
3 unusual facts about sources

Monastère Notre-Dame-des-Sources

Monastère Notre-Dame-des-Sources, Kiswishi, Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, is a Benedictine monastery of the Annunciation Congregation.

Twelve years later, the monks again relocated, this time to the hill of Kiswishi, 15 km from Lubumbashi.

Established in 1944 in Katanga Province, the monastic community was relocated to Kiswishi (Kisuishi), around 17 km from Lubumbashi, in the early 1960s.

1884–85 in English football

Note – Some sources credit England's third goal as a Joe Lofthouse goal, but match reports clearly state an Eames own goal.

2001–02 India–Pakistan standoff

The Pakistan military's information sources, the ISPR's spokesman Major-General Rashid Qureshi, claimed that the Parliament attack was a "drama staged by Indian intelligence agencies to defame the freedom struggle in 'occupied Kashmir'" and further warned that India would pay "heavily if they engage in any misadventure".

2006 Iranian sumptuary law controversy

Numerous other sources, including Maurice Motamed, the Jewish member of the Iranian parliament and the Iranian Embassy in Canada, refuted the report as untrue.

Abdul Subhan Qureshi

Police sources told The Hindu that he participated in the October,1999 SIMI conference where Sheikh Yasin, the head of the Hamas and the Pakistan Jamaat-e-Islami chief Qazi Hussain Ahmad, were among those who delivered speeches through a telephone network.


According to Avestan sources, Afrasiab was killed by Haoma near the Čīčhast (possibly either referring to Lake Hamun in Sistan or some unknown lake in today's Central Asia), and according to Shahnameh he met his death in a cave known as the Hang-e Afrasiab, or the dying place of Afrasiab, on a mountaintop in Azerbaijan.

Albert Muwalo

There were several, often competing, sources of intelligence: Muwalo’s associate Gwede controlled the Police Special Branch, while John Tembo organised a network of spies and informers through the Malawi Young Pioneers.

Arkadi Suvorov

He was killed while crossing the Râmnicul Sărat River on 13 April 1811, though the story stating that he was drowned trying to save his coachman originated with his biographer E. Fuks and is not supported by his memoirs and documentary sources.


The application has partnered with Evernote, Box, Dropbox and Google so that users can centralize and share all of their informational sources confidentially.

Birthplace of Ali ibn Abi Talib

Many sources, including all Shi'a ones, record that Ali was the first and only person born inside the Kaaba in the city of Mecca.

Black ghost knifefish

On the other hand, when low-frequency electric fields are generated by external sources instead of the fish itself, a different class of electroreceptor organs is used for this passive electrolocation, called ampullary organs.


Eighteenth century Bath architect John Wood, the Elder wrote about Bladud, and put forth the fanciful suggestion that he should be identified with Abaris the Hyperborean, the healer known from Classical Greek sources.


In the 5th century BC, the Celts settled in the alpine valleys among the sources of the Rhone, the Rhine and the Danube, eventually stretching from the headwaters down to Vienna and Belgrade.

Carry On Breathing

It contains the usual mix of samples from a variety of sources, including EastEnders, Doctor Who, American Dad, The Simpsons, and many other samples taken from British Television and radio broadcasts.

Danny Bernardi

Bernardi has cited his main influences on his writing as being the Egyptian Nobel Laureate Naguib Mahfouz, playwrights such as Stephen Berkoff and Samuel Beckett (1906–1989) as well as such diverse sources such as The Clash, Billy Childish, Benjamin Zephaniah.

Dante's Equation

Calder Farris-- Lieutenant in the United States Army and agent for the United States Department of Defense, a violently patriotic sociopath investigating new weapons technology from non-mainstream scientific sources.

Det är advent

Music is often mentioned to have been published in 1981, but sources say the tune is older, and was in use already in the 1970s, as the song is published in Swedish 1977 children’s songbook Smått å Gott.

Dreamscape Online

He subsequently lost re-election to Eliot Spitzer, and the US government improved its methods of identifying the sources of illegal pornography - no further seizures of ISPs' equipment followed.

Fall Creek Massacre

Early sources close to the case, such as the Federal Indian agent John Johnston, described them as a mixed band of Seneca and Shawnee, or Mingo, from Logan, Ohio, named for the chief.

Fostex Foundation 2000

On the back of the system, a variety of connectivity options were available such as analog audio, coaxial/XLR/toslink optical connectors for input and output, SCSI (for external hard drives or tape backup units), various sync sources (video/SMPTE/etc), MIDI, and RS-422 ports for remote controlling the Foundation 2000 from other devices, or using the it to control other devices.


Some sources state that many apples identified as Foxwhelp today are not, in fact, the original variety, which came to be known as "Old Foxwhelp" to distinguish it from later sports (such as "Improved Foxwhelp", developed by H. P. Bulmer), which were selected from the original cultivar.

Gag order

--sources report 9 to 20 members variously --> of the North Korean Unhasu Orchestra had been executed for making pornography, and that the execution was designed to cover up the involvement of Ri Sol-ju, a former member of the orchestra and now the wife of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

Gordian III

Persian sources claim that a battle was fought (Battle of Misiche) near modern Fallujah (Iraq) and resulted in a major Roman defeat and the death of Gordian III.

Gough Island

Confusion of the unusual Portuguese saint name Gonçalo with Spanish Diego led to the misnomer "Diego Alvarez island" in English sources from 1800s to 1930s.

