
unusual facts about Anarcho-capitalist


While anarcho-pacifism is most commonly associated with religious anarchism such as Tolstoyan Christian anarchism and Buddhist anarchism, irreligious or even anti-religious tendencies have emerged such as the French individualist anarchist anarcho-pacifist tendency exemplified by authors and activists such as Charles-Auguste Bontemps, André Arru and Gérard de Lacaze-Duthiers which aligned itself with atheism and freethought.


Some anarcho-primitivists like Ted Kaczynski argue that conditions such as anomie are directly caused by complex societies, particularly industrial and post-industrial societies due to their deprivation of individual self-determination and a relatively small reference group to relate to, such as the band, clan, or tribe.

Benoît Jules Mure

Benoît Jules Mure (May 15, 1809, Lyon — March 4, 1858, Cairo) was a French homeopath, naturalist, and anarcho-communist.

Bishop Ireton High School

Tim O'Reilly, founder of O'Reilly Media, venture capitalist and high-tech executive noted for promotion of open source software and reform of the U.S. patent system

Can Dialectics Break Bricks?

The film also contains many praising references to revolutionaries who thought and fought for the realisation of a post-capitalist world, including Marx, Bakunin, and Wilhelm Reich, as well as scathing criticism towards the French Communist Party, trade unionism and Maoism.

Capitalist mode of production

Supporters of theories of state capitalism such as the International Socialists reject the definition of the capitalist mode of production given above.

David Friedman

David D. Friedman (born 1945), anarcho-capitalist writer, economist, and medieval reenactor

Dial House, Essex

Perhaps the best-known manifestation of the public face of Dial House was the anarcho-punk band Crass.


Being himself one of the leaders of the Communist Party of Italy, (CPI), his theories had, in turn, been strongly influenced by the German social thinker Karl Marx, and have their ideological roots grounded in Marxist theory of false consciousness and capitalist exploitation.

Economic ideology

For instance, Anarchism cannot be said to be an economic ideology as such, because it has amongst others Anarcho-capitalism on the one hand and Anarcho-communism on the other as subcategories thereof, which are in themselves opposing ideological standpoints.

Enough Is Enough

Ya Basta Association, network of Italian anti-capitalist and pro-immigrants rights groups

Eric Sheppard

He is identified with a group of radical economic geographers including Trevor J. Barnes and Jamie Peck, who are critical of the tendency of the modern capitalist economy to create great differences in wealth and poverty, and to create environmental problems and injustices.

Green Anarchist

Early issues featured a range of broadly anarchist and ecological ideas, bringing together groups and individuals as varied as Class War, veteran anarchist writer Colin Ward, anarcho-punk band Crass, as well as the Peace Convoy, anti-nuclear campaigners, animal rights activists and so on.

Gustav Landauer Library

Foundation of the collection was a big book donation on occasion of the 100th anniversary of the death of the Russian writer and anarcho-pacifist Leo Tolstoy in 2010.


Jonathan Hoenig (born 1975), managing member at Capitalist Pig hedge fund

Hostile Takeover Trilogy

Hostile Takeover is a science fiction trilogy (actually one long novel in three parts) written by S. Andrew Swann and published by DAW Books where the main setting is the Anarcho-capitalist planet of Bakunin.

Howard Morgan

Howard L. Morgan (born 1945), American venture capitalist, philanthropist and writer

Innovation capitalist

The term Innovation Capitalist was coined by Prof. Satish Nambisan of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and Prof.Mohanbir Sawhney of Northwestern University in their article in the Harvard Business Review in March 2007.

Iron Rail Book Collective

Categories include Feminism, Anarchism, Ecology and Primitivism, Prisons and Police, Native American Studies, Labor Struggles, Globalization, Capitalist Exploitation and Subculture.

László Széchenyi

Count László Széchenyi de Sárvár-felsővidék (LÁSZLÓ Jenő Mária Henrik Simon) (Horpács, 18 February 1879–Budapest, 5 July 1938) was an Austro Hungarian military officer, Imperial Chamberlain, diplomat and venture capitalist.

Late Victorian Holocausts

"Davis explicitly places his historical reconstruction of these catastrophes in the tradition inaugurated by Rosa Luxemburg in The Accumulation of Capital, where she sought to expose the dependence of the economic mechanisms of capitalist expansion on the infliction of ‘permanent violence’ on the South".


By the fourth game in the series, Escape from Monkey Island, LeChuck has been freed from his icy prison by Ozzie Mandrill, an Australian capitalist.

Libertarian manifesto

For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto, a 1973 book by Murray Rothbard originator of anarcho-capitalism

Man at the Crossroads

It is also discussed in the Tamil film Anbe Sivam, in which an Indian Communist argues with a supporter of the capitalist system.


MOJO HD aired original programming series such as After Hours with Daniel, Three Sheets, I Bet You, Pressure Cook, Wall Street Warriors, Bobby G: Adventure Capitalist, Start-Up Junkies, Dr. Danger, The King of Miami, The Show, and Uncorked with Billy Merritt.


