
unusual facts about logical

19th-century French art

The Romantic tendencies continued throughout the century: both idealized landscape painting and Naturalism have their seeds in Romanticism: both Gustave Courbet and the Barbizon school are logical developments, as is too the late 19th century Symbolism of such painters at Gustave Moreau (the professor of Matisse and Rouault) or Odilon Redon.


ACL2 is designed to support automated reasoning in inductive logical theories, mostly for the purpose of software and hardware verification.

Adele Goldstine

Adele wrote the Operators Manual for the ENIAC after the 6 women (Kay McNulty, Betty Jean Jennings(Jean Bartik), Betty Snyder, Marlyn Wescoff, Fran Bilas and Ruth Lichterman) trained themselves to program the ENIAC using its logical and electrical block diagram.

Automated reasoning

For example, in 2005, Microsoft started using verification technology in many of their internal projects and is planning to include a logical specification and checking language in their 2012 version of Visual C.


Use of the climbing carabiner was actually a logical consequence of the use of piton invented by Hans Fiechtl and tested by Hans Dülfer, although climbers as prestigious as Paul Preuss or Eugen Guido Lammer were opposed to any artificial process.

Claudianus Mamertus

The logical method pursued by Claudianus commanded the esteem and investigation of Berengarius of Tours, Nicholas of Clairvaux, secretary to Saint Bernard, and Richard de Fournival.

Daniel Dolan

As a seminarian at Écône in autumn 1973, he came to the conclusion that "the only logical explanation" for the New Mass and the alleged heresy of the Second Vatican Council was that Pope Paul VI had lost the Roman pontificate.

DBC 1012

The DBC 1012 preceded the advent of RAID technology, so data protection was provided by the FALLBACK feature, which kept a logical copy of rows of a relation on different AMPs.

Dingwall and Skye Railway

The logical route for the original line would taken it through Strathpeffer, a spa town, and one of the few centres of population, but disagreements with landowners meant that it bypassed the town, until 3 June 1885 when the branch line was opened.

Eastern Washington Eagles

Eagles are native to eastern Washington and thus a logical choice for a replacement.


The central theses of logical positivism (verificationism, the analytic-synthetic distinction, reductionism, etc.) came under sharp attack after World War 2 by thinkers such as Nelson Goodman, W.V. Quine, Hilary Putnam, Karl Popper, and Richard Rorty.

Equivalence principle

Dutch physicist and string theorist Erik Verlinde has generated a self-contained, logical derivation of the equivalence principle based on the starting assumption of a holographic universe.

Essence–Energies distinction

The Danish Lutheran philosopher Søren Kierkegaard, widely considered the father of existentialism, expressed (pseudonymously as John Climacus) in Concluding Unscientific Postscript to Philosophical Fragments an approach to God which holds that the Father's hypostasis (existence) has logical primacy over his ousia (essence or substance).

Four-valued logic

In the SAE J1939 standard, used for CAN data transmission in heavy road vehicles, there are four logical (boolean) values, False, True, Error Condition, and Not installed (represented by values 0-3).

Haim Gaifman

Gaifman's recent work include logical systems that formalize aspects of natural reasoning (pointer logic for solving the semantic paradoxes, contextual logic for handling vagueness and the Sorites paradox), phenomena of self-reference, metaphysical realism, philosophy of logic, philosophy of mathematics, Frege, Russell, and the early Wittgenstein.

JavaScript syntax

Douglas Crockford advocates the terms "truthy" and "falsy" to describe how values of various types behave when evaluated in a logical context, especially in regard to edge cases.

Logical access control

Logical access controls are tools used for identification, authentication, authorization, and accountability in computer information systems.


Lookahead carry unit, a logical unit in digital circuit design used to decrease calculation time in adder units

Matthias McDonnell Bodkin

His character Paul Beck, a private detective with comfortable lodgings in Chester, was an Irish Sherlock Holmes with a very original yet logical method for detecting crime.

Middle Ground

Argument to moderation, a logical fallacy that states that the "middle ground" is always correct

Mistralian norm

Its aim is to make Provençal Occitan orthography more logical, relying on a mix of traditional spelling and French spelling conventions.


NAND gate, an electronic gate that implements a logical NAND


Nayachar has emerged as the most logical option for a major chemical hub as the land belongs to the state government and the area being largely uninhabited.

Nino Cocchiarella

, Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague (1981) and "The Development of the Theory of Logical Types and the Notion of a Logical Subject in Russell's Early Philosophy", Synthèse, vol.

Obhishopto Nighty

The story of the film revolves around a cursed nightie which changes hands in a logical manner, not magically.

Ontological commitment

Quine's criterion can be seen as a logical development of the methods of Bertrand Russell and G.E. Moore, who assumed that one must accept the existence of entities corresponding to the singular terms use in statements one accepts, unless and until one finds systematic methods of paraphrase that eliminate these terms.