Guyandotte River

The Upper Guyandotte Watershed Association (UGWA) is a grassroots, community-based organization working to reduce sources of pollution in order to clean up streams and make the watershed a better place to live.


The piety attributed to Ḥasidim in the Talmudic sources is not in any way abnormal or suggestive of sect (Lehmann, in R. E. J. xxx. 182 et seq.).

Health in All Policies

HIA is defined as “a systematic process that uses an array of data sources and analytic methods and considers input from stakeholders to determine the potential effects of a proposed policy, plan, program, or project on the health of a population and the distribution of those effects within the population”.

Herky the Hawk

Native Iowa City artist Charles Reed based his drawing of Herky on two sources: former Hawkeye wrestler Barry Davis and cartoon character Mighty Mouse.

Image of Edessa

The materials, according to the scholar Robert Eisenman, "are very widespread in the Syriac sources with so many multiple developments and divergences that it is hard to believe they could all be based on Eusebius' poor efforts" (Eisenman 1997:862).

Indices of economic freedom

The report uses 42 distinct variables collected from a number of different sources (including the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and others).

Jakob Twinger von Königshofen

He possessed a good knowledge and availed himself freely of the sources of medieval prose and poetry (particularly Ekkehard, but also Eusebius, Bede, Hermannus Contractus, Martinus Polonus, and others).

Jesuit Historical Institute

The Monumenta Historica Societatis Iesu (MHSI) are critical editions of primary sources from the first centuries of the Society of Jesus’ history.


Lempa River, Central American waterway flowing 422 km from its sources between Sierra Madre and Sierra del Merendón in southern Guatemala (30.4 km), where it is known as Río Olopa, through Honduras (31.4 km) and El Salvador (360 km) to Pacific Ocean; forms small part of Honduras-El Salvador boundary, where it is called Río Lempa

Marcy Darnovsky

She has appeared on television and radio, and has also been cited by numerous sources, including ABC news, Associated Press, Nature, New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and Wired Science

Muon spin spectroscopy

This is presently achieved at few large scale facilities in the world: the CMMS continuous source at TRIUMF in Vancouver, Canada; the SµS continuous source at the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) in Villigen, Switzerland; the ISIS and RIKEN-RAL pulsed sources at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Chilton, United Kingdom; and the J-PARC facility in Tokai, Japan, where a new pulsed source is being built to replace that at KEK in Tsukuba, Japan.

Pietro del Po

The sources indicate that he was a student of Domenichino, but direct contact with the Bolognese artist is now disputed.

Poland Spring

Despite the name, the water does not come from the country of Poland but from derived multiple sources in the state of Maine, including Poland Spring and Garden Spring in Poland, Clear Spring in Hollis, Evergreen Spring in Fryeburg, Spruce Spring in Pierce Pond Township, and White Cedar Spring in Dallas Plantation, Bradbury Spring in Kingfield.

Salvadora oleiodes

The vann is commonly found in and around Sandal Bar, and is reserved for use as grazing sources for local peasant villages.


Sökmímir or Søkkmímir was a jotun who appears in two sources from Norse mythology, suggesting that he was once a well-known giant in Scandinavia.

St. Michael of Scarborough

It was compiled using sources from David Dobsons book regarding Scots Banished to the American Plantations, which makes reference to original sources from the Scottish Privy Council as well as others.

The Gay Parisienne

The piece toured internationally, playing in New York as The Girl from Paris, opening on 8 December 1896, at the Herald Square Theatre and running for 266 or 281 performances (sources differ) and then touring.

The Janus Man

As he attempts to discover the identity of "The Janus Man who faces both East and West", he tracks sources of information in Moscow, Lübeck, Copenhagen and Oslo to hunt down the killer of Ferguson.

The Morall Fabillis of Esope the Phrygian

A similar "trick" with the genre is found in Chaucer's Nun's Priest's Tale, which is retold by Henryson as Fabill 3 in his sequence and is one of the poem's most directly identifiable sources.

Ultra Seven

Ultra Seven is sometimes incorrectly called "Ultraman Seven" by many sources outside Japan (or in the case of KHON/Honolulu, Hawaii, Ultra7, as listed in TV Guide when it ran in 1975).

United States Post Office-Visalia Town Center Station

Following with Art Deco tradition, the architect drew heavy inspiration from a multitude of sources, including Mesoamerica, Greece, Rome, and Egypt.

Vincente de Valverde

He was born in Oropesa, Spain, about 1495 and most sources claim he died on Puná Island, now part of Ecuador, in 1541, at the hands of the indigenous peoples.

Wąwolnica, Lublin Voivodeship

According to legend, around the seventh century AD (some sources mention that it was probably 721) Prince Krak came from Kraków.

William N. Fenton

In his work as an ethnologist with the Smithsonian Institution's Bureau of American Ethnology, Fenton drew attention to existing historic and ethnographic sources.

Wind power in New Zealand

The Institute for Solar Energy Supply Technology of the University of Kassel pilot-tested a combined power plant linking solar, wind, biogas and hydrostorage to provide load-following power around the clock, entirely from renewable sources.

X-ray fluorescence holography

X-ray Fluorescence Holography (XFH) is a relatively new technique that benefits greatly from the coherent high-power X-rays available from synchrotron sources, such as the Japanese SPring-8 facility.

see also