissioned by Napster and Facebook founder, Sean Parker under the name, MLHQ Studio.

Texas cichlid

Its temperament differs from one individual to another, but in general can be kept with other large aquarium fishes such as tinfoil barbs, silver dollars, oscars, and other Central and South American cichlids.

The Mutilator

Code Red had been working on a DVD release of the film, but dropped the project when it was deemed that there was no 35mm print of the film available.

Transit of Venus, 2012

In Hawaii, hundreds of tourists watched the event on Waikiki Beach where the University of Hawaii set up eight telescopes and two large screens showing webcasts of the transit.


Urushibara Mokuchu (漆原木虫) (1888-1953), given name Yoshijirô, a Japanese print maker

West Indian manatee

While this is a regularly occurring species along coastal southern Florida, during summer, this large mammal has even been found as far north as Dennis, Massachusetts and as far west as Texas.

see also

California High School Exit Exam

For example, a student with visual impairments may need a copy of the test in large-print or Braille.


Next to the article was a large print promotion photo of Cécile, but she did not appear as a Playmate.