
unusual facts about Altar


Inside, there is a side altar from a German workshop that was built between 1510-20.

Aachen Altar

The Aachen Altar (de: Aachener Altar) or Passion Altar (Passionsaltar) is a late gothic passion triptych in the Aachen Cathedral Treasury, made by the so-called Master of the Aachen Altar around 1515/20 in Cologne, Germany.

Aeterni Patris

This high regard was most especially evident during the Council of Trent, in which his Summa was laid “upon the altar, together with sacred Scripture and the decrees of the supreme Pontiffs.”


In Roman Catholic usage, when commonly called an ambry, it is traditionally located in the sanctuary (as in, the altar area) of a church or in the Baptistery, and is used for the storage of the oils used in sacraments: Oil of catechumens (indicated by the Latin letters O.C.), Oil of the Sick (O.I.), and Sacred Chrism (S.C.).

Altar of Domitius Ahenobarbus

The Altar of Domitius Ahenobarbus is an ancient Roman monument once thought to be an altar, discovered in the Campus Martius.

Archibald Keightley Nicholson

The East window behind the altar in the church of St Peter and St Paul's in Ewhurst, Surrey was commissioned as a memorial window for Captain William Ralph Frecheville who was executed after capture 9 January 1920 aged 24, in Rostov-on-Don, Russia, whilst serving as part of the Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War.

Bar Convent

Behind the altar is a 20th-century reredos which is topped by 18th century carved figures of Saint Jerome, Saint Ambrose, Saint Augustine and Saint Gregory which support a Spanish Ivory crucifix.

Basel Historical Museum

Leading highlights include: the Basel Cathedral treasure, the Basel and Strasbourg tapestries, the fragments of Basel’s dance of death, altars and ecclesiastical graphic works, the estate of Erasmus of Rotterdam, the coin cabinet and glass painting.

Brig o' Balgownie

He had left monies and annual rents to the altar of St John the Apostle in the Church of St Nicholas.

Burton, Wiltshire

The altar is crowned with a late nineteenth century reredos, which is a Doulton terracotta panel of the Last Supper by George Tinworth.

Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, Providence

The main altar is built of Verde Issoire, a green marble quarried in the French Alps.

Clementine Chapel

The altar structure of the chapel was formally consecrated in 1123 by Pope Callixtus II.

Cremona Cathedral

The wooden choir, with inlay work by Platina (1482-1490), and the contemporary large altar cross in silver and gold, by Ambrogio Pozzi and Agostino Sacchi (1478), in the right aisle of the northern transept, are also notable.

El Escorial

To decorate the reredos, or altar screens, the king's preferences were Michelangelo or Titian, but both of these giants were already more than eighty years old and in frail health.

Ephesos Museum

After being burned down in the 4th century BC, it was rebuilt, during which the sacrificial altar to Artemis was encircled with a spectacular surrounding wall.

Esterbrook, Wyoming

In 1946 the Esterbrook Community Church (one of 29 mission churches in the Episcopal Missionary District of Wyoming) was built with a window behind the altar with a view to Laramie Peak.

Eutropius of Orange

His remains are interred in the Altar of St Mary Magdalene's Chapel at the London Oratory.

Francis Hare-Naylor

In April 1815 he died, after a lingering illness, at Tours, and was buried beneath the altar of Hurstmonceaux Church.

Gertrude of Nivelles

The first miracle attributed of Gertrude in the Vita Sanctae Geretrudis takes place at the altar of St. Sixtus the martyr as Gertrude was standing in prayer.

Giacinto Calandrucci

He also painted two works for the main altar and the Cimini Chapel of Roman church of Sant'Antonio dei Portoghesi, a Virgin and Child with St Anne and Saints in frescoes and canvases in San Bonaventura (before 1686), a Holy Family with St Anne and St Anthony of Padua, both in San Paolo alla Regola (c. 1700), and frescoes in Santa Maria dell’Orto (c. 1700–05).

Giacomo Quarenghi

It was through him that the architect secured a few minor English commissions, such as garden pavilions, chimneypieces (Loukomsky 1928), an altar for the private Roman Catholic chapel of Henry Arundell at New Wardour Castle.

Girolamo Amalteo

Girolamo Amalteo, the brother of Pomponio, was instructed by him and gave proofs of a noble genius, which is manifested in his works of design in small pictures, which appeared like miniatures, in several fables executed in fresco, and in altar-pieces which he painted in the church of San Vito.

History of Kaohsiung

During this time, Lin was told by a feng shui master named Wu Ban-hsien (吳半仙) that if he were to bury his deceased father in a "dragon cave" near modern day Jiali, leave an offering of an arrow upon the altar

Jacques Sarazin

Starting thus, Sarrazin speedily obtained employment from Cardinal Aldobrandini at the Villa Aldobrandini, Frascati, where he won the friendship of Domenichino, with whom he afterwards worked on the high altar of Sant'Andrea della Valle.

Jan Mabuse

Mabuse shows Antwerp influence in the large altar-pieces previously located at Castle Howard and Scawby.

