
3 unusual facts about Deciduous


Anthocyanin pigments produce red and purple colors, though they are not always present in the leaves.

Reed Island Creek

They are described as freshwater forested/scrub wetlands in the Palustrine System, Scrub-Shrub Class, and Broad-Leaved Deciduous Sub-Class.

Soochipara Falls

Soochipara Falls also known as Sentinel Rock Waterfalls is a three-tiered waterfall in Vellarimala, Wayanad, surrounded by Deciduous, Evergreen and Montane forests.

Acleris maccana

The larvae feed on deciduous trees and shrubs, including Myrica (including Myrica gale), Vaccinium (including Vaccinium myrtillus and Vaccinium uliginosum), Rhododendron, Malus, Betula, Salix and Populus species.

Alsophila pometaria

The larvae feed on a large variety of deciduous trees and shrubs, including Ulmus, Fraxinus and Acer.

American Dogwood

Cornus florida, a deciduous tree also known as Flowering Dogwood

Anaglyptus mysticus

They are polyphagous in various species of herbaceous plants and deciduous trees, mainly feeding on Corylus avellana, Carpinus betulus, Fagus sylvatica, Acer campestre, Sambucus racemosa, as well as on Alnus, Crataegus, Rosa, Quercus species.

Archips xylosteana

These larvae are polyphagous, feeding on various shrubs and deciduous trees, mainly oak (Quercus), elm (Ulmus), Linden (Tilia), hazel (Corylus), maples (Acer) and ash (Fraxinus).

Artemisia spinescens

It is deciduous, dropping its leaves during the dry summer when it becomes dormant.

Balkan mixed forests

Several species of deciduous oaks (most prominently Quercus frainetto Ten., as well as Q. cerris L., Q. pubescens Willd. and others) dominate most of the ecoregion's forests, interspersed higher up mountainsides (above 800–1200 m) mostly with European Beech and such conifers as Scots Pine, Macedonian Pine, Silver Fir and Norway Spruce.

C. chinensis

Corylus chinensis, the Chinese filbert or Chinese hazel, a deciduous tree species native to western China

Caucasian Grouse

The Caucasian Grouse is a sedentary species, breeding in the Caucasus and Pontic Mountains of northeast Turkey on open slopes with low Rhododendron or other scrubs but in proximity to deciduous broad-leaf forest.

Ceramica pisi

The larvae feed on various shrubs, deciduous trees and herbaceous plants, such as Calluna, Cytisus scoparius, Pteridium aquilinum, Rubus, Sea-buckthorn, willow and the European Larch.

Chaca chaca

Chaca chaca is a species of angler catfish found in the Ganges-Brahmaputra River system of India and the Ayeyarwady River of Myanmar, where it is found in rivers, canals, and ponds of grassland, scrubland, deciduous forest, and rainforest habitats.

Cloud ear fungus

Auricularia polytricha is widely distributed in moist-deciduous to wet evergreen forests of the Western Ghats, Kerala, India.

Covert Way

Part of the site is semi-deciduous woodland which has woodpeckers and muntjac deer, and butterflies including white-letter and purple hair-streaks.


The general common name for this deciduous shrub is leatherwood; others include moosewood, ropebark and Powhatan-derived wicopy.

E. europaeus

Euonymus europaeus, the spindle, European spindle or common spindle, a deciduous shrub or small tree species

Eastern Himalayan broadleaf forests

In the deciduous forests meanwhile the predominant tree species are Himalayan Maple (Acer campbellii), Juglans regia, Alnus nepalensis, Betula alnoides, Betula utilis, and Echinocarpus dasycarpus.

Enemion biternatum

Enemion biternatum (also Isopyrum biternatum), commonly known as the False Rue-anemone, is a spring ephemeral native to moist deciduous woodland in the eastern United States and extreme southern Ontario.

Erythrina zeyheri

The Plough-breaker (Erythrina zeyheri, named after Karl Zeyher) is a deciduous subshrub from South Africa and Lesotho growing no more than 60 cm tall.

F. japonica

Fagus japonica, the Japanese blue beech, a deciduous tree species native to Japan


The symbol of the mountain is Heldreich's mountain maple (Acer heldreichii), building beautiful and well-preserved deciduous and mixed-type forests.