Milovan Đilas, an opponent of the Soviet regime, wrote of the nomenklatura as the new class in his book The New Class: An Analysis of the Communist System, and he claimed that it was seen by ordinary citizens as a bureaucratic élite that enjoyed special privileges and had supplanted the earlier wealthy capitalist élites.

Northfield, Massachusetts

Francis Schell, a New York capitalist attracted by his interest in Moody's work at the Northfield Seminary, commissioned architect Bruce Price to design a summer home, which became known as the Northfield Chateau.

Omega Tribe

Their subsequent LP, No Love Lost, (released by Corpus Christi Records, 1983) won the hearts of many hardened anarchos and secured their place in anarcho-punk history.

Qi Benyu

From 1967 on Qi, together with Wang Li, Guan Feng and other members of the Cultural Revolution Group, started to accelerate Mao's plans for implementing the Cultural Revolution in the Army too, and where calling for the peoples to find out the "few Capitalist Roaders" within the Peoples Liberation Army (PLA).

Rebellion in Patagonia

It was written by Olivera with Osvaldo Bayer and Fernando Ayala, based on Osvaldo Bayer's renowned novel Los Vengadores de la Patagonia Trágica ("The Avengers of Tragic Patagonia"), which was based upon the military suppression of anarchist union movements in Santa Cruz Province in the early 1920s.

Rudimentary Peni

The band released its first record; a 10 song EP pressed into 7" vinyl, on their own label, Outer Himalayan Records. They have continued to self-release much of their material, with occasional offerings from other record companies. Early on, Rudimentary Peni had connections with fellow anarcho-punkers Crass, and their second 7" EP, Farce, was issued by Crass Records.

Rudolf Slánský

Party rhetoric asserted that Slánský was spying as part of an international Western capitalist conspiracy to undermine socialism, and that punishing him would avenge the Nazi murders of Czech Communists Jan Šverma and Julius Fučík during World War II.

Schooling in Capitalist America: Educational Reform and the Contradictions of Economic Life

Schooling in Capitalist America: Educational Reform and the Contradictions of Economic Life is a 1976 book by Marxist economists Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis.

Second Thoughts on James Burnham

He believed Burnham was fascinated by power and was sympathetic to Nazi Germany while they appeared to be winning, but by 1945 had transferred his sympathy to the USSR He noted however that the theme of a new (and probably servile) society – neither capitalist nor socialist – was predicted in many works such as Belloc's The Servile State, and dystopian novels such as Wells' The Sleeper Awakes,Zamyatin's We and Huxley's Brave New World.

Sin Dios

Sin Dios (English: Godless) was a hardcore/anarcho-punk band from Spain that formed in 1988 in Madrid.

Spitz Prize

1998 – John Dryzek for Democracy in Capitalist Times: Ideals, Limits, and Struggles

The Adventures of Tintin: Breaking Free

The anger felt by the working-class people of this town boils over when a construction worker, Joe Hill (apparently named after the anarcho-syndicalist labour organiser of the same name) falls to his death due to poor safety standards at the local building site.

The Market for Liberty

Mary Ruwart credits the Tannehill's book with winning her over to anarcho-capitalism.

The Merchants of Souls

Söderblom (home to the rationalistic pleasure-seeking culture of Hedonia, where Giraut goes on vacation, and also of Freiporto, an anarcho-criminal culture where, until recently, an extreme version of Social Darwinism was the only law and slavery its currency).

Theodor Plievier

Through his travels he was exposed to anarchist-syndicalist philosophies that would influence his later work.

Third World

French demographer, anthropologist and historian Alfred Sauvy, in an article published in the French magazine L'Observateur, August 14, 1952, coined the term Third World, referring to countries that were unaligned with either the Communist Soviet bloc or the Capitalist NATO bloc during the Cold War.

Tony Cliff

The Fourth International held until 1951 that the 'glacis' states had remained capitalist even while the FI maintained the position that Russia was a degenerated workers' state.

Trevor J. Barnes

Sheppard, E., and Barnes, T.J. The Capitalist Space Economy: Geographical Analysis After Ricardo, Marx and Sraffa.

U.S. Venture Partners

Bill Bowes, who is the last remaining founding partner at USVP had worked as a venture capitalist prior to USVP working with companies including Cetus, Raychem Corporation and Dymo Industries.

Workers and Socialist Party

The party has distanced itself "outright" from the "corruption of pro-capitalist politicians and political parties".

see also

Voluntary society

Anarcho-capitalists as well as anti-capitalist market anarchists view voluntary societies as the solution to the conflict between those who favor government allowing behaviors and arrangements such as non-violent drug use, free stores, sexual liberation, voluntary communal sharing (e.g. Food Not Bombs), etc., and those who favor government restrictions on such activities.