
unusual facts about wires

Michael Jagmin

He has been featured on four full-length releases, Wires...and the Concept of Breathing, Adelphia, Identity on Fire, and Rise as well as the DVD, Let Go of the Wires.

Aperture grille

The vertical wires of the aperture grille have a resonant frequency and will vibrate in sympathetic resonance with loud sounds near the display, resulting in fluttering and shimmering of colors on the display.

Balanced audio

Signals are often transmitted over balanced connections using the differential mode, meaning the wires carry signals of opposite polarity to each other (for instance, in an XLR connector, pin 2 carries the signal with normal polarity, and pin 3 carries an inverted version of the same signal).

Battle of Adré

Governmental losses are unknown, but they lost at least one Russian-made helicopter in a collision with electric wires during the fighting, while another Mil Mi-17 helicopter was heavily damaged by rebel fire which killed at least one crew member.


Category 4 cable, network cabling that consists of four unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) wires

Category 4

Category 4 cable, a cable that consists of four unshielded twisted-pair wires with a data rate of 16 Mbit/s and performance of up to 20 MHz

Chicago Lighthouse

Job opportunities included crafting coffin handles and edges, assembling various products such as electrical wires for Edison Appliance Company, and hand weaving baskets, which were later to be sold as gift items in the shops and holiday catalogs of Marshall Field's.

David Hewes

He provided the golden spike marking completion of the rail and he also planned connecting the railroad company's wires to Western Union so the taps of the silver hammer driving the golden spike in Promontory Point, Utah could be heard in San Francisco.

December 2008 New England and Upstate New York ice storm

Fire departments in Albany and Rensselaer County ran non-stop all weekend answering calls ranging from fires to wires down.

Eared Dove

The Eared Dove is common to abundant in savannahs and other open areas, including cultivation, and it readily adapts to human habitation, being seen on wires and telephone posts near towns in Trinidad and Venezuela, almost in all public spaces of large urban areas such as Bogotá, Colombia and feeding near beach resorts in Tobago.


Energy transmission without wires was pioneered by researchers such as Nikola Tesla, Heinrich Rudolf Hertz, and Guglielmo Marconi.

Effects of Hurricane Isabel in Pennsylvania

Downed wires set a Family Dollar on fire in Paradise Township and was believed to have started a fire in a church in Ringtown.

Electric sail

It was invented by Pekka Janhunen from Finland in 2006 at the FMI and creates a "virtual" sail by forming an electric field on small wires.

Elihu B. Washburne

Washburne and his brothers had hidden the whereabouts of President-elect Lincoln by personally cutting telegraph wires in key locations.

Flame fougasse

This assembly was placed in a rubber sponge bag that was, in turn, inside a used cocoa tin; four ounces (100 g) of magnesium alloy turnings were added, the electrical wires were passed through a small hole in the lid of the tin which was then tightly fitted.

Ford EEC

EEC-III uses a Dura-Spark III module (Brown grommet where wires emerge) and a Dura-Spark II ignition coil.

Gaza Freedom Flotilla

Greta Berlin of the Free Gaza Movement said that electric wires may have been tampered with.

George Charles Haité

As sales of the magazine took off with the first of its Sherlock Holmes stories beginning with A Scandal in Bohemia in the July 1891 issue, Haité's graphic rendering of London's Strand looking Eastwards with the magazine title suspended from telegraph wires was destined to become an icon of late-Victorian publishing.


Later in 80's they Acquired a manufacturing plant at Alwar, Rajasthan for Power Cables & Wires.In that same year they Entered into a Joint Venture with Electrium, UK for manufacturing Dorman Smith MCCBs and Crabtree Modular Plate Switches.

High tension leads

Radio suppressor type spark plug wires use compressed carbon powder as a conductor, rather than solid metal wire, to reduce radio frequency interference (RFI) produced by the wires, which may cause malfunction of sensitive electronic systems in modern vehicles.

Home theater

Home theater in a box, HTIB is an modestly-priced integrated home theater package which "bundles" together a combination DVD-Video or Blu-ray Disc player and multi-channel amplifier (which includes a surround sound decoder, a radio tuner, and other features), speaker wires, connection cables, a remote control, a set of five or more surround sound speakers (or more rarely, just left and right speakers) and a low-frequency subwoofer

Hurricane Fefa

A man in Hilo was burnt when lightning moved through telephone wires.

Interplane strut

They also maintain the correct angle of incidence for the connected wing panels and are often braced with wires.

