
unusual facts about stimulation

Antizyme RNA frameshifting stimulation element

Antizyme RNA frameshifting stimulation element is a structural element which is found in antizyme mRNA and is known to promote frameshifting.

Basophil activation

A test tube is prepared with basophile stimulation buffer (BSB) including Interleukin 3 and an allergen which is to be tested.


Toxic over-exposure starts at 9% to 12% concentrations, the heart rate drops further, the victim may have more shallow breathing or stop all together, they do not respond to any outside stimulation and may begin to involuntarily gasp, belch, or vomiting which can lead to aspiration if they do not get turned on their sides.

Cleavage stimulation factor

Cleavage stimulatory factor or cleavage stimulation factor (CstF or CStF) is a heterotrimeric protein, made up of the proteins CSTF1 (55kDa), CSTF2 (64kDa) and CSTF3 (77kDa), totalling about 200 kDa.

Constance Vella

Together with John Matthew Rispoli, he might well be a long neglected gem of fascinating intellectual stimulation.

Dry needling

Chan Gunn introduced a type of dry needling called intramuscular stimulation in the 1980s that moved away from using trigger points.

Electrical brain stimulation

The stimulation of the surface of the cerebral cortex by using brain stimulation was used to investigate the motor cortex in animals by researchers such as Eduard Hitzig (1838–1907), Gustav Fritsch (1838–1927), David Ferrier (1842–1928) and Friedrich Goltz (1834–1902).

Gyula Kőnig

After having worked, instructed by Hermann von Helmholtz, on electrical stimulation of nerves, he switched to mathematics and obtained his doctorate under the supervision of Leo Königsberger, a mathematician at that time.

Hanging craft

The sculptor Alexander Calder invented the mobiles, popular in the nursery, to give infants something to entertain them and give them external visual stimulation.

Human sexual response

Human sexual response cycle, a four-stage model of physiological responses during sexual stimulation first described by William Howell Masters and Virginia Eshelman Johnson.


Stimulation of pain fibers in a pattern consistent with that from inflammation switches on a form of amplification in the spinal cord, long term potentiation.

Interleukin 10

Extensive IL-10 locus remodeling is observed in monocytes upon stimulation of TLR or Fc receptor pathways.

James Fallon

Fallon has made significant scientific contributions in several neuroscientific subjects, including discoveries of TGF alpha, epidermal growth factor, and the first to show large-scale stimulation adult stem cells in the injured brain using growth factors.

James W. Prescott

Inspired by Harry Harlow's famous experiments on rhesus monkeys, which established a link between neurotic behavior and isolation from a care-giving mother, Prescott further proposed that a key component to development comes from the somesthetic processes (body touch) and vestibular-cerebellar processes (body movement) induced by mother-child interactions, and that deprivation of this stimulation causes brain abnormalities.

Kienle Resonator System

Ewald Kienle found the solution to the emittance problem by using the resonating bodies of the organ pipes for the sound emittance, while avoiding the usual complexities of airflow stimulation in the organ pipes.


Kindling model, the process by which major epileptic seizures are triggered by repeated small stimulation to the brain

Lawrence W. Barsalou

For example, in TMS studies it has been shown that during stimulation of parts of the motor cortex that are active during leg motions comprehension of sentences describing activities dealing with legs is improved.

Manual stimulation

Massage, the manual stimulation of various parts of the body


mTORC2 has been shown to function as an important regulator of the cytoskeleton through its stimulation of F-actin stress fibers, paxillin, RhoA, Rac1, Cdc42, and protein kinase C α (PKCα).

Neurogenic inflammation

In migraine, stimulation of the trigeminal nerve causes neurogenic inflammation via release of neuropeptides including Substance P, nitric oxide, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, 5-HT, Neurokinin A and CGRP.

Potassium spatial buffering

In the study, optic nerve of Necturus was dissected to document the long-distance movement of potassium after the nerve stimulation.


Alternatively, a pupilometer is a type of pupil response monitor—a monocular device measuring the amount of dilation of the pupil in response to a visual stimulus.

Rock, Paper, Shotgun

Alongside the panel of Fox News anchors was a psychiatrist by the name of Carole Lieberman, who remarked: "Video games have increasingly, and more brazenly, connected sex and violence in images, actions and words. This has the psychological impact of doubling the excitement, stimulation and incitement to copycat acts. The increase in rapes can be attributed, in large part, to the playing out of such scenes in video games."

Salomón Hakim

At 22 years of age, Hakim started medical school at Universidad Nacional in Bogotá, but his passion for electricity continued and led him to perform research in electrical output during digestion, the effects of low voltage on womb contraction, and the calcium formation stimulation by electrolysis.


Algolagnia, deriving sexual pleasure and stimulation from physical pain


Increased β-adrenergic stimulation reduces the association between SERCA and PLB by the phosphorylation of PLB by PKA.

Sex toy

Erotic furniture is furniture specially shaped for comfort, penetration levels, and stimulation.

Sexual fetishism

For example, in 2002 Vilayanur S. Ramachandran stated that the region processing sensory input from the feet lies immediately next to the region processing sexual stimulation.


Stimulation of the patched receptor by the sonic hedgehog ligand leads to translocation of SMO to the primary cilium.

Species-typical behavior

In a 1957 experiment, physiologist Walter Hess used an electrode to stimulate a certain part of a resting cat's brainstem; immediately after the stimulation, the cat stood up and arched its back with erect hair - a species-typical behavior in which cats engage when frightened.

Stanley Salmons

Henriksson, M. M. Chi, C. S. Hintz, D. A. Young, K. K. Kaiser, S. Salmons, and O. H. Lowry "Chronic stimulation of mammalian muscle: changes in enzymes of six metabolic pathways" American Journal of Physiology: Cell Physiology.

Transcranial direct-current stimulation

This time, the rediscovery was fueled by an increase of interest and understanding of basic brain functioning, therapeutic application, as well as new brain stimulation and brain imaging techniques such as TMS and fMRI.

In 1801, Giovanni Aldini (Galvani's nephew) started a study in which he successfully used the technique of direct current stimulation to improve the mood of melancholy patients.

Transcranial magnetic stimulation

In 2011, the American Medical Association established three Category I CPT® Codes to be used for the reporting and billing of therapeutic repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation treatment services.

Vagus nerve stimulation

The discovery by Kevin J. Tracey that vagus nerve stimulation inhibits inflammation by suppressing pro-inflammatory cytokine production has led to significant interest in the potential to use this approach for treating inflammatory diseases ranging from arthritis to colitis, ischemia, myocardial infaction, and congestive heart failure.

see also