Haploa colona

The larvae feed on a wide range of plants, but mainly deciduous shrubs and trees such as Malus, Fraxinus and Celtis species.


European nettle tree, (Celtis australis), a deciduous tree with edible dark purple, sweet berry-like fruit.

Hypagyrtis unipunctata

The larvae feed on the leaves of a wide range of deciduous trees and shrubs, including Amelanchier, Rosa, Prunus, Salix, Populus, Alnus, Betula, Corylus, Fraxinus, Tilia, Ulmus, Quercus and Acer.

Iowa Arboretum

The arboretum contains hundreds of species of trees, shrubs, and flowers arranged in 19 collections (40 acres) as follows: Butterfly Garden, Children's Garden, Columnar Trees, Conifers, Dwarf Garden, Flowering Trees, Founders Grove, Herbs, Hostas, Large Deciduous Trees, Medium Deciduous Trees, Nut Trees, Perennials, Shade Garden, Shrubs, Trees under Utility Wires, Wetland Trees, Windbreak, and Winter Interest.


The only known specimen of I. agneshorvathae was collected at light in Bia National Park in Western Ghana from a dry semi-deciduous forest and is most probably a canopy species.

Juglans mandshurica

Juglans mandshurica, the Manchurian walnut, is a deciduous tree of the genus Juglans (section Cardiocaryon), native to the Eastern Asiatic Region (China, Russian Far East, North Korea and South Korea).

K. elegans

Koelreuteria elegans, the Chinese rain tree, a deciduous tree species native to Taiwan and southern China

K. japonica

Kerria japonica, a deciduous shrub species native to eastern Asia, in China, Japan and Korea

Long-tailed Tit

The bird's year-round diet of insects and social foraging bias habitat choice in winter towards deciduous woodland, typically of Oak (Quercus sp.), Ash (Fraxinus sp.) and locally Sycamore species.


Menispermum, a genus of deciduous climbing woody vines with the common name moonseed

Nematocampa resistaria

Larvae feed on various deciduous and coniferous trees and shrubs, including Pseudotsuga, Tsuga, Abies, Picea, Salix, Betula papyrifera, Corylus, Fragaria and carrot Daucus.

P. rubra

Plumeria rubra, the red frangipani or common frangipani, a deciduous tree species

Pandemis corylana

The larvae feed on the leaves of various deciduous trees and shrubs, including Corylus, Fraxinus, Prunus, Quercus, Rubus, Swida sanguinea, Betula, Fagus, Larix, Pinus, Rhamnus frangula, Thelycrania sanguinea and Vaccinium.


Pappocetus differs from all other known protocetid genera by the step-like notch on the ventral margin of the mandible below M2 and M3; from Indocetus and Rodhocetus by the deciduous double-rooted P1; from Protocetus and Babiacetus by the presence of accessory cuspules; and from Babiacetus by the unfused symphysis terminating just before P3.

Pastonian Stage

Deciduous woodland, increased including species such as Hornbeam (Carpinus), Elm (Ulmus), Hazel (Corylus), and Spruce (Picea).

Qin Mountains

The low-elevation forests of the foothills are dominated by temperate deciduous trees like oaks (Quercus acutissima, Q. variabilis), elm (Ulmus spp.), Common Walnut (Juglans regia), maple (Acer spp.), ash (Fraxinus spp.) and Celtis spp.

Stenurella melanura

Larvae develop in rotten wood of deciduous and coniferous trees, especially Castanea sativa.

Syneta albida

It feeds on the leaves of various deciduous trees: Quince (Cydonia), plum (Prunus), pear (Pyrus) and currant (Ribes).

Terre-de-Haut racer

Alsophis sanctonum occurs along mangrove edges, roadsides, gardens, wooded areas, preferentially in semi-deciduous forest with Pimenta racemosa, Pisonia grandis, Guapinol, and Bursera simaruba.

Tresco Abbey Gardens

The first were mainly deciduous trees such as, elm (Ulmus sp), sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus), oak (Rubus sp) and poplar (Poplar sp), and later he planted Monterey cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa) and Monterey pine (Pinus radiata) which are fast growing and suited to coastal conditions.

see also