Operational Requirement F.155

Saunders-Roe came up with the P.187: a logical progression from the SR.53 and SR.177 mixed power (rocket and jet engines) interceptors.

Pentium D

The processor was based on the dual-core Pentium D branded Smithfield, but with Hyper-threading enabled, thus any operating system saw four logical processors (two physical and two virtual).

Philo's view of God

But Philo, who was a pious Jew, could not accept the un-Jewish, pagan conception of the world and the irreligious attitude which would have been the logical result of his own system; and so he accepted the Stoic doctrine of the immanence of God, which led him to statements opposed to those he had previously made.


Other theorists, such as Dmitri Tymoczko, respond that the notion of "tonality" is a psychological, not a logical notion (Tymoczko 2002, 84).


Finally, the name suggests PostBooks as a logical step of progression for businesses that have outgrown the popular QuickBooks small business accounting product by Intuit.

Pother Kanta

It is one of the first forays that Sharadindu took in the realm of creating a mature logical detective moulded in the pattern of Sherlock Holmes in the Bengali language, and one that Bengalis could immediately identify with.

Project Joshua Blue

This helps Watson twofold; one, it allows Watson to determine what specifically is being asked, and two, it allows Watson to come up with an answer that makes logical sense (i.e. answering "orange" to a question asking for the name of America's first president would not make sense, while answering "George Washington" would).


In later versions the physical keyboard was disposed of and replaced with a logical keypad represented as a quadrant on the user's screen mapped to standard QWERTY keyboard (F1-F12) function keys.


Before the Middle Ages there was a logical debate among Islamic logicians, philosophers and theologians over whether the term qiyas refers to analogical reasoning, inductive reasoning or categorical syllogism.


Following the 1998 merger of Daimler-Benz and Chrysler Corp. (which became "DaimlerChrysler"), Renntech began expanding into the Chrysler category - beginning with the Chrysler Crossfire, a car based heavily on Mercedes-Benz SLK components (a logical move, as Chryslers began to utilize more Mercedes-Benz parts, more of Renntech's components became compatible).

Richard Waldinger

In collaboration with Zohar Manna, of Stanford University, Waldinger developed nonclausal resolution, a form of resolution that did not require the translation of logical sentences into a restricted clausal form.

Rudolf Carnap

In the U.S, the concept of logical syntax helped the development of natural language processing and compiler design (the Parrot virtual machine and LLVM).


Lee (Calum Worthy) – is an intelligent, savvy and logical individual with a strong scientific mind.

TAPAAL Model Checker

The TAPAAL tool offers a graphical editor for drawing TAPN models, simulator for experimenting with the designed nets and a verification environment that automatically answers logical queries formulated in a subset of CTL logic (essentially EF, EG, AF, AG formulae without nesting).

The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

Laurence Perrine wrote, "the poem presents the apparently random thoughts going through a person's head within a certain time interval, in which the transitional links are psychological rather than logical".

The Man in Half Moon Street

It bears some comparison to Oscar Wilde's Picture of Dorian Gray, except that there are more logical explanations for the eternal youth of the main character.

The Quest for the Origins of Vedic Culture

J. P. Mallory commented on this book: "Edwin Bryant's The Quest for the Origins of Vedic Culture ... systematically exposes the logical weaknesses of most of the arguments that support the consensus of either side. This is not only an important work in the field of Indo-Aryan studies but a long overdue challenge for scholarly fair play."

Thomas von Randow

Thomas von Randow (26 December 1921 Breslau, Schlesien – 29 July 2009 Hamburg) was a German mathematician and journalist who published mathematical and logical puzzles under the pseudonym Zweistein in the "Logelei" column in Die Zeit.

Title of Nobility Clause

According to Lee, the true purpose of the clause was merely to protect popular tradition: "The fact appears to be, that the people in forming the confederation, and the convention . . . acted naturally; they did not leave the point to be settled by general principles and logical inferences; but they settle the point in a few words, and all who read them at once understand them.

Transformational grammar

In particular, the idea that the meaning of a sentence was determined by its Deep Structure (taken to its logical conclusions by the generative semanticists during the same period) was dropped for good by Chomskyan linguists when LF took over this role (previously, Chomsky and Ray Jackendoff had begun to argue that meaning was determined by both Deep and Surface Structure).

Transport in Tamil Nadu

Despite of full technical and logical separation from the Chennai Suburban Railway, the MRTS is operated by the state-owned Southern Railway (SR), a zone of Indian Railways.

Wesley Wark

So after the NSA affair in a talk to the Berlin newspaper „Der Tagesspiegel“ he recommended Germany to join the intelligence alliance UKUSA, this would be „logical“.

Zachman Framework

Methodologists like Clive Finkelstein refocused on the top two framework rows which he labeled Enterprise Engineering and has one of the most successful methods for converging the business needs with information engineering implementation, and determining a logical build sequence of the pieces.

see also