Iowa Arboretum

The arboretum contains hundreds of species of trees, shrubs, and flowers arranged in 19 collections (40 acres) as follows: Butterfly Garden, Children's Garden, Columnar Trees, Conifers, Dwarf Garden, Flowering Trees, Founders Grove, Herbs, Hostas, Large Deciduous Trees, Medium Deciduous Trees, Nut Trees, Perennials, Shade Garden, Shrubs, Trees under Utility Wires, Wetland Trees, Windbreak, and Winter Interest.

Jagadish Chandra Bose

British physicist Oliver Lodge demonstrated the existence of Maxwell's waves transmitted along wires in 1887–88.

James Gimzewski

He received the 1997 Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology, the 1997 The Discover Award for Emerging Fields, the 1998 'Wires 25' Award from Wired magazine and the Institute of Physics "Duddell" 2001 prize and medal for his work in nanoscale science.

Lock Martin

For scenes where he was supposed to physically lift Patricia Neal and Michael Rennie, they were either held up by wires, a hidden dolly or replaced with lightweight dummies.

Main Western railway line, New South Wales

Lithgow is the extent of urban electric passenger train services, although the electric wires extend to the town of Bowenfels west of Lithgow.


Mennekes had a background in the design of charging couplers based on the IEC 60309 standard (CEEform plugs) including variants like the CEEplus that included additional signal wires.

Metamaterial antenna

Pendry et al. were able to show that a three-dimensional array of intersecting, thin wires could be used to create negative values of permittivity (or "ε"), and that a periodic array of copper split ring resonators could produce an effective negative magnetic permeability (or "μ").

Mimic 2

After three men are discovered hideously mutilated (their faces have been removed) and strung up among New York City's high-tension wires, Detective Klaski (Bruno Campos) stumbles upon a link: Each of the men knew entomologist Remy (Alix Koromzay), a teacher at an inner-city high school.

Minor's Hill

A line connected it with Fort Ethan Allan at Chain Bridge (three miles, with connections to Washington via Fort Corcoran, using four wires), and to Hall’s Hill in eastern Arlington County (two miles, using one wire).

Multiway switching

While a "normal" light switch needs to be only a Single Pole, Single Throw (SPST) switch, multiway switching requires the use of switches that have one or more additional contacts and two or more wires must be run between the switches.


Filters are used to prevent spikes entering or leaving the equipment through wires, and the devices coupled electromagnetically to space (such as radio-frequency pick-up coils in MRI scanners) are protected by shielding.

Port Authority 4000 Series PCC

Some cars were given two pantographs, where the front one was outfitted with a de-icing apparatus intended to help remove sleet from the overhead wires.


First seen on the 1985 Ford Scorpio/Granada Mk.III in Europe and the Ford Taurus/Mercury Sable in the U.S., the system uses a mesh of very thin heating wires, or a silver/zinc oxide coated film embedded between two layers of windscreen glass.The overall effect when operative was defogging & defrosting of the windscreen at a very high rate.

Rocket engine

400 BC, a Greek Pythagorean named Archytas, propelled a wooden bird along wires using steam.

Split-ring resonator

Just before this prism experiment, Pendry et al. was able to demonstrate that a three-dimensional array of intersecting thin wires could be used to create negative values of ε.

Syracuse Telephonic Exchange

Downtown Syracuse became a "wilderness" of "cross-armed" telephone poles and the network of open wires throughout the city became more and more complex.

Systematic Human Rights Violations Under Pinochet

One torture method which was very commonly used was the “grill” or "La Parilla." In this torture, electricity was fed from a standard wall outlet through a control box into two wires each terminating in electrodes.

The Col Ballroom

The event drew German-Americans from throughout the Midwest, and Western Union added extra German operators so as to get news of the festival out over the wires.

Unrotated Projectile

It is likely that Churchill was influenced in his request by his friend and advisor Frederick Lindemann who had previously advocated a scheme for "dropping bombs hanging by wires in the path of attacking aircraft".


The arsons were carried out by large groups of local inhabitants, who, according to American author Isabel Fonseca, acted methodically (they are alleged to have cut down the electrical wires leading to each Ursari house, so that the fire would be contained).

Zero-lift drag coefficient

For example, a Sopwith Camel biplane of World War I which had many wires and bracing struts as well as fixed landing gear, had a zero-lift drag coefficient of approximately 0.0378.

see also