Jean de Reyn

The principal altar-piece in the parochial church of St. Martin, at Bergues St. Vinox, near Dunkirk, is by this master: it represents 'Herodias bringing the Head of St. John to Herod.'

Jean Del Cour

An altar from his hand in Cararra marble is now in the Virga Jesse Basilica that was originally commissioned for Herkenrode Abbey by the abbess there, Anna Catharina de Lamboy.

Joseph Barney

Two of his large-scale paintings — altar pieces The Deposition from the Cross (1781) and The Apparition of Our Lord to St Thomas (1784) have been preserved in Wolverhampton, and can be seen today at St John's church and at St Peter & St Paul's Roman Catholic church.

Küçükkuyu, Ayvacık

According to legend, Zeus watched the battle of Troy from an altar near Küçükkuyu and Aphrodite discovered a source of healing water in Küçükkuyu.


Lisbjerg boasts a 12th-century church which housed a Romanesque golden altar.

Liturgy of Saint Basil

Offertory (or Prothesis) is the part of the liturgy in which the Sacramental bread (qorban) and wine (abarkah) are chosen and placed on the altar.

Mihael Stroj

In this period, he painted not only a large number of portraits, but also works with religious content, including altar pictures for churches in Vugrovec and Nova Rača.

Miskatonic River

In "The Colour Out of Space" (1927), the narrator claims that there is a "small island in the Miskatonic where the devil held court beside a curious stone altar older than the Indians."

Red Forman

This reversal could be due to Eric leaving Donna at the altar and subsequently spending a year doing nothing, or the producers use of a "Reset Button" to get the status quo back.

Renzo Novatore

And so he is critical of thinkers such as "Darwin, Comte, Spencer and Marx" which he sees as sociologists who will tend to not being "able to understand the varied, the particular,... sacrifices the one or the other on the altar of the universal."

San Nicola da Tolentino agli Orti Sallustiani

The sculptural relief at the altar of the Apparition of the Blessed Virgin to Blessed Anthony Botta was completed by Cosimo Fancelli, and statues of St Joseph by Ercole Ferrata and St John the Baptist by Antonio Raggi.

Santa Maria presso San Celso

Notable are the Baptism of Jesus by Gaudenzio Ferrari and Giovan Battista della Cerva, the Fall of St. Paul by Moretto and, on the altar of the right transept, an altarpiece by Paris Bordone.

Saussurea costus

It was offered on the specialized incense altar in the time when the Tabernacle was located in the First and Second Jerusalem Temples.

Sophie of Pomerania, Duchess of Mecklenburg

The bronze grave slab with the life-sized image of the Duchess resting on a Pomegranate blanket, first covered her tomb at the main altar of the church of the Black Monastery in Wismar until 1880.

St Andrew's Church, Sedbergh

A new pulpit, altar and altar rails were added, which were made by Gillow.

St John-at-Hampstead

These plans originally involved the demolition of the tower, but this was shelved on protests from William Morris, Edward Burne-Jones, Holman Hunt, Ford Madox Brown, Anthony Trollope, George du Maurier, Coventry Patmore, F. T. Palgrave and others, in favour of simple extensions westwards in 1877–78 designed by F.P. Cockerell (though these extensions moved the church's high altar to the geographical west end, rather than the more usual east end).

St Paul's Church, Wordsworth Avenue

While the altar is screened to give it some privacy from the big end window by a hardwood panel made from African Teak .

St Thomas of Canterbury Church, Chester

The Lady Chapel reredos features a Madonna and Child with the inscription "Magnificat anima mea Dominum, et exsultavit spiritus meus in Deum" from the Magnificat The Lady Chapel Altar has three carved panels featuring a pelican feeding her chicks with her own blood, a Lamb holding a Shepherd's staff with the inscription "Ecce Agnus Dei" and another carved panel depicting an Eagle in flight.

St. Trudpert's Abbey

The unparalleled stucco work on the high altar was created by Johann Joseph Christian when his son Karl Anton Christian (1731–1810) became abbot here.

Stadium at Olympia

Opposite this, on the north slope, was an altar to Demeter Chamyne.

Territorial Abbey of Monte Oliveto Maggiore

The church houses also a canvas by Jacopo Ligozzi (Assumption, 1598), behind the high altar, and a 14th-century polychrome wooden Crucifix, in the Sacrament Chapel.

The Martyred Presidents

At the center of the altar, a viewing portal displays the portraits of three U.S. PresidentsAbraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield, and William McKinley—each victims of assassination.

Victor of Marseilles

His life and martyrdom are celebrated in the scenes depicted in the High Altar of the St. Nicholas' Church, Tallinn.

Virgen de los Angeles

La Negrita now resides on a gold, jewel-studded platform at the main altar in the Nuestra Señora de los Angeles Basilica in Cartago.


According to the authors of the Book of Ezra, “when the seventh month came… Jeshua son of Jozadak along with his fellow-priests, and Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, with his colleagues, set to work to build the altar of the God of Israel”